OK. What the hell am I doing now. I'm doing what Ladycruiser said to do, and it was working. But now when I try it all I get is that bitchen red x. I also noticed that all the pics that were posted earlier on this topic, now come up with the red x. Any help on this.
OK. I got this figured out now. In the previous pages of this topic, Hotrodaldycruiser found out that you need to add ~ (http://photo.starblvd.net/59ford/1-4-3) between /and your name and then add jpg to the end. It look liked this (http://photo.starblvd.net/~59ford/1-4-3.jpg). Now you just drop the ~ and the jpg can not be in cap letters. So now it should be http://photo.starblvd.net/59ford/1-4-3.jpg
Yea if you can even get a pic dupload to starphoto, its taking forevvvvvvvvvver and half the time it doesnt work. I guess to many pics on there now from all us hamber's, LOL
Oh, like that. Guess I could have avoided the flaming I got on intro by "Reading the directions" huh? COOL!