i have some pictures that are too large to post and cant figure out how to shrink them, any help ? my computer abilities are limited
If you have windows XP or maybe even the older versions, right click on the pic, scroll up to "open with" then click on "paint". When you open with paint, click on "image", and then open"stretch and skew" and then insert a number less than 100%. Hope this helps. Nik
Another option... for those who don't want to spend the money (or steal/pirate) a copy of photoshop, there is a great alternative in the opensource community. 'The Gimp' is a very powerful image application. It is free, which is cool. I have used it for years. I am including a link to the windows version, since most of you are probably using windows. http://www.gimp.org/windows/ Hope this helps.
Charlie...you fag...HA That is a nice looking car...and it has that famous lincoln column in it with that wheel... man.. nice find.. tok
i took a bunch of picturs of that thing...i think it was at york maybe? im not sure anyways ...cool car! zach
Another one that is free and a little easier to use is Irfanview. It is available at www.irfanview.com. It has a lot less features than the Gimp, but it does what most people need (resizing, cropping). Slonaker
Yeah..i know we sat and talked about them.., i remember one being broken.. funny..i remember that but can't remember my dad's birthday. Tok
If you running windows XP i like the windows resizer powertool put out by microsft. Right click tell it how big and your done. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx Primo