Yeah, learn anything? HRP said not to use your horn as it would startle some one and cause an accident, so tell me what the horn is for?
Thank you for this wise information! I've been driving trucks nearly 40 years, and learned this from the then old timers. It's just a little respect given. But please don't throw your high beams up and back down, it is dangerous because about the time the driver looks into the right mirror to make sure he's clear of you, you hit him with the brights and temporary blind him for a few seconds. Not what you want when he's pulling back over in front of you!
I’ve been driving like 55 years and 4,000,000 miles... mostly big trucks... i’m still learning how to drive...
I know one thing. Don't do what some suggested... "You should work on your car while driving it." Super dangerous!
I had a crotch rocket pass me on the highway once riding on his FRONT wheel. I immediately let off the gas to allow plenty of room between me and him, thinking about how quickly things could go very wrong. Lots of crazy people out there.
@wraymen NB I-94 at about 14 Mile Road Probably 20 years ago You musta thought it was me cuz the guy you saw was driving a 4dr Chevette.
48Chev; I didn't go into all the little common-sense things to do on a 2-lane. I do them w/o thinking, as it was ingrained into me at a very early age. Like before I was 13(didn;t drive then, just started paying atten). I suppose I should've stated: Know the road you're on, or don't pass. Geez, I know people out there are fkn stupid, but this is getting ridiculous. Defensive driving 1st, *always*! I grew up on 2-lane roads, ~ half were gravel. & while it's perceived as being more dangerous now, I can tell you I lost 1 grandfather to some fkd-fool who passed in fog on a 2-lane. ~ 1948. Grandpas' passenger in that car got hurt. Don't know what happened to that driver, but he wasn't killed or maimed, afaik. Grandfather died young, no chance. Left wife n kids. & my mother got turned into a hi-level-quad, in 1977, thanks to some damned-fool-idiot in a car w/a trailer & no mirrors. Carried minimum insur. Ran her off the road, never stopped, kindly gravel truck driver stopped, called cops n ambulance. Not much happened to kid. I'm just a wee bit sensitive on a few subjects, this is one of them. Sorry if this comes off as a rant. One of the big problems w/internet stuff is, since there aren't any facial expressions, nor voice inflections available to gauge things by, it's hard to tell, sometimes, if someone is stating something, or ranting. Emoticons only go so far. Marcus...
That happened to me in Indiana on 94 around the Cline ave bridge.The only differance was the last jerk off in the pack pulled a wheelie and dumped his passenger off the back at around 100.I was doing 90 just to not get run over myself.As this poor girl cart wheeled across the lanes heading for the center of the hi way there were cars sliding sideways and schreeching to a stop everywhere.When she crossed in front of us all you could see were her bloody knees and long hair coming out from under her helmet.I missed her head with my drivers side mirror by inches and with one more lane open to my left that thank God was empty she hit the center divider and hung onto it like spider man. The entire expressway stopped and some of the bikes came back to assist her.By now there were people all over the road running towards her.I drive hundreds of miles a week but for the next several weeks I COULD not bring myself onto a expressway.We never did find out the extent of her injuries but at the time we saw her she was alive.. A very stupid act on the part of the driver.
Midnight in downtown Chicago on I 90-94 and I'm running along in my semi at it's governed speed of 62 mph. Must have been a dozen or more crotch rockets passed me at better than a hundred running inches apart nose to tail. After the noise went by, I'm thinking one or more of them is going die. Sure enough, three miles down the road and two of them had wiped out on the wall. Not pretty.
Another reason why we all need sirens and flashing cherries. You might still startle the driver but at least they will pull over to the right.
Yep!…was driving the crewcab ramp truck home about 2 am on a 4 lane US highway…nobody around but us…look in the mirror every minute or two just t check…nothing. Then ZZZZZOOOOMMMM somebody with huge balls and tiny brain on a suicycle goes by at what had to be 150 …out of sight in several seconds…
While the stories are relatable, and I'll say that if driving five to six hundred miles in a day one will witness stupid.... I must answer the question. As stated previously, no bright high-beams please. In a car, / after assessing my need to waste gas, most times not really needed / ( ON A 2 LANE ), making certain that there is adequate space in all direction. Getting a running start on the approach, as I am moved out to overtake, I pump the head light switch 3 times. ( I don't pass at night ). Last thought: avoid saying, 'Now I've seen it all' Tomorrow is another day
i did stupid when i was 21… thank goodness i didn’t crash. i’ve learned a bit more since that time in 1971.
BTW; thanks for the comments on light-flashing for semis. Something I've done for 40+ yrs. Never thought about the quick-flashing hi's catching the drivers' vision as he was moving over. Although I usually flash when they are only ~2 car-lengths ahead of me. Nobody has ever cut over quickly after getting signaled, but I do pay attention. Since my dd's lights are always on, can't turn them off/on/off/on. I may just quit doing that out of courtesy. Thanks for the thought. I gave up years ago trying not to be surprised at the mass-stupidity of some drivers. Also quit wondering wth next kind of stupidity will show up next. Too often, I got a display. I find it rather dis-arming to be that close to the "action". Don't need, or even want, that level of "excitement". Also don't feel the need to get my cars destroyed or damaged, esp by someone else. Oddly, sport-bikes rarely bother me, although I am rather dismayed when the rider gets hurt riding above his/her skill level. Usually not a nice ending. But I am surprised when it doesn't happen at times. The ones that have caused me the most grief are the harley-types. Too much attitude, not enough skill. Fortunately, not all of them. Marcus...
If I’m passing someone because they aren’t paying attention to the speed limit, why would I expect them to pay attention to my signals?
The horn is for when you need another driver to look at you. Usually so they can see your hand signals.
one thing most people just do not comprehend is that the passing you just did on a two lane road which could end in the death of people involved might get you to the next cutout or passing lane 2-3 minutes sooner. how many people die every year because some moron wants to save 3 minutes?
Historically. I have found that if the car in front of you is a small sized pickup with a truck cap, you have two options. One is to find a safe pass to pass him, the other is to pull over and have a picnic because that sucker is going to drive 20 miles an hour under the speed limit all day. He won't have his lights on and won't use his turn signals but it doesn't matter because he has no intentions of turning off the road before you do. He might,though, speed up a bit whenever the dotted center line instructs him to do so.
There was a recent video posted by a fellow who tried to max out his Bugatti on the autobahn and despite very light traffic, still managed to blow past a few people at over 250 mph. German officials were apparently none too pleased with the stunt. A simple google search will turn it up. Wild stuff
We had the three lane roads over here and the were not just on straight roads. Many a time I have come around a bend in the middle lane to see someone coming straight for me. A least I lived to tell the tales. When I am overtaking on a two lane road I put my indicator a couple seconds before I overtake keep it on while I overtake and hope the person keeps a eye on the mirrors.
I do that and flash my headlight during the day. Think that is a older drivers thing as these days you get fewer thank you's
Riding the Harley for many many miles , is not a go fast ride . I try not to pass anyone , but if necessary , get it done and over with don’t be foolish . People blasting stop signs and red lights seem to be getting worse and worse daily . Get your ass up and moving in enough time not to be rushed , plan for the worst out of stupid people , it will happen daily . I drove my service truck on the pipeline crew for millions of miles , lots of close calls . The worst I ever experienced was driving a dump truck , drag and a backhoe loaded on it . Headed north on “ Death Hill “ I75 into Cincinnati , a lady in the back seat of a taxi cab decides she is going to exit the cab at 55 mph directly in front of me . I saw her jump out , I lost sight of her in front of me and saw her fly to side of the road . I had my foot pushed near the headlight on the brake pedal . Once stopped my Buddy following me in a pickup , ran up and ask , “did you run over her ? “I had no idea if I did or not . When we got back to aid her , she did not have one thread of clothing remaining , and was leaking everywhere . I did not run over her , by the grace of God . A Dr . was in a car behind us , stopped and gave assistance until the air care arrived . I was done working for that day . Just plan your attack and expect the worst from the other person , it will happen sooner or later .
When I took drivers training in 59/60 I was taught to blow the horn to signal passing. On two lane roads I still do. I also use the horn when someone starts crossing over the line on one way roads or if they start to pull out in front of me without looking. If the horn pisses them off or hurts their poor little feelings too bad. I don't want to be in an accident because I was afraid to blow the horn because it might be interpreted as impolite