Barney to hoodlums - "Where'd you crooks get them great big snow tires in Arizona ? You must be smugglers !! ''
You know that cop was like, "Well... see here now, you two..." in that nasally, 50's movie-actor voice.
I had to laugh at the "attitude school" thing. I taught for over 37 years at an all boys school, mainly 12-14 year olds. Of course some of them needed to alter their attitude and they did by a process called maturing... However, some of our faculty could have used a stint at the attitude school as well in addition to many parents in the last 15 or so years! I find, and I don't think it is a function of my age, that the millennials and the "gen Xers" whined th emotion and were often there to justify any infraction from their son as they do regarding their own actions. Accountability is one of the best things you can teach your child! Now when did Barney Fife move to Arizona?
Remember teaching all three of my kids to drive. I made every one drive to a rural road. Told them to stop the car and put it in reverse...... Then I told them to drive backwards all the way home. Slow traffic of course. Every one can now drive in reverse with no issues. Later... Bought my daughter a 68 Stang at 16. Yes she t-boned the car at an intersection. [emoji3]
Before I ever got my license, an older friend took me to a deserted, ice covered parking lot to learn how to control a skid. Man, was that some fun!
That picture was used in a modern drivers ed pamphlet? Damn, maybe there is hope for the future! My younger sister did her drivers test last year, I did some asking around and found out that you can take your drivers test in any vehicle as long as it is equipped with the safety features that it had when it was built... I thought it would be pretty funny if she went for her test in a bone stock model T, but she didn't seem to think it was a good idea.
My brother taught me how to drive in his 64 Chevy pickup, 292/compound low four speed. The very first day he drove to the biggest local mall parking lot, got out and said slide over. He let me get familiar with it for awhile then got out and said slide over and then drove us to the (middle) of the steepest hill in the area, shut it off, pulled the e-brake handle hard, got out then we switched places again, then he said DRIVE That's how you learn to drive!
So, you've got a daughter taking driving lessons. If you don't have grey hairs you soon will! Best of luck and enjoy the ride.
It's like Déjà Vu all over again ... Checkout @Jive-Bomber Jay's TJJ Blog from back on September 25th 2013: Cops vs. Hot Rodders? Not Anymore…
Note that this photo has been "making the rounds" on Facebook for the past few years: ... with the caption: 1952 Gene Winfield & Bill Hines I started a bit of "social media drama" when I pointed out in the comments that it was not Gene Winfield nor Bill Hines ... because the photo was actually shot near "Kenny's Drugs" in Phoenix, AZ (by Earl Theisen for the "How to Tame Teenage Drivers" article that appeared in the August 25th 1953 issue of LOOK magazine) ... and in 1952, Winfield was 25 years old living in Modesto, CA and Hines was 30 years old living in Lincoln Park, MI. The Admin of one particular Facebook group was not happy with me for "calling him out" (with facts) ... and kicked me out of the group ... I'm such a troublemaker!
Probably a posed photo with a local race car used as the prop and a couple of local models as the hoods.
She did it! 100% on her tests. Now for 20 hrs more driving and one final road test...wasn’t this complicated when I got my license.
I also drive like a hot rodder should. But not where I piss off the civilians that demand political action to kill our fun. Even I do not like the shit box jap junk with no muffler or the hog racing block to block just to piss people off.
Ryan, just taught my 13 year old granddaughter to drive when she was visiting last month from CA. “She is taller than my wife” . The two things that must be told to new and old drivers alike are 1. Never follow too close 2. Expect everyone on the road around you to do the wrong thing. Note! I drove standard shift at 10 years old. 73 now clean driving record. Except for driving without a license until I was 16. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I went to "driver retraining" after driving too fast - everywhere. It allowed me to keep my license a little longer... but ultimately, the man wanted to hold onto it for a few months. Hahaha. It wasn't the "retraining" that got me to find better places to stretch my car's legs, it was the insurance that cost more per year than a nice, used commuter car. I parked the car for almost a year and drove a dump truck most days. It was nice because it gave me time to build a new engine and drop in a trans with longer gears.
I love this photo! Plus it says a lot about the era! Something I think is often over looked. Bare with me as I go down a rabbit trail. It shows where Hollywood and the media tried to “paint” hotrodders as young teenage hoods and maybe the 2nd wave was but imagine this for a moment: Late 1940’s police officer (possibly a WWI combat veteran) pulls over a speeding young to mid 20’s hotrodder (WWII combat vet ie band of brothers, pilot, sailor, marine, etc etc.) Police officer expects a certain level of respect because that is what is expected by culture. Hotrodder has a chip on his shoulder and for various reasons mentioned above has an attitude. Or fast fwd a few years later and he just came home from Korea. Either way Now doesn’t that just paint a much different picture than the 16 yr old smart ass kid that Hollywood tried to portray. Now I’m sure that was the case eventually but not in the beginning. In the beginning the hotrodder was a very different group. Sadly my grandfather hated hotrods and hated rock n roll even more BUT having gone through the depression as a child in Oklahoma/West Texas and then having been a WWII South Pacific sailor he always treated people with respect but definitely didn’t cower down to anyone. I can only imagine him younger and recently home from the Navy. Conclusion; that generation changed a culture but they also earned it! I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to have spent time with them. Okay, rabbit trail finished! Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
The Barris team poses with “Chili” Catallo’s now-famous “Silver Sapphire” ’32 outside his shop in this early-’60s photo. From left to right, the group includes Catallo, George Barris, Junior Conway, Curly Hulbert and Bill.
My oldest was the Valedictorian and a very smart techie. My favorite excuse that I got was for his wreck he had, in his senior year of HS. He had a GT mustang and he T boned a Dodge dually at a T intersection. The guy was sitting at a 90 degree angle. Jr. stomped the gas in the rain and swapped end and cratered a dually fender. His excuse was......." Dad, there was a low coefficient of friction".... Classic.
Great post. Question - my daughter, too, got her permit a couple of weeks ago. Sadly, she wants nothing of 3-pedal driving. Unless I can talk her into it, she'll be the very first of all of my extended family not to drive stick. My wife has offered up her Jeep. No dice. I know that I can refuse to give her the option of an automatic but that doesn't quite seem right either. Any thoughts? Anyone here gone through the same thing?
I'd like to see that officer get back in his car. That trouser crease looks so stiff I bet he walks like Chester on Gunsmoke!!