Anyone out there used a 4 stage turbine paint system to paint a car? I just purchased one and would like to hear anyone's experiences or tips on painting with one. Going to use Single Stage Urethane on my car. Thanks!
13 page thread on the subject
I have my own 4 stage paint system: Spray, Cry, Sand, Buff. I have heard of several paint jobs using construction type electric airless sprayers, but never seen any results. Any of those types up to the job or do they not atomize well enough for automotive finishes?
I have used a Croix CX-9 turbine for about 10 years now and I love it The beauty of a turbine is there is no oil no moisture ever. Today's urethanes are very sensitive to moisture and oil. I would suggest a 25 to 30 foot hose to cool the air down and a 1.3 tip.