The date on the photo print is May of 1958. This means that I had just turned 5 years old and my little brother was 2 1/2 years old. Check the look on his face - this was not “just for fun”, this was serious business. This was indicative of how we would interact thoughout the years. Mike lost his life in 2004 when an axle snapped in his nasty ‘30 Model A coupe (Front Royal, VA). If we were stopped at a traffic light, side by side, a drag race was required. I hope you guys enjoy the photo & my memories.
Wish you guys lived closer to my brother and I only one car so we took turns making solo passes. (1958 Lansing MI)
the white tired, wire wheels from a baby buggy were the fastest............just couldn't hit a pot hole or a curb or they would bend.
remember when I posted about a couple guys in TN. that heard [from a preacher] about buried treasure [30 bodies] along the riverbanks of NH. to stop erosion ... these radio flyer racers are the two informing enthusiasts... thanks boys. car bodies were better than you might think...
It looks like your little brother actually treed you on the start; wagons ho. I'm guessing you now have your brothers 55? Very nice 55 it is. I am Butch/56sedandelivery.
Great pic of you and your brother in the wagons. Looks like he got the hole shot on you. Sorry for your loss.
Yes, a couple of years after the mishap, I purchased the ‘55 from his son & stepson. I had the car lettered as a tribute to him. The photo of the blue & silver ‘55 was his earlier car - the photo was snapped in 1980. The red & white car is no slouch (dual 4bbl carbs, 4 speed, 4.10 gears, etc), but the blue & silver car was really nasty (carry the front wheels in second, through the mufflers, in true street trim). With slicks, he managed to kink the roof of the car. Mike’s cars weren’t always the prettiest, but they would absolutely perform.
Looks like Mikie has removed the rear hubcaps, [for slapping on slicks ?]. his wagon seems to sit higher in front [gasser]. his forward lean spreads the weight to all 4 wheels. i'll bet that rascal kept you looking over your shoulder for years... GO MIKE GO !... RIP.
Perfectly worded. Nothing that I could add to this. (You realize that your response works on two levels, don't you?)
I photographed only a sample of the stash of car bodies. Sloppy Jalopies passed this information along to multiple hot rodders in that area. Hopefully, these pieces have been rescued from this site.
He does have a hot rodder look to him ! .. congrats on the new arrival... if you are going to teach your son the skills needed for hot rodding start with grinding, if he likes it, then build a car, you weld after work and he grinds after school... priceless !... course he'll want the keys.
First off I am sorry for your loss. Its tough to loose someone you care about. The story is cool, makes me remember times with my big sis. Those were damned good times to be alive when we were little kids.