Well, Here is my yearly Hamb update pics on the Bonneville project. It's been a long and complicated build, but it looks like I'll be racing next year, the 4 banger motor is being built right now, and should be ready to drop in in a few months. The head fairing was finished last week by my buddy Jeb, he is a metal shaping master. Notice the nice riveted detail on the front. Enjoy the pics.
Man that is a piece of artwork! Good luck with the racing on the salt. Has anybody ever built a belly tanker for the street?
Yes, somewhere I've seen a picture of a drop tank with a windshield, mirrors, lights etc. It had Ford wire wheels and looked like it was done in the late-40s or early-50s. It was front-engined and the driver sat up a lot higher than on a lakester, but it was still pretty cool. The real challenge would be getting it titled and registered.
Chaz, Here is the front end. The axle is straight obviously, Ford spindles, shortened 32 spring. the shocks are Armstrong, used on early MG's, they were popular for hotrods because you can change the pressure by changing the weight of oil inside them. I ran mine upside down, and had to put a small reservoir on top to keep air bubbles out of the valve. The steering box is from an old dragster, there is a steering dampner attached, and the brake pedal is a modified GM master cylinder from a sprint car. Gas pedal is from an old race boat and is hydaulic.
Bobby, Nice work man! There are some of us that are paying attention to this and I am one of them. I will check it out at B-ville next year.
I have been working on a design to use a vw transaxle and flat head V8 with a dropped beam front end and hairpins front and rear for the street. most is figured out on paper just need the time to build it. thinking of cantalever rear coil overs to hide them inside the body. It should look right and have all the functions to work on the street
Great work. Can I ask a couple of q's..., did you change the ratio of the steering box ? Also what type trans. and rear gear ratio ? Are those the tries you're going to run ? what size are they ? Good luck, very cool
Roost, No, I haven't changes the steering ratio. The trans is going to be a shortned c4, and the rear in a quickchange, were gonna start with a 3.25-3.50 ratio and change from there. The tires are 18's
So, what is this "4 banger" motor you're building? Is it an A/B block, or an OHV? Inquiring minds want to know.
If you're going to use a VW trans with hairpins (I'm assuming swing axle), why not run a transverse A or T spring over the top of the trans? Check out your ride height... if you need it to be lower, I've seen sand drag cars with the transaxle flipped upside-down to lower the crankshaft in relation to the axle centerline(by about 4").
OK ok, I didn't want to reveal too much info, but I guess I can give up a few juicy details. Model B, SOC Hal head, full pressure oil, with or without 5 main crank and girdle, were still working on getting a good align bore, and were Blowing it.......the induction I mean. LOL Carbs for now, maybe fuel injection later when the funds are there.
thought of the transverse spring with the swing axle but had planed to use the motor plate and trans case as the end of the frame. I want to keep it as light as i can. Even though it will be a street car