Little or no chop and a deep channel, hell even some sectioning. Show some of your favorite East coast hot rods. Here's one that has sent my build in a right coast direction, taken from here.
Do a search for: "East Coast Style" and you should find some pics. Or check out the book "Cool Cars Square Roll Bars" by Bernie Shuman. Here's a pic for ya,
My Favorite, and inspiration now............ The Blue Bird Also know as the Redding - Lajoie Coupe [thread=260679]There are several other great threads - Ancient East Coast Kustoms[/thread] Love the East Coast cars!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dont forget the motorcycle fenders & decorative nerf bars. Here's some New England (MN,NH,Vt,Mass,RI, and Ct) cars from the 50's-60's
They were actually Ford Spare tire covers that were used as fenders. These fenders are prominent on alot of older hotrods espec East Coast cars because of the strict Fender Laws that were enforced back in the day.
Here's a little article shedding light on the early style differences of the East and West coast rods and the possible variables that created them.
Hamb picture thread of Alter Boys "Jalopy Jamboree" show
If you look at all the pics you'll notice that whitewalls are on almost every car. hmmmmmmm (as he strokes his beard)- "could it be an East coast thing?"
There used to be a place in Paramus, North Jersey Speed and Custom, that had one of the nicest, cleanest custom '57 T-Birds I ever saw. Very subtle mods, nosed, decked, peaked on the fins and headlight brows with frrenched headlights. Anyone ever see it or have pics? This was back in the '60's.
Trust me the "other side is listening intently"! White walls and caps do look good on hot rods as well...
The other side is busy driving their rods in their year long beautiful weather. Here on the cold right coast we are busy in the garage trying to get some round bar twisted in the shape of our initials for a funky nerf bar. ha