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Out-running the cops after a drag race or a burn out.....ever done it?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by BAILEIGH INC, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. 17dracing
    Joined: May 15, 2008
    Posts: 362

    from Indiana

    Ok here is a story for all , 22 years ago me and a buddy were out drag racing ( I got my butt handed to me ) but anyways we made it to town with no troubles ,then noticed that the cops had been watching us . They started after my buddy and he had a good 20 cars lengths on them and didn't slow up to make the turn . Well needless to say he crashed . they caught him . and he has been paralized from the neck down ever since . All my drag racing is done at the track now . But we still talk about that night ,like it was yesterday !!! And how he had the only car in town faster than me !!
  2. chaos10meter
    Joined: Feb 21, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    from PA.

    My first car no one would race me, I was never challenged once in that car.

    It was a 1951 shit green Ford 4 door, running on 5 cylinders that smoked that fucking much you couldn't see within 5 foot of the car.
    I don't think I ever hit 50 MPH in that car.
  3. tyler6469
    Joined: Jul 17, 2009
    Posts: 27


    i cant say anything yet im 21 but i will still get in trouble by my grandfather on here he is known as lawman (TOM tired old man)
  4. Morrisman
    Joined: Dec 9, 2003
    Posts: 1,602

    from England

    In 30 years time those of us still around will probably all be ostracised and lectured on the interweb for admitting we ever broke the speed limit in our younger days.

    Guys will relate tales of crazy stuff like not completely halting at a 'Stop' sign, of disconnecting acceleration limiters and then smoking tyres, of hot wiring speed limiters, of tweaking the voltage limiter on the Toyota Pious etc etc.

    And self righteous do-gooders will post photos of cars that are scratched or smashed after doing 70 in a 60 and suchforth. :rolleyes:
  5. Fatbob309
    Joined: Jan 1, 2009
    Posts: 491


    This made me smile. :D
  6. Lild
    Joined: Feb 22, 2010
    Posts: 260


    In high school my buddy had a Guttlass and we were at the town park doing burnouts over the speed bumps and got caught. He ended up getting a reckless driving ticket! Lost his license for 3 months, big fine and his insurance company dropped him. Hard lesson.
  7. thirtytwo
    Joined: Dec 19, 2003
    Posts: 2,636


    twice around away both times....shortly after they made it a felony here .... dont think ill try it again....i think all the cops here are related to barny fife ....i believe they will shoot you and ask questions later .... a sister of one of the guys with me heard on the scanner officer said " he couldnt tell what kind of truck it was.... all he saw was a red flash as i passed him traveling 120+ the only way he was following me was listining for my exhaust noise ".....gotta tell ya ... it felt like he was right on my bumper!!if you have ever had a cop chase you with those red light flashing it feels like you just cant get away...after 2 countys .... i finally came home hours later ...put truck in garage didnt drive it for months , sold it shortly after
  8. In the 70's I had a 68 Corvette.
    Friday night, late.
    I'm going to take it to New England Dragway the next morning, then from there my new bride and I are leaving for a 2 week vacation on Cape Cod.

    The Corvette needs a quick blast and check-out before sun-up so I'm throttling the snot out of it down the parkway to make sure it's ready to launch.

    It's NOT! It's running on maybe 6 or 7 cylinders and running real hot.
    A complete dead player engine.

    At the last S-Bend on the parkway I spot a cruiser backed into the woods.
    Too late for me as I blow past his nesting spot.
    Now I'm really rolling into the 327's throttle to get out of Dodge quick.
    I burn up the hill towards my house ducking thru every side street and empty lot I can think of.

    The roadster limps into the driveway,I dump the lights and kill the motor. (Actually it died on it's own).
    I wait in the car maybe 5 or 10 minutes, looks safe so I coast it down hill and into the garage where I pop the hood and just stare at the weak engine pondering what's wrong.

    As I'm pulling the air cleaner and distributor shielding off I hear a voice behind me say "When you passed me it didn't sound like it was running too good."

    BUSTED.....It's him!

    I sheepishly agreed with him and I explained weakly how I was prepping it
    for the drags and for vacation use.
    He lectured me on what a bad spot I picked to hammer it then proceeded to roll up his sleeves and helped me isolate the fouled plugs and burned plug wires.

    With his help we had it sorted out by 2:00 AM.
    He was there to serve and protect he stated.

    He's CAPTAIN now and one of my closest friends here in town.
    Funny way to meet!
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2010
  9. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
    Posts: 25,695


    You blamed someone else for your stupidity?? Did the guy in the Mustang come after ya and give you a beating?? :mad:
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2010
  10. Maybe in a po-dunk town or anything outside a metropolitan area you got a 50-50 chance of ditching the cops. Try that shit anywhere a ghetto bird is available and you getting caught son.....and you know what the cops bring with them when you make a cop chase you?..........That's right, the hard earned ass whipping you deserve!!!
  11. marshall
    Joined: Mar 19, 2001
    Posts: 780

    from tacoma/wa.

    I'm sure glad you had to be frist that day ,you saved me a big ass ticket,I still would have
    beat ya (500hp slug HAHA)
  12. 1Evil55
    Joined: Jun 1, 2010
    Posts: 38

    from Illanoys

    Nothin gets by you does it. I blamed it on someone else so I didn't have to bother with tickets, court, all the bull shit. As for the driver of the mustang, don't know what happened to him. I stayed in the park and he could have found me if he wanted to.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2010
  13. In the 70's I had a 340HP '62 Corvette and lived in a remote SoCal desert town. On one Friday night I was headed to San Diego for the weekend. I drove about 30 miles and remembered my wallet was at home.

    I turned around went home and picked it up. Now it was 9:30 PM and our local Highway Patrol should have been at home by 6PM. I leave my house full throttle for about 1/2 mile. Didn't see the CHP sitting on the side road. I travel about 3 more miles at high speed and then stop to put air in my tire at a gas station.

    Glen (the CHP) pulls in behind me and says "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
    I said "putting air in my tire, Glen". Then he replies "not here, back there, my Dodge will do 132MPH and I wasn't catching you"

    He then looked over the car, tires, had me show him how much brake pedal it had and ranted at me for 1/2 an hour. Gave me a ticket for 65 in a 55.

  14. Deadbird
    Joined: Jul 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,189


    Uh, I have a teenage son on this board. I'm not saying a thing. :rolleyes:
  15. zmcmil2121
    Joined: Dec 13, 2009
    Posts: 625


    Normally I wouldn't give a sideways fuck but nobody calls me a liar. Ever been in a car with electric shocks? They kinda defy gravity and the natural laws of physics, such as you go right, it really feels like you are going left and visa versa. And yes, the story was dramatized and yesterday he got a ticket in the mail, (thanks to the cameras on the highway) so I guess we didn't really get away. Who knows how we got them off our tails. Could have been something more important, god only knows. All i know is that I was in that car and I did see this all go down.
  16. Maybe you should go back and read the last couple of sentences in post #135...
  17. zmcmil2121
    Joined: Dec 13, 2009
    Posts: 625


    he is a bit of a exaggerator Big difference between an exaggerator and a liar and number one difference is that it is about him being an exaggerator, not me. Last post on this thread. Sorry for causing anybody any problems.
  18. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
    Posts: 25,695


    Get a load of this one guys.... You might want to read his posts on this thread... Let us know what you all think !!
  19. It's 1987, some friends and I decide to go see the Pope at Laguna Seca. I'm not Catholic, but what the hell... how often do you get a chance to see the Pope? My buddy lives near Laguna Seca and he knows all the trails around there, so we plan to beat traffic by riding our dirt bikes into the park. There's 4 of us, so the plan is to take 2 bikes and ride 2 up.

    At the last minute, one guy flakes so I come up with the brilliant idea of taking both of them on my XR500... I'm the only one who's pretty big, so the bike's cool with it, just a little squirrelly. What my local genius guide didn't tell me until it's too late is that the trail we need to run crosses through Fort Ord, which at the time was still a very active Army depot.

    We get up into Laguna Seca with no problems, stash the bike in some brush, and go listen to his Holiness. It was actually pretty cool seeing all those happy people. So, it's time to go and as we're getting the bike out and getting going, we hear a Huey somewhere not too far off. About halfway back to the house, the Huey pops over the hills and bears right down on us. We can see it's full of MPs and a civvie who really doesn't look happy. The chopper flies alongside for awhile, dusting us real good, and then pulls up and out ahead of us until it's gone in the hills. I'm pissing myself, but we're sure not stopping to wait for the HMMWVs to show up, so i gas it up a little and we make it down off the mountain ok.

    Just as we get back to the turnoff that leads us across the creek and off the base, I spot the rotor blade of the Huey idling around past some oak trees down where we're headed. Time for Plan B! We're less than 1/4 mile from my buddy's house and safety... He yells that there's another crossing further up and to just GAS IT! I shove off (3 of us on the bike, remember) and go balls out past the turnoff. Now we can see the chopper and 4 MPs running at us with M16s...instant bad headache. I can see the civvie yelling into a radio as we scoot further down the road, and I hear the Huey spool up just as we come to the other crossing, BUT we have to get the bike under a fence! They jump off and rip the fence up long enough for me to get the bars under and we drag it up and get back on as the chopper appears again. I ride straight across a tennis court and into an alley covered by trees. The Huey comes down and hovers right off the court and I can see that they're debating whether or not to jump out and come in after us, but we're back on private land. We all flip them off, just because, and I'm waiting to go because they can back off and just watch which house we go into. Finally, the pilot whips away and the Huey heads back over the hills. We made it, but I've often wondered what they'd have hit us with if we'd gotten caught. To this day, I'm still real careful about trespassing on government land...

    I've lost touch with those guys over the years, but that will always be a story to share if we ever get together again.
  20. Little Wing
    Joined: Nov 25, 2005
    Posts: 7,515

    Little Wing
    from Northeast

    see now I never knew how fast i was actually going ,,all i cared about was being first over the line
    Joined: Aug 8, 2008
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    Alliance Vendor

    Good call :D
  22. 1Evil55
    Joined: Jun 1, 2010
    Posts: 38

    from Illanoys

    I wanted to send a private message so I didn't clusterfuck this thread but you don't receive any for some reason. Maybe you are salty because you were the driver of that mustang? This is my 5th post on this site. I've read a lot of whining from different folks and now you've made me become part of the pissing crowd. I'm not the type to cry over stupid shit but whats your deal? Why do you feel the need to bring attention over a story I've told?
  23. Leevon
    Joined: Oct 5, 2009
    Posts: 400

    from Nixa, MO

    Mmmk...back to our regularly scheduled program...

    In my small town 54 highway split to divided on the West end. Everybody knows that from the first turn-off to the third is 1/4 mile so if you wanted to race that's where you went but you would head out and race back to town, avoiding the cops in town. Well I was cruising home one night and some headlights came up behind me, I'm thinking it's a guy that wanted to race earlier so I hit the go pedal and head for the turn-around. He's hanging in there then all of a sudden CHERRIES! I thought a cop had caught us heading to the race but now it was the cop, nobody else around. Busted.

    He said he put the radar gun down at 106mph and climbing to chase me. I humbly explained that I thought he wanted to race and he was really booking and that I was a complete idiot. He took pity and gave me a ticket for something like 83mph to avoid big fines.
  24. retiredfireguy
    Joined: Oct 18, 2009
    Posts: 249


    Being chased by guys with M-16's in a chopper. That sounds like some scary shit.
  25. terryr
    Joined: Feb 8, 2007
    Posts: 285

    from earth

    Once I was cruising and some idiot challenged me so I easily blew him away, and he ran a red to catch up with me. So as he does, Bingo, cop car right behind us. So he gets pulled over and I ask "me too?" and he waves me away. The guy told people he was 'gonna get even with me'. Uh, yeah.

    Another time I was leaving a night class and driving on a curvy road back home, and some Corsica 4 door goes flying by acting cool, so I decided to unwind and catch and pass him.
    After I do the red lights come on. As he walks up I see it's a plainclothes with a kid for a ride along.
    When he gets to the car he asks "Why are you driving so fast?". I answer "Why are you?".
    He let me go.

    A guy I knew said he got away by just driving around the same block again and again.
  26. Commish
    Joined: Jan 9, 2010
    Posts: 379

    from NW Ok

    It was 1968 and I had a 57 Chevy 2 dr. post. Was just getting it fixed up like I wanted it, 283 Power Pack, a healthy cam, borg warner 3 speed with hurst shifter, and 456 posi rearend. It was Sat evening on Halloween day and about dark, buddy and I had just finished installing a bigger 4 barrel carb and duel straight pipes. Backed out of the local Chevy garage and hit main street and nailed it. When I hit 2nd gear I realized the car I was meeting was a OHP, and I made the wrong move, I ran. After dodging around about 6 or 8 blocks I realized he was gaining on me. About that time we hit a long stretch alongside the local grain elevator, and I hit a big mudhole broadside, my buddy looked back and announced that he did not see the Trooper, so I cut the lights, and hit a back trail behind the railroad tracks and hid the car in a grove of trees. We then walked back to town and the Trooper drove the streets for the rest of the night.

    He was from a neighboring town about 20 miles away and new on the job, and he just would not give up, he was back every day cruising the streets looking for my car. After hiding it for over a week, I finally traded it off.

    About 6 yrs. later I was working for same Chevy garage, and was telling this story over coffee one morning, and our parts man burst out laughing. I asked him what was so funny and he said he was working at a parts store where the Trooper lived, but drove to it from our town daily. He had come to him and asked what kid owned a turquoise and white 57 Chevy, when our parts man told him he did not know, he told him about the chase. He said I had him, I knew I had him and then he went went through a huge mudhole and just covered me up with muddy water, and when I got the windshield cleared he was gone. So I never actually outran him, I just got away. Never was that dumb again, but have sure regretted having to trade that car off.
  27. squid
    Joined: Aug 27, 2007
    Posts: 79


    Had a 79 camaro with a 455 olds. Did a burnout while cruising and then saw cherries. Put the pedal to the floor and headed out of town. Just as I was leaving town my vision went black, I thought God was punishing me. But as my sight came back I realized that since my dumb teenage ass hadnt put the hood hinges back on and the damn thing was flying off the car. It made a lot of noise when it landed in front of the police car but I managed to get away. Even got the hood back a few weeks later from some people who picked it up. Couldnt use it tho, It was kinda tweaked. But still a good memory.
    Joined: Aug 8, 2008
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    Alliance Vendor

    Thats messed up :cool:
    Joined: Aug 8, 2008
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    Alliance Vendor

    some great stories here.
  30. goatboy
    Joined: May 9, 2009
    Posts: 617

    from kansas

    lets just say if it was a class in high school, i'd get an A+ !
    they never caught me once

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