Just goes to show ya that there are a lot of "kustom" people on this board... Personally, I like ALL of 'em-one man's obsession in trying to keep his "version" alive no matter how many 'opinions' he got from his pals... I grew up in the Midwest, everybody had a "kustom" in the '60's and that's why I like all of them...rods were virtually non-existent in the summer humidity, driving past cornfields on rain drenched muddy roads or in the snow and cold. R-
I saw the original version in Seattle, or maybe Bellingham, in the '50's, and it made me a custom fan instantly! Love that car.I have 3 '54 Chevies. One is a hardtop.
#1 all the way. They nailed "the look" right out of the gate (or driveway in this case) It was an absolute crime to crush this car.
Version 5 besides the 1st version, this 5th version was beyond bitchin'. The last time I saw "The Moonglow" at the Renegades Car Show, the Larry Watson sprayed Candy Blue was the brightest and lightest candy blue I have ever seen - period. I'd restore it exactly like the final version. Too cool !!!
A friend told me to check out the Moonglow poll on your website and I found it very interesting. I also checked out some of the responses and at least one person got it right when they asked what the difference was between versions 3 and 4. Except for the hubcaps, maybe, there is no difference between 3 and 4 and, in fact, there were only 4 versions of the car. I know because my little brother and I were fortunate enough to be involved in each version as it was built and I'm still missing parts of my fingerprints from all the sanding I did on each version. I do appreciate the poll itself because it keeps interest in a car I feel deserves to be remembered for its history and the person who had such a wealth of talent in having built it. Oh, yes, and I prefer the first version, too.
1st version for me..I like the cleaner look, also, I tend to judge cars by whether or not I could drive it often, maybe even as a daily driver. however, I also like the 3rd version too..........................................................oh hell, I like them all.
Version 1. It's simple, clean, and clearly the original intent. The revisions, while still cool as hell, look like the product of over-thinking.
My vote goes for #1 and aren't all our cars in a way some sort of a custom we change things we don't like there fore we customize them
I hate to admit it, since I fell in love with 1, but I'm actually falling more and more for 3 and 5! I'm actually considering a paint job like 3 for my '54 in the future, or maybe rose mist like Grapevine? I'm also quite sad at how many people answered this on here but no one answered in my Moonglow group!