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Out-running the cops after a drag race or a burn out.....ever done it?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by BAILEIGH INC, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. Larry T
    Joined: Nov 24, 2004
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    Larry T

    Back around 1970, I was going to school at Texas Tech in Lubbock. I drove a 65 289 Mustang and a Camaro pulled up beside me on University at 4th street. We were headed north and both of us hammered it when the light turned green. Ran about a block, looked in the mirror and there were red lights coming, but they were a ways back so we both took off. Trouble was there were railroad tracks a little further down the street and (you guessed it) a train got there a little before we did. I was on the inside lane so I had to stop. The other guy turned down a side street. He got away, I didn't. The cop wasn't real mad, he kind of thought it was funny about the train deal. Still got one of the infamous "Contest of Speed" tickets though. I guess I was pretty lucky he didn't get me for running.
    Larry T
  2. As if anybody is gonna admit they did this!haha! The reach of "John Q Law" is emense!!!!
  3. Back when we used to race ave. 320 outside Visalia, late '70s early '80s, the Sheriff would come break up every meet eventually. One time when everyone scattered my buddy and I in his '68 Corvette spun around and busted a rear spindle when he hit second trying to run, the three or so cops went after the other cars and we were left alone. Car wouldn't move so we had to walk about three miles to another friends house to call a tow truck. Didn't run and didn't get caught. tried though.:rolleyes:
    Joined: Aug 8, 2008
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    Alliance Vendor

    Nowwa's almost foolish to do it.

    I hope my son doesn't try it.
  5. I'll go a step further,,it's down right stupid,,you see car chases on TV on a regular basis and the out come is never good. HRP
  6. Hell I expected you had. ;)

    The missus outran a Camdenton cop in the early '70s and didn't even know she was doing it.

    Right after the daughter was born I had traded a late model car ('68) for a '56 Effie (390 horse 390). She squealed the tires coming through the town square. We made it about a block and I looked back and said, "Turn your red lights on the guy behind you has his on."

    Well we were on our way out to the country to visit some friends. She looked over at me and grinned and nailed it. Well the the ol Ford would probably run somewhere between 90 and OH WoW. Anyway long story short she held it to the floor all the way to Greenview (about 12 miles if I recall). I never saw the cop after the Niangua Bridge (about 6 or 7 miles).

    I told her in Greenview that there really was a cop back there. To this day she doesn't believe me. I guess she never once looked in the mirror.
  7. Stumpuller
    Joined: Aug 5, 2009
    Posts: 55


    HA! im just picturing a clapped out medium olive 4 dr 71 nova with like 1 snow tire on the front and a built 400 sbc.
  8. Don't give a date the statute of limitations for evading can't be that long and anything written on the INTERNET is hear say.

    besides what are they gonna say in court the Pork'n'Beaner is charged with out running the law. Hell look up the Pork'n'Beaner in the phone book he doesn't even have an address. :D
  9. Truckedup
    Joined: Jul 25, 2006
    Posts: 4,660


    Yes,on motocycles and once in a car but got caught later and beat the case with a crooked lawyer.
    Better yet,1970,Nutley NJ around 11 pm.I backed my 69 Dodge Super B down the long sidewalk leading to the main door of the Police station.Reved the engine a few times,dropped the clutch and smoked the tires down the sidewalk ,fistailed like crazy fuck down the street and disappeared before the police got halfway outside.This created a few very pissed off cops and my avoidance of the area for a long time.
  10. 1. yes, very stupid.

    2. They aren't going to show you the ones that got away....

    3. I've run from the cops many times, But only at high school parties and on foot....
  11. ocfab
    Joined: Dec 26, 2007
    Posts: 678


    When i was younger i did some street racing and a group of about 150 of us got blocked in a chimerical complex by the local police and highway patrol. There were around 45 tow trucks hauling off cars left and right. I had a 65 chevelle on slicks with my truck and trailer about 2 miles away. I new i was done for and was going to get towed. So with some quick thinking i called Triple A and told them i was broke down with the address. 20 min later the cops let them in picked me up and took me home. There was so much confusion i slipped right through. I was very lucky that day.
  12. tjet
    Joined: Mar 16, 2009
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    1. Early Hemi Tech

    That's a good one. Those old cop cars & highway patrol cars from the late 60's are the coolest
  13. rocknrollratfink
    Joined: Jun 21, 2009
    Posts: 192

    from LA

    When i was 17 I got chased down PCH in a 1985 Cadillac Fleetwood I used to have :D

    I was going bout 45 down the street and the light changed yellow. I didn't slam the breaks. You know one of those too late to stop moments? I didn't run a red it was definitely yellow when i entered the intersection. Lucky me, a sheriff was heading the opposite direction. He didn't U-Turn right away... I was watching him drive off in my rear-view thinking to myselp "phewww" when i saw him flip-a-bitch movie style and his spot started scanning the road as they floored it back my way. I didnt really deserve to be pulled over so i said "AHH F It!" and floored it. Luckily I had about a 3/4 mile lead on him by the time he got the car turned around. I gassed it up to bout 75-80 MPH, turned into a parking lot and then out the side of the lot onto a street that intersected the street i had just been on. I was amazed that it worked I lit a cigarette cruised very slowly and carefully home, parked and sat in the car for a minute not believing that i actually got away with it.

    The car had the loosest suspension/steering out of any car id driven. When they call these cars boats its not too far off. It felt like a boat going fast on an open lake. I miss that car. I was drivin it up a hill one day and it just quit on me.. for good. Who wouldnt love a car with a V8 and 6 ash trays?
  14. rocknrollratfink
    Joined: Jun 21, 2009
    Posts: 192

    from LA

    Quick thinking! Smooth Move! :)

  15. Our group lost the founding member of our car club, the Street Kings Motor Club est 1976, when he decided to out run the police and it was his first time, died at the age of 17 in 1979. We started the club when we were 14 and all had wild hot rods by that age and several of the olders boys had outrun the police and I believe he was influenced by that. One night he did a burn out in town and the police turned on the lights and he decided to run and ran off the road in a normally gentle curve at 100MPH+ in a '67 327 4 speed Camaro. Crashed right in front of the high school, cut the car in half when it hit the tree, the front sheetmetal and engine/subframe going up into the tree and the body flying another 100 yards and he ejected another 50-60 yards. The club member who found him had a lengthy history of eluding the police, and was the last to talk to him before he was pronounced DOA at the local hospitial. This member was haunted by this for years as his influence to this wreck. The wrecker had to use the firemens ladder to get up in the tree to attach the chains to pull the carnage out of the tree. We were at a loss for many years and I for one will tell you, there is nothing cool about it friends. The police were haunted by the tragic outcome as well, I can't imagine what they felt. The '42 Chevrolet Coupe I am building now was the young mans who died, the very first car that was identified as a hot rod to me at the age of 11. When I got the car in December '09 his father was very happy to see we still cared and had the title for it, anxious for it to be completed as he had bought the car in '58 as a daily driver and had given it to his son at the age of 10 in 1972. We miss him every day 30 years later. Love those around you and bitch all you want about a ticket or a little time in jail, but live to love and be loved my friends.

    For more information on the Street Kings Motor Club and the story of the young lad whom this is about:
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2010
  16. olscrounger
    Joined: Feb 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,812


    yep--1961-2 weeks short of my 18th birthday-went out to race a 60 Vette from Merced with my 57 Poncho for $25. Took off and got ahead of the Vette then red lights way back there--just nailed it-went about 4 miles out toward Chowchilla Lake--came around a curve and CHP were there with lights on. CHP casing me came rolling up--wanted to know what was done to the Pontiac to make it run so hard--got smart and said nothing, just faster than a damn Mopar. Got to go to Madera County jail for a week (was it legal at 17??) and lost my license for 3 months except to go to school during certain hrs. Can't get away from the radios--even back then--they had been laying for me for quite some time--last time I tried that.
  17. MarkKoch
    Joined: Jan 16, 2010
    Posts: 294

    from Maryland

    Dint run but got accused of it,was at a light w/ my 01 mustang cams usual bolt ons left the light and chirped the wheels just a bit,didn't mean to(tires were a Little worn had 410 gears w/ a stick).About 2 miles down the road I see a cop hauling ass,I pulled over to get out of his way,figured he was on his way to something serious,Then he pulls up behind I'm like whf.Its a trooper and he says"you really think you could out run this" I like ummm ye... before I said a word he leans down like just waiting for me to run my mouth-I didnt.Then he precedes to walk arround my car ckecking my wipers looking at everything.Comes back to the window said I saw you do a burn out and do 20 over the speed limit.I was pacing you.I said"how were you pacing ,me over a mile back and hauling ass to catch up to me.I wasnt speeding"leaned down again "anything else you want to say,was his reply"I can measure your tires if you want"I got a ticked for 20 over and spinning my wheels.Went to court explained the pacing claim-judge didnt want to here it,but gave me the lesser of the two tickets.I got pulled over 2 more times in that car for doing nothing,on one I was doing 5 under the speed limit.That when I decided to get rid of it.Isnt there something better to spend our tax dollar on than messing w/ people for doing nothing?Guess theres cool cops and not so cool ones,got pulled over once and cop just bullshitted about my car said he had one to talked for a good 20 minutes
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2010
  18. blackout
    Joined: Jul 29, 2007
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  19. retiredfireguy
    Joined: Oct 18, 2009
    Posts: 249


    Back in '64, when I was 17 years old, I had a '57 Chev with a 283 Power-Pack. A friend named Ellsworth had just gotten a '63 Impala SS, also with the 283 4-bbl. He had been following me down the highway. I turned off onto a windy side road, and he turned right behind me, or so I thought. Had a friend in the car with me, and he started urging me to show Ells that my '57 could outrun that fancy '63. So I did. I drove that thing like it was Thunder Road. Eventually, I came to the high school, and pulled into the parking lot, so I could razz Ells when he finally caught up. Only thing was, it wasn't Ells...It was a State Patrolman. He motioned me to get out of my car and join him in his. All I could think of was, "Oh shit!". When I got into the patrol car, his first words were, "You know, you were going so fast I couldn't catch you". That was the night I learned about passing the "attitude test". Enough politeness can actually get an idiot out of a ticket, even when he really deserves it. That was one lesson that stayed with me, and came in very handy over the years.
  20. PhilJohnson
    Joined: Oct 13, 2009
    Posts: 906


    Never had a cop see me do a burn out or drag race but I did out run the cops twice. One time it was in a 94 Plymouth Acclaim. I gunned the throttle just before the light turned red and went onto a side street. I looked into the mirror and seen a chunky conversion van a ways back trying to follow me. I kept going darting around town and then my friend (who was in the passenger seat) informed me that there was red and blue lights on that thing. Figuring I'd was done for anyway I kept going. Got a way clean, helped that at the time the car was a very common model for the area and had the same paint job as about 90 percent of the other Acclaims on the road. The next time I out ran the cops on a 250 Honda Recon. Went cross country, got shot at, and spent the night in the woods. I failed to stop for a stop sign on a trail (couldn't see it with all the dust from the other ATVs). Would have probably stopped but I didn't have the thing registered. My friend who stopped was nailed with over 400 bucks in fines. Like a true bud he didn't rat me out :) That was the last time I rode the trails after that. Way too many cops and DNR officers out on them not to mention breathing in dust for hours from sport quads racing past me. My friend out ran a cop too. He was in a 4x4 GMC Jimmy and did a tail whip around a corner. Cop seen him and went racing after him. It was in the middle of winter with ice all over the road. My friend's 4x4 kept going, the Crown Vic didn't. Wound up in the ditch.
  21. 16 Years old, a friend calls and asks if I can give him a ride to Costa mesa from Corona del Mar where we live - He needs to pick up some weed (this was 1971). I say what the heck but all I have is my motorcycle. I pick him up and we go flying down Bayside Dr. which is a narrow windy road. I'm on it pretty hard, for a Honda CB160 riding double. We get through the twisty parts and I slow down. All of a sudden I hear a siren. This rookie pulls me over. He sits in the car for about 5 minutes before getting out. I say to Bob, that seems a little odd. Finally he walks up and just stares at us. I finally ask if he wants to see my license or something. He stammers OK and heads back to the car. About 10 minutes goes by and a Lieutenant drives up and starts asking all the questions. Turns out the cop was only on his second ship ever and almost crashed trying to catch us. They decide to arrest me for felony evading! The cop writes a big long ticket saying I crossed to the other side of the road (I couldn't have as there was lots of traffic going the other way and I'd have been a hood ornament), speeding (I was) evading (I wasn't we never heard the siren till I slowed down) and when I told him I couldn't hear the siren because of my megaphone exhaust he wrote that too. Turned out the noise part of the ticket got me off the hook as I told the judge that between the helmets and loud exhaust I couldn't hear the siren. I also asked the cop in court "If I hadn't of pulled over would you have caught me?" he said NO so I told the judge that pretty much proves I wasn't trying to outrun him. The judge reduced it to speeding and hit me with $50.00 fine.

    So I managed to outrun the cops with out even knowing I was doing it!

    When I was 15 I was out terrorizing the neighbor hood on my Honda dirt bike with a 12 year old kid that I was supposed to be watching while our parents were out for the night. Someone called the cops and I came barreling down the street just as the cop came by. I raced into the garage and closed the door. I told the kid, quick pull off your shirt and shoes and jump in the pool (it was in a courtyard in the front yard) and the cop came walling down the street looking for us. He saw us in the pool, asked if we saw some kids on a dirt bike, we said no and he kept walking. I swear he winked knowingly as he said, enjoy the pool.
  22. rodger6494
    Joined: May 1, 2010
    Posts: 40


    It wasnt' me...Really. Didn't do it...I SWEAR! I didn't do it. Wasnt' me. This ain't the only big block Dodge truck in town. No. It wasn't me officer. Couldn't have been me. I was at church that night. Well, I can't PROOVE I wasn't there.
  23. temper_mental
    Joined: Oct 22, 2006
    Posts: 2,717

    from Texas

    As I get older I realize what a dumb asshole I was by running all those times on my bike and in my truck from the cops at the street races. I am ashamed that I had so much disregard for the publics safety. I thank the Lord I did not kill anyone. And will not do it again.
  24. Rudebaker
    Joined: Sep 14, 2007
    Posts: 1,598

    from Illinois

    I did once and we'll leave it at that.

    I had a '67 Hdtp. from '75-'78. I pulled out of work one day, hazed the tires a little in first then barked them real good going into 2nd. As I stopped for a red light about a block away I looked in the rear view mirror to see a city cop coming up behind me close enough that he HAD to have seen me. He pulled along side, looked over, smiled, nodded and gave me a thumb's up, then a little finger wag telling me to cool it.
  25. Back when I was a kid we all had hopped up muscle cars and used to hang out at a local stewarts drive-in. Later at night we'd all head over to a nearby industrial park to race each other or whoever showed up. No money or nuthin', just for fun. This went on several times a week back then and sometimes the cops would try to sit in the dark parking lots or come down the street with the lights off to try and catch us. Most of the local cops knew our cars and a few of em really wanted to stick it to us. One night I'm rollin' kinda fast through town in my 440 Charger right down the street from the stewarts when I see red lights in my rearview mirror. I pull right over and figure he's got me cold busted. Instead of getting behind me, once I came to a stop they pull up along side me. The cop on the passenger side rolls down his window and the one driving says "Hey kid, ya think you can beat this" while he's trying to powerbrake the police car. I said as respectfully as I could, "I know I can beat it officer but I don't wanna get a ticket". They both said to slow it down, laughed and drove off. Thankfully they were a couple of the good guys.
  26. Fatbob309
    Joined: Jan 1, 2009
    Posts: 491


  27. anyone here familiar with Niles Canyon in Fremont?

    in the 80's there was a landslide and damaged road, so they put in a red light and had one way traffic for a few hundred yards.

    me in my HOT ROD Datsun and my buddy up ahead in his 70 Z/28.

    cop pulls me over because he "heard me speeding". to this day I find it interesting a person can hear speed. we were just on the other side of the one lane part. so he gives me some shit and lets me go since he needs to see me speed, not hear me speed.

    so I'm putting away my license and farting around for a minute after the cop had already turned around to head back into town. I took off like a bat out of hell spinning that little motor 5-6,000 RPM's and making a bunch of noise. I'm probably up to about 60 when my buddy in the passenger seat tells me the cop was still behind us waiting for the red light to change and he's got the lights on and turning around.

    so I figured there's no sense in stopping now and keep going since there is a road about a mile up that cuts off to the left (Palomares Rd for those that know the area) I took off up Palomares and kept going.

    must have been a site to see for my buddy in his Z who was waiting up the road for us to see me flying by with a cop trying to catch up all lit up.

    never heard anything more about it. I guess the cop didn't want to admit he was outrun by a kid in a Datsun.

    stupid? yes. I have added that to the long list of stupid car stuff I did back then
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    Did the same thing on the same road in my 73 240Z, funny things never change.
    Joined: Jul 19, 2006
    Posts: 1,297

    from Lampe,Mo.

    Yep,,,1960 ,,my best friend ,Terry Sampsel ,and I decided to go to the Des Moines ,Ia drags on Sunday in his '56 Chevy Convertable from Marshalltown,Iowa,,,, ,,we invited several friends ,,as we were picking them up ,, Terry cruzed thru an intersection ,,he gulped his PBR ,,just happened to be a cop ,,two cars back on the other street ,,waiting for the lite ,,he saw Terry drink his beer ,,( 10;00 in the morning too !) ,, ,and hit his siren & light ,,,Terry ,,being Terry ,,grabbed 2nd gear and nailed that 4 barrell 265 Chevy V-8 ,,hung a right on the first street ,,then a left down an alley ,,dragging the full length lakers off ,,then another right on the next street ,,then a left to the main drag ,,hung a right and hid behind the big sign next to the gas station ,,we just sat there for a few hours ,,drinking up the beer Terry stole from his Dad ,,we were all of 16 & 17 ,,
    the Cops sirens were everywhere ,,all around ,,,but after several hours ,,they gave up ,,and we all went home ,.,
    Iowa law back then said ,,"if a ticket can't be written within 24 hours of the offense ,,it can't be written" ,,
    we hid Terry's '56 Chevy in his Folks' garage for a couple days ,,,ya,,the Cops pulled us over days later and told us ,,"You're in DEEP SHIT !!"" ,but Never wrote us a ticket,,,
    oh,,,i was ridin' Shot Gun ,,cheering Terry on !!
    Terry Sampsel now owns a Body Shop in Michigan ,,sumwhere ,,i haven't talked to him for many years ,,
    here's his old '56 Chevy convertable,,
    Joined: Jul 19, 2006
    Posts: 1,297

    from Lampe,Mo.

    Back then ,,i did a lot of pinstriping ,,scallops ,,flames and car names ,,all Roth's style ,,
    it don;t show up very well in this pic,,but after all that scene with the cops ,,i painted ,"the Ghost!" on Terry's quarters ,just behind the chrome trim ,,
  30. jb2wheeler
    Joined: Nov 5, 2008
    Posts: 46


    The biggest street racer I ever knew was a fellow named "Pappy" Bell. He was on his way up I-65 going to the Indy 500 with some buddies and a new 56 Ford pulled up beside him and Pappy speeded up about a car lengh and let off it. He was in a 55 Olds Super 88. The guy pulled up beside him again and he took that as a challange so off they go. He would run off from the Ford for a couple of miles and get back to the speed limit. After 35 miles of this he came up on a road block. The guy was a plain clothes cop who, for some reason, did not light up. JB2wheeler

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