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Out-running the cops after a drag race or a burn out.....ever done it?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by BAILEIGH INC, Jun 4, 2010.

    Joined: Oct 19, 2006
    Posts: 1,204

    from Ramona CA

    Did it once or twice. Once doing a high speed run cop cam on the onramp as I was passing in excess of 165mph...his light came onthen went off.

    Today there is just to much force. Stop spikes and cops doing the pit manuver. Radios and the ghetto bird...sesh!
  2. Bikertrash
    Joined: Aug 29, 2007
    Posts: 150

    from Boise

    It's interesting (to me anyhow) how there's so many stories of pulling one over on the man. Then the next thread is about getting hassled by the police. Weird how that works... Just sayin.
  3. Brahm
    Joined: Oct 4, 2001
    Posts: 487


    Lots of places to hide in the city, just nowhere to run.
  4. genosslk
    Joined: Feb 6, 2009
    Posts: 245


    I never had a car that could out run the cops or do a burn out when I was a kid.... Imagine a 51 Dodge pickup with a flat 6 in it trying to do a burnout....... I'd be picking up all the parts off the street!
  5. rixrex
    Joined: Jun 25, 2006
    Posts: 1,433


    No..but I do remember a big keg party out at a friends ranch..we were sitting on a dirt dam stock tank overlooking the festivities below. We could see the four or five cop cars coming down the road and through the gate intent on busting all the underage drinkers..We calmly rounded up a few cars full of people, lead by us in our Corvair, and lead them out the back road and to safety! we were heroes!
  6. Sitting in a resturant after a night of partying with da boys, we all get up to leave. It's about 2 am. The other guys see my 64 'vette and dare me to do a banzia run through town. I'm half drunk and stupid and place the car dead set on the yellow line and bust it loose. 327/350 hp, muncie and a 4.10 posi rear...we fishtail down the deserted main street, going through the gears flat out. At the edge of town there's a big parking lot for the train station and post office. As I blasted by there almost topped out in 4th gear, I see lights come on...look in my mirror to see the cop pulling out after me. I stayed in it and watched in the mirror to see the lights go off and he pulls back in the lot!
    I'm thinking I got it made....go home and go to bed. The next evening I pull into the local city park where the hotrods hang out and shoot the shit with the local rodders when the city cop pulls in...walks up to me and says he clocked a black 'vette at the post office at 115 MPH last night...was it me?
    I said no, I was at my grandmother's house last night and went to bed early..wasn't me.
    He says 'I didn't think looked like the car had California plates."
    Good thing Oregon and California plates were very similar in the early 70s.
    I just got lucky...I don't drink and do stupid shit anymore.

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  7. Who races in the snow and I dont see anything worth racing in any of those pictures, probably speeding but I doubt racing.......
  8. Atwater Mike
    Joined: May 31, 2002
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    Atwater Mike

    I bought my bud's channeled '30 A Coupe for $1 when he went on an 11 mo. cruise, USN Machinist mate. Coupe had a strong 5/16X1/4, (276) with pots, heads, cam, ign., and I had ported & relieved it.
    My buddy 'Wimpy' had a chopped '32 hiboy, 255 Merc, dual pots & Edelbrock heads...I was faster, but we could set-up for a city street left turn at 70, and go in locked-up, pretty as a ballet...
    It was 1959, San Jose P.D. had '58 Fords, most with the new 352 Police Interceptors.
    Our favorite thing was to stage a race, get the prowl car to give chase, and ditch 'em.
    We usually got 'em to chase us where we could take a bunch of corners, and either split up or just drive away from 'em, (short spurts, the big Fords were no match for close-coupled hot rods with 3.78s)
    One night, we were coming into Santa Clara (from San Jose) on El Camino, and we're clinking hub caps, then fast, then decel, second gear...Flatheads roaring, people pointing, we're laughing...Then, Heat Lamps and siren! Right behind us...I was on the left, and Newhall St. was 1-1/2 blocks away, the corner where the Carnation Creamery sat first corner, across the street used car lot...I signalled for Wimpy to go left, and set up for the turn...I turned into the first corner, (creamery side) and drifted a little, Wimpy took it on the high side...we slid smoothly, but close...(so close I coulda slapped him!)
    Playing the throttle, I didn't want to climb a tire, we straightened out and accelerated, heard a gigantic "CRASH!" behind, and turned opposite ways on Park Avenue. I ditched the Coupe in Grandma's garage, and cruised by the scene with my '56 Ford...The cop car had slid right thru the chains and nestled between two used cars in Blondie Joslin's used car lot! Nobody hurt, but I remember it just like it happened yesterday!
    We relied on the police to let their egos get involved, few would ever radio for help...they wanted to catch us themselves. That car got me arrested 3 times, all for speeding and racing.
    I never tell my sons these stories...
  9. beauishere
    Joined: Mar 17, 2004
    Posts: 607



    Back in college, after cruising Whittier Blvd all night, a buddy & I pulled into Cameron Park, West Covina in my '57 Chevy only to see all our friends getting ticketed for curfew violations. We crept through the parking lot and a cop told me to keep moving or he'd tag me.

    As I pulled out I lit 'em up and sailed sideways out onto the street. All the police immediately stopped writing tickets and ran to their cars. We were heroes! I then remembered that my car had run like shit all night from what turned out to be a clogged filter. I turned that boat into a side street as soon as I could and looked for a hiding spot. Eureka! I pulled in between someone's garage and a big oak tree. It was real dark. We crouched forward out of view and waited.

    Three cop cars sped by. We laughed. Heroes and geniuses!

    One by one they each backed up and stopped. Like the eighteen year old dumbasses we were, we kept down with our eyes closed. A cop walks up to my window and asked "What are you doing?"

    He wrote me three tickets, exhibition of speed, speeding and curfew. I said "Hey, I left when you told me". He said "I can't write your friend one unless I give you one too".

    A few weeks later and five hundred dollars poorer it was clear I sure wasn't a genius but at least now I was a little bit wiser. I drove by the spot we had hidden at and realized that the fins on my Chevy had been sticking out so far it must have looked like a Mel's Drive-in sign to those cops. Three decades later I still feel stupid.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2010
  10. Algon
    Joined: Mar 12, 2007
    Posts: 1,129


    There is a difference between being hassled by a worthless ego driven waste of taxes that likes to screw people around for fun or lack of anything better to do and being pulled over by a guy doing his job for a dangerous and/or illegal act. I've gotten more crap minding my own business then I ever did when I was younger and more apt to do something stupid.

    For the thread.... I think may have posted this before but anyway.... Living in the ghettos of Akron I had a faded green candy 68 Caprice with some striping on it and heated coils. APD couldn't tell it from the new crack dealer's dead factory 68 Impala Custom in lighter green metallic with a vinyl top. You'd think the registration would give it away if nothing else. Just the same my brother and I both had the car completey searched, we were threatened, patted down and constantly followed when driving the car. By chance I eventually found the dealer's car I'd heard about and kept tabs on him to a point which was not hard being rather close by on my way to and from work. The next time I was being followed by a so called protect and serve I circled toward the house this guy was staying at, nailed it around the corner and up a side street. You could have everything you own stolen, know who did it, where stuff was and have witnesses and be lucky to get one come out to make a report but speeding makes money for city. His car was at the end of the driveway and in plain daylight they still couldn't tell one from the other. Of course they were heros for making the raid. They left me alone for the most part after that and I only had my Caddy searched twice when I bought it. Officer can you tell the difference between a silver Deville and a light gold Fleetwood? You'd have better luck if you could...:D

    On other side of the coin I was once caught speeding doing 90-95 in a 60 on Rt21 at 5:30AM running late to work, no belt, broken windsheild, no lights on, trying to hide in the fog. Halfway there I'm thinking I'm home free and now on time being past thier hiding spots, nope! The guy gets me. I say good morning sir, sitting there half laughing because I'm completely guilty, screwed and late again, he half laughs too and asks my why I'm going so fast, I tell him the truth plain and simple... I fucked up. Nice guy, nicer than he should have been, wrote me for 75mph so wouldn't have appear let the BS slide and sent me on my way. I wouldn't have blamed the guy for throwing the book at me, I'd have been mad (at myself mostly), but I couldn't blame him. He even said he understood and was sorry he had to do that, it absolutely blew my mind.
  11. scaryfast
    Joined: Nov 21, 2009
    Posts: 71


    The only time I ever outran the cops, I was 17, and on my bike. (1985 RZ350 Kenny Roberts edition) I flew past him at about a buck ten, and I saw him out of the corner of my eye nearing a parking lot exit to pull out onto the road. I already had a good lead on him, and was fairly certain that there was no way he could have taken down my plate number that quickly, so I kept it wide open for a couple more blocks when I came up on traffic. A little weaving through, and then diving into a residential tract to make so many turns he would never possibly figure out which way to go, and I never saw him again. After the fact, I pondered the consequences I would have suffered, if the split second decision I had made would have went wrong, and vowed to never do it again. So from then on, I always pulled over, and over the course of 2 years, I proceeded to accumulate over 30 tickets I couldn't pay, which turned into 11 arrest warrants, which turned into 20 days in county jail. Oh, the wreckless days of my youth!:rolleyes: Wisdom would eventually saturate my feeble mind, but it came at a high price!
  12. I use to out run my mother with her wooden spoon. Only took a couple over the head.
  13. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
    Posts: 25,695


    You got lucky!!..... Every time I messed up, my mom would chase after me with a rolling pin.... And a couple of times, she got lucky.. OUCH !! :( Gotta love them italian mothers.. They sure know how to cook. :)
  14. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
    Posts: 24,032


    Not saying exactly what I did with my retired Porsche race car. It might have involved a twisty road.

    I gave up driving fast after that. It was about 20 years ago.
  15. rrayne
    Joined: Oct 11, 2007
    Posts: 77


    I was 15. Had my 54 chevy truck about a month. my mom and i rebuilt the engine on the back porch and did a lot of work in the kitchen. once it fired up i was excited as hell. just had to try her out. pulled out the drive hit the road and she was running like a top. i ran a stop sign. a cop pulled in behind me. I didnt stop just kept going. this went on for about a mile. i finally pulled over. he was pissed. he said"why in the hell did you take so long to pull over and why in the hell did you do two laps around that mans yard. all i could say was "sir....i just got her running, i was excited, jumped in took off. completely forgot the brakes didnt work." he checked to see if i was bull shit'n. i wasnt. he took me back to the house so that i could get my dad and tow it home.
  16. rrayne
    Joined: Oct 11, 2007
    Posts: 77


    AND TO ALL THE "STREET RACING AINT COOL" PEOPLE . Your right. BUT, if you ever had a hotrod with the go fast goodies and your cruising around and someone pulls beside you and bumps the throttle a couple of times. ITS HARD TO JUST SAY NO. sometimes its just in your vains and you gotta do something. We all do shit we are not proud of. But winning the race feels so damn good. ITS A DRUG FOR SOME OF US MISTER. I cant speak for everyone else but I try not to do it. I have not done it in awhile. and i do not advise anyone to do it. It is dangerous. So is texting, spilling hot coffee and haveing your head up your ass while driving.
  17. HotrodBoy
    Joined: Oct 15, 2005
    Posts: 235


    Yep twice.
    Me and a freind used to go out in a sunday afternoon in our TBuckets and have a competition as to who could do the best burnout on each corner round town, we both came out of a corner fully sideways with smoke one day, happened to glance a cross the road and there was a cop ticketing some other driver, we knew we had to run, so took off into a nearby industrial area and hid the hotrods down a driveway just off the main road where we knew the cop would come looking for us, watched him drive by and jumped in our cars and took off in the oppersite direction, stayed outta town for the rest of the day.

    Stopped at a red light one day, cop goes by in oppersite direction, see him do u-turn in rear veiw mirror, knew that running fenderless was illegal, green light, zig-zag across town taking corners without dropping below 35mph speed limit, get about 2 miles and he finally catches up, ticketed for defects on car but not for driving offenses, eventually got off ticket.
    Joined: Aug 8, 2008
    Posts: 3,629

    Alliance Vendor

    Good story
  19. Tat-2
    Joined: Jul 22, 2010
    Posts: 57

    from SoCal

    Not outrunning the cops after a race or anything.. BUT in '82 me and a buddy were in Las Vegas and decided to go to Universal Studios.. So we headed out with me driving.. Just shooting down the freeway and somewhere around Barstow I look in the rear view mirror and here is a cop with his flashing lights on.. He was about a mile or maybe a little more back.. So I pulled over to the right lane and slowed down (like I was taught in Drivers Ed) and then all of a sudden he was right behind us and yelling in the loudspeaker to pull over... So I pulled over and he comes busting out of his car and was he ever pissed.. he starts yelling about how he has been trying to catch me for the last 1/2 hour and I thought he was either gonna shoot us or something.. So he tells me he wants to see the registration and my license.. So I give him the stuff and he almost blows a gasket.. My license was from Colorado.. The registration was from Nevada and the car had Cali plates on it due to the dual state set up at the rental company of this vehicle.. He finally calmed down and wrote me a ticket for 76 miles an hour OVER the speed limit...You all figure out how fast I was going.. AND then he followed us for about 10 miles before he turned around.. I think my buddy messed himself he was so scared....
    Joined: Aug 8, 2008
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    Alliance Vendor

    I love this thread
  21. B21A
    Joined: May 25, 2010
    Posts: 7

    from Canada

    4 incidents and no more alcohol.
    1.1974 malibu w a 4 barrel 134 mph.-Ontario, Canada
    2.1974 malibu w a 4 barrel passenger needed to hurl-was stopped on side road already and blew by-Ont, Canada
    3.1979 Camaro with a new tranny-Winnipeg, Manitoba vs 2 motorcycles in the wet-went for them bikes were not top ones of the day
    4.1979 Camaro Winnipeg, Manitoba-delivering pizza chased me for 15 minutes in the winter with fresh snow on ground.stopped each sign as had winter only tires not the police though as was always far behind and yes I knew it was a ghost car and that I had better tires and they only had city all season radials, only locally not high speed.ghost car lights didnt work only siren and when i pulled over next to pizza shop fired up siren when he asked what I thought I was doing I explained last week they killed a cabbie for 20 dollars and flashed the $600 plus I had on me and pointed to my job and the uniform and asked why no call a unit that works I wasnt trying to excape just running local circles on friday night avoiding potential theft from strange vehicle following me
    Once I listed in writing all offences(multiples included) guilty of in criminal code,highway traffic act and burned it as it was a scary list by page 5 and 3 years to go to be up to date trying to live better now, noone got killed or hospitalized or jailed from my behavior tried to do a public speaking for young people but administrators would have no part of full disclosure with no ommissions-well how else to learn if not from truth-still can not go to 2 provinces instant harrassment-deserved too unfortunately no usa also. I have respect for the law now -no test pilot.
  22. mj40's
    Joined: Dec 11, 2008
    Posts: 3,303


    Not really out running but out smarting one. I had a state cop that was out for me in my Hot Rod 40 Ford in the late 60's. By the time I had drove passed his hiding spot at speed limit I would be 1/4 mile ahead of him and leave the main road at a curve and turn out the lights. It was about 8 miles to my hometown. He had two major curves to maneuver and a straight shot for me. I would wait at the edge of town for him to catch up. He could never figure out how I beat him. He always promised to but never did. The state eventually transferred him across the state for hassling teens in our county.
  23. zmcmil2121
    Joined: Dec 13, 2009
    Posts: 625


    Bump for going 5 miles under the speed limit... for the rest of my life.:eek:
  24. Royalshifter
    Joined: May 29, 2005
    Posts: 15,682

    from California

    A mother with children was killed from this.

  25. 69fury
    Joined: Feb 24, 2009
    Posts: 1,643



    -no, i dont condone it- but i've done it. I've streetraced a million miles- (almost) always at abandoned or shutdown industrial areas over the weekend at 3 am when we're the only souls around. As a bonus there's always toothy concrete paving there...

    but yeah, i've run and won. Too many times to ever push my luck enough to do it again. You get older and the risks become more apparent, as well as the consequences.

  26. Fomocokid
    Joined: Aug 1, 2009
    Posts: 564

    from Rapid City

    I've never done it but back in the day my uncles who lived on a farm would go into town and purposely get the cops to chase them just so they could take them on the dirt roads and lose them. they would get on a dirt road and turn the headlights off. they always got away too
  27. I've ducked through corn fields and trails, and watched the red lights go by before, but it sure wasn't because of street racing.
    When we raced, we always found deserted backroads without innocent victims anywhere near.
    The worst that ever happened was an occaisional dummy getting his car pulled out of a lake once in a great while.

    Racing when there are "uninvloved others" in danger is way WAY beyond stupid.
    I would compare it to shooting at pedestrians. The difference is very little. Anyone who does that SHOULD be regarded as no different than drive-by shooters. That IS what you are doing.
    Explain the difference to me, please. That should be interesting reading.

    If you have so little regard for the others around you, look up the word "sociopath".
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2010
  28. choke
    Joined: Dec 15, 2008
    Posts: 323


    I never street raced, but back in '72 I was pulled over by six cop cars for mistaken identity. They muscled me out of the car at gunpoint and proceded to tear my car apart looking for a gun that didn't exist. After about an hour of interogation they finally let me go. I was in a 67 Camaro SS/RS 4 speed at the time. I pulled the biggest hole shot leaving the scene. About 200 ft. of rubber. They didn't even bother following me!!!!! I thought that was pretty COOL!!!!

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