I'm out sick today fellas. Got me a nasty case of strep throat or something along those lines. Even so, I couldn't bare the thought of not having some kind of a post today. So, I fired up iPhoto and browsed around for some random photography. I'm not... <BR><BR>To read the rest of this blog entry from The Jalopy Journal, click here.
That's a new one...usually it's the "working stiffs" calling the boss to take off? Hope you're feeling better and in the pink again soon!
I just got over a week-long battle with a nasty throat, hope your's gets better faster than mine did. I ended up sleeping on the couch a couple of nights, my sore throat induced snoring was keeping my wife awake......
seems to be going around Austin as well...My whole household had it at one point or another the past 2 weeks
Are you sure you're not just playin' hooky, I mean, I read your post and your voice sounds fine to me. Hope you get well soon.
Feel better Ryan! Once, back in the days when I had my businesses, I called myself in dead! Worked out great... It was good to be king!
Hope you get well soon Ryan....Those sore throats are a real pain in the......well I guess.................pain in the NECK!
Are you the one that's seated in that picture with the platforms and bellbottoms? Disco, I didn't realize you were as old as my dad. :0) Get well soon. Kirk
Yeah sure! We used to call it the Budweiser flu. I hope it's the 24 hr variety for ya. PS. I love the flathead first fire picture. We've all done that more than once on all our builds. It's a great feeling.
When I was sick, I believe I found the cure all in Nitromethane. But I've also heard the salt in Bonneville is a magical elixir. I'm just sayin'.
Use a sick day. Feel better Boss. Weird. Had the same thing last week. And I’m up here in Jersey. I love Coby’s prescription. Slim
Man, that was a great day... and that same flathead is now in my daily driver. (in an F1) Get well, Ryan.
All right! The Boss is gone, I can play solitaire on my computer and post pictures of my AMC Gremlin Rat Rod! Seriously, hope ya get to feelin' better.
Get well........& whatever happened to the "ebay Model A sedan"......Didn't McPhail get it? And isn't that the "Boyd" wheels stacked up on the left of the shot? & great shot......I forgot about this one......If I recall all the "wife's" were saying they would NEVER ride in a roadster in the "freezing" weather and Jen was a trooper & had fun.....haha.
Oh man... McPhail got it and all of the rooftop leftovers from my Sedan to "modified" conversion. I few parts destined for my old car are setting on shelves in there too. Approaching the time to break out the RPU and sweaters for another drive around KC.
I was afraid to click on the blog link for fear of catching something! Get well soon Ryan. Summer illness always such a terrible thing to deal with.