It appears to be a valid attempt to make up for the added weight of a sedan versus the lighter coupe and roadster body types. Also -- I think the builder has a wicked sense of humor.
Holy shades of the "Freight Train" Batman!!!!! I'm sorry, but this is exactly the kind of thing/weirdness that hooked me in the 60's. Multi engines (Eddie Hill-Pontiacs, Ivo-Buicks, etc), exotic engines (Allisons). I say, go for it
that is bitchin. Love the fact that anyone of us can do what WE want, not what others think we should.
Dude, you're comparing a hot wheels to a real car? I want to ride with you! "I saw this in a cartoon once, and think I can do it. Hang on!"
Ah fuck yeah I'd drive it. If you have a bunch of old shit laying around you can't race with anymore, can't really sell, have too much time on you hands and a few extra benjamins what else do you do? If you were offered a ride would you go for one? No different really than some of the other monster builds from garage parts, just on a little more high end of the crazy retarded scale. Imagination run amok maybe.
I knew you'd have to comment. I think this would be cool chopped ALOT and lower with real slicks, ala a Freight Train type of car. But since it's more street rod than dragster................
WTF . . . its his money, his car, his parts and his idea of what he wants to build. Does it fit my taste . . . no . . . but if he is worried about what I think, then he's really fucked in the head. I'd never build this ride, but I'd like to take it for a ride and see what the hell two blown Hemis are like. Looks like some fun. Once I'm done, then he can have it back . . . I'll stick with a single engine. Hmmm: Wonder if he'll have one of those signs: "Caution, this vehicle makes wide turns" . . . you know the one . . . you see it on 18 wheelers. Hell, he could french it in . . . and just remotely pop the sucker out when needed . . . look out "Ridler Awards" . . . his time has come.
I prefer to think of overkill more as reinforcement of a point! It's kinda fugly and useless but WTF.....
Hmmm... There's a Model T body converted to a wagon for sale down the road. And I've got THREE 429's in my garage..... Tracy