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Hot Rods Price of original parts, just venting

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by hotrodrhp, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. Cowtown Speed Shop
    Joined: Sep 26, 2010
    Posts: 1,192

    Cowtown Speed Shop
    from KC

    Hell yes I have seen the economy!!...I live it everyday, And I do not have alot of money, But I also am not going to sit back and just blame everything on the economy, I am going to up my game and work harder and still live my life to the fullest...I know times are hard for everyone right now, But it is what it is. The grille shell must be worth $1600.00 or it would not have bids on it. And if the grille shell being priced at $1600.00 is the reason he is crying, Then why didn't he buy the one I had on here and the ford barn for $1000.00?? (that is a $600.00 Discount) the bottomline is Some people would still kick, if you hung them with a Brand new rope!
  2. JJK
    Joined: Feb 9, 2005
    Posts: 954


    Every "hobby" has its pitfalls and the cost is always going to be in relation to demand. This hobby can be modestly enjoyed if you accept the fact that not every car you covet isn't owning you.
    arkiehotrods likes this.
  3. czuch az
    Joined: Dec 12, 2014
    Posts: 161

    czuch az

    POBOYwhatever,,I have two 61 Galaxies. I have two 71 Suburbans.
    Let me give you one of each so it dosent cost you anything. Then figure out what you have multiples of that you can pass on to those less fortunate, because you are obvously being squeezed by forces you cant compete with. Then nobody will have to hunt, pay, or even have multiples.
    Quit drinking the "I cant, kool aid".
    arkiehotrods and Model T1 like this.
  4. Cowtown Speed Shop
    Joined: Sep 26, 2010
    Posts: 1,192

    Cowtown Speed Shop
    from KC

    Lazy My ass!!...listing stuff on ebay, finding a box, packing it and shipping it is a hell of alot of work and a big pain in the ass sometimes. Not to mention having to pay a high percent fee of the sale, Those fuckers are even taking a percent of the shipping and I don't even profit from shipping! You must have never sold much on ebay to make a commet like that. I can not tell you how many times I have sold a part on ebay where they made more money than I did. And don't get me wrong I am not bitching about it, As it is what it is, But I would much rather sell at a swapmeet then Ebay anyday. Trouble is alot of buyers at swapmeets want the same thing the OP wants. And that is Parts to be Cheap! News Flash! If you want Cheap parts there is a bunch of it coming over here all the time from China,
  5. hotrodrhp
    Joined: Sep 19, 2008
    Posts: 455

    from Wisconsin

    I believe the selling price dictates fair market value and frankly you only need one buyer willing to pay your price to do so. I am fine with that and like many of us, I have probably benefited from selling excess parts at sometimes, higher prices than anticipated. I have been to swap meets from coast to coast and have done my share of scrounging through junk yard wrecks, old garage and estate sales so lazy, I am not.
    Is it conceivable we are witnessing the result of what happens when everyone is hoping to flip parts and cars for a big payday? Look at the home flippers of a few years ago and compare that to the numerous car flippers of today. Now everyone thinks they can buy a limited run muscle car for $500.00 and flip it for $30,000.
  6. mike in tucson
    Joined: Aug 11, 2005
    Posts: 530

    mike in tucson
    from Tucson

    We are doing a 32 right now. Finding parts has been a fun process and I have made quite a few new friends during the hunt. I do buy some parts that are pricey but most are pretty reasonable. The secret? Networking with contacts, making new contacts, chasing leads, etc. The online auction site isn't the only source of parts nor is CList. I have posted wanted ads and got great deals. I called a friend across the country and asked him for info regarding who had a specific part, he gave me three names to call. Called them and one guy had the part and it was an extra so he let it go for a reasonable price. Sure, I have found cherry grill shells for $1000 each but passed on them. Paid $low 200's for a nice insert. A guy selling online is going to pump up the price but the hot rodders or restorers that have spare parts laying around are still reasonable....they aren't promoting their item for sale. Some items were found on the HAMB. Some items, I had to wait a year before I found problem, the car isn't going to be done overnight. Now, I have a car AND a bunch of new friends to send pics of the car to.
    arkiehotrods and Model T1 like this.
  7. Model T1
    Joined: May 11, 2012
    Posts: 3,309

    Model T1

    For me the fun is over for several reasons. First my wife and I loved wandering around junk yards looking for parts. Sometimes we weren't really looking for anything special. Just looking. But I often came back with something.
    Same with the flea markets and swap meets. It was more fun looking thru the old parts than the new shiny stuff.
    Now that I have pretty much everything I need or can afford I stopped going. It wasn't fun when I didn't need anything. And the real fun was dickering yet trying to be fair. Most sellers have at least two prices on their parts. One for people afraid to wheel and deal and what they really want for the parts.
    If we are messing with certain cars we know what the parts are worth. Why try to under price a seller who also knows. Yes, I have gotten some great buys. One was a mint original tri-five Chevy wagon tailgate handle. It was being used as a weight to hold down magazines. The seller hadn't really planned on selling it and didn't know what it was for. I made a fair offer and got it cheap. I still remember him saying "you know what it's for don't you?" Still we were both happy.
    Besides that I've got some great buys when a seller didn't want to take something home and I could use it, or thought I could.
    Add to that I'm too damned old now to walk all day thru a junk yard or swap meet. It was still the best entertainment we could find for basically nothing if we didn't buy anything.
    A few friends buy and sell thru E-Bay and other lists. I don't want to fool with it but soon have to get rid of all that crap I thought I needed over the years. Real swap meets are fading fast as cheap copies are being sold by vendors. Maybe a 32 Ford plastic grille will show up made in China for $1000 and worth $100.
    arkiehotrods likes this.
  8. Cowtown Speed Shop
    Joined: Sep 26, 2010
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    Cowtown Speed Shop
    from KC

    One mans Junk is anothers Treasure....It has always been that way, Don't hate on the guy who would rather put in the hours and even travel to buy a part under market value from someone who just wants it gone. And then put it on the market And make his money that way, Rather than work 12-14 hours in a dirty sweat factory to make the same money. Fliping cars and parts is not easy, It can be hard work and is very risky sometimes. I have lost alot of money over the years because the market on a car or part changes so much, Hell i just lost over $600.00 on a 57 chevy that I had here almost a year. And for the record, Nobody buys a $500.00 muscle car in todays world, let alone if he did sell it for $30K...You been watching too much TV......Turn off the discovery channel and get out in your garage and do something...Just saying.
    Model T1, shivasdad, 5window and 2 others like this.
  9. partsdawg
    Joined: Feb 12, 2006
    Posts: 3,697

    from Minnesota

    Biggest thing is to get off the computer.Turn the damn thing off and go hunting.Spend time making contacts,spreading the word of what you need. Us old guys were networking before networking became a cool word.The stuff is out there but it takes work and if your not willing to take the time,drive the miles,dig through the pidgeon shit,deal with ticks or snakes,cranky owners,get freaking filthy sorting out greasy parts then don't whine.Shuffling through a swap meet and trying to lowball a vendor or complaining about high prices is one of my pet peeves. You know where most of those swapmeet parts came from? They came from someone chasing them down,cleaning them up then paying money to offer the part on a table for you to buy.They usually did not come from sitting in a soft chair clicking through the internet.95% of folks today don't want to get their hands dirty yet they complain about those who do. Do the work if you want a bargain
    Model T1 and INVISIBLEKID like this.
  10. phat rat
    Joined: Mar 18, 2001
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    phat rat

    I'd say you hit the nail square on the head
  11. poboyross
    Joined: Apr 29, 2009
    Posts: 2,142

    from West TN

    If you read my qualifying statements it becomes clear what I'm talking about. Also reread the last part of that paragraph. It has less to do with checks and more to do with attitude. The ones I run into asking the outrageous prices are the same ones who often ridicule guys my age with a jalopy and call it a RR. Times were better back then as far as wages,etc. While I have my opinions on unions, govt checks, and pensions, expressing it here is verboten. What I was getting at was that if you want to ask crazy prices and horde, due to the ability afforded to you by living through that era, that's one thing. But it's a totally different issue if one of those same folks tells you that unless you shell out to get one of those horded parts, then your rod is a piece of crap.
    Model T1 likes this.

  12. I do the same thing, but it's still not over for me yet. The junkyards around here don't have anything before the 90's so that part is kinda over, but I still go to the swapmeets knowing the stuff I need might not be found (or most likely WON'T be found). I find online parts sourcing as a benefit , as I'm known as a hermit and don't have the public/people skills to network. If the part is too high then I say thank you and move on......there might come a day where I'm on the other side of the parts pile.

    One of my most favorite smells is old gas, gas that has turned into's a slightly sweet smell. I love the feel and smell of old parts, I don't think that will ever leave me.
    Model T1 and arkiehotrods like this.
  13. BigDogSS
    Joined: Jan 8, 2009
    Posts: 982

    from SoCal

    I love swapmeets and junk yards and frequent them often. I don't complain much about prices. BUT, I will not sell my junk at swapmeets because the chances are slim that the guy walking past will want to buy what I have to sell. Then I have to haul everything back home. Not much fun for me. I sell exclusively on eBay now. It is easier to move the unwanted parts and de-clutter the garage. Before anyone jumps on my case, MOST parts I own are offered for FREE to gearhead friends and family before I sell them on eBay.
  14. Bearing Burner
    Joined: Mar 2, 2009
    Posts: 1,179

    Bearing Burner
    from W. MA

    Obviously you never heard of the American business motto of all the traffic will bare. If your looking at the most desirable years for both hot rodders and restorers you got expect high prices. Also asking isn't getting.
  15. -Brent-
    Joined: Nov 20, 2006
    Posts: 7,646


    I feel like prices for some items has gone down a bit from 5 years ago and other things have sky-rocketed. I could buy Y-block parts for a whole lot less 5 years ago. Now, they're in fashion, I guess. I was recently offered 2k for my set of Weiand y-block rocker covers, which was crazy. Haha, I thought I overpaid for them years back. Then there's 36 rear bones, for which brought a premium 5 years back... now I have a few sets that I could probably get 50% of what they went for. 81 carbs seem to be the same price for the last ten years, or so, but a good 97 seems to be higher than what I could grab them for. Banger speed parts seem to be higher, now. 26/27 roadster stuff seems to be WAY up but, not one person (locally) has bought my decklid that I'm asking less than a new one for...

    So, I guess my point is, there's an ebb and flow to it all.
    Model T1 and arkiehotrods like this.
  16. Went to an auction today. Wide 5 wheels $5. Pile with a Vega steering box and a y-block 4bbl intake $40. Couple sets of 53 Ford or Merc headlight rings in there too. Old manuals a buck each - paid a buck for the same big Carter Carburetor diagram and application book I paid $40 for at a swap meet a few years ago. 56 Chevy fender skirts $30 a pair. 53-54 Chevy fender skirts $40 a pair. 49-52 Chevy bumper guard top bar $10.

    The model A wheels went for cheap, like $40 for at least enough for four cars. Plus a couple Chevy wire wheels.
    Model T1 likes this.
  17. My father and I have talked about this many times, we both agree that prices some people are asking are outrageous!

    We do a lot of swap meets as well. We put a price a little higher than we want so there is room for offers.

    Two years ago I bought a N.O.S. Du-Coil Distributor for a S.B.C. for $50.00 a hour later someone offered me $100.00 I took it.

    I have had people tell me I lit it go to cheep. I look at it as how many times do you get to double your money in a hour!
    Model T1 likes this.
  18. fuzzface
    Joined: Dec 7, 2006
    Posts: 1,812


    I'm with Rusty. I go to farm auctions all the time and get old car parts dirt cheap during the week and then I become the a$$hole you all complain about on ebay but at least my starting price is reasonable but doesn't mean it will end cheap.

    But if the auction is a car auction or a retired collector or something like that and gets advertised that way, yes the prices are crazy especially on weekends, you need to hit the country farm auctions during the week that only have farm crap listed on the bill of sale but more times than not, there is a scrap pile or an old car or truck or old parts there in general that wasn't advertised and all you need to do is outbid the scrappers and seeing the scrap prices are back in the toilet again, it is easy to do that and not costly at all.
    Model T1 likes this.
  19. poboyross
    Joined: Apr 29, 2009
    Posts: 2,142

    from West TN

    Well, LARS is next weekend, y'all. I do see some decent deals from this me to time. However, seeing it's LARS, I've been working out my duck face muscles double-time! LOL!

    I recently saw an RPU body go for like 2k on CL, guy dropped it on a running A chassis, stock...woulda gone for maybe 1500 by asking price? 8k! He'll get it, too! I couldn't get that much for my coupester if I wanted! Some guys got that ability to extract funds to the Nth, I reckon!

    Honestly, I feel some portion of gonzo price crowd is due to the Mecum effect. Things selling in the rough for a bunch of "what ifs".
    Model T1 likes this.
  20. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,756


    What you need, son, is "Fordsite" :)
  21. You know- just by reading this thread over and over,and seeing what is bought at asking/certain prices, shows that across the country things go for more/less......But still the same adage......gotta get off your a$$ and look some.
    ^^^^^^^^^^ probably selling yourself short here some. Might not be the guy across the street wanting to give you that #$,but, they're out there....... If someone gives you what your asking,and you get a good #,and it makes YOU happy,I don't see it qualifying you as a dick.......
    just because people balk/bitch about what they don't want to pay,then they don't want it bad enough/need it before it vanishes.....
    Ever go to a swap/sale, see something you want/need and second guess? You say- "i'll come back,I have to think about it"..... And what usually happens= Gone! You snooze/You loose....
    Supply and Demand As mentioned prior in post's,one man's junk............
    If someone want's to wait TEN+ years to save say 5k on a 30k total investment of a car- Good for them.
    But to wait that long to save a buck or two over that time period,well, I want to drive my stuff,and want it done! Smart shopper here=Hell Yes! Impatient,=NO.
    People gotta pony up to play this game,or get back on the porch.........
    Model T1 likes this.
  22. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,756


    It's only an outrageous price if someone won't pay for it and often there's someone from the More Money Than Brains Club who will. If you know the price isn't right, don't buy it. Eventually, if the seller wants to sell it, the price will hit its correct selling point.

    I'm just curious how Jay Leno or Geoge Poteet wheel and deal for parts?
    Model T1 likes this.
  23. They look the same as all of us, but they are really paying top dollar,
    because everybody knows them.
    The differance is they usually have the dollars, and many of us don't.
    I buy and sell all the time. sometimes you get a break buying, sometimes selling.
    I don't collect anything for later. In my opinion the best time to do
    anything is now!
    I just spent the day at a big mortocycle show, where I was asked
    by a promoter friend to bring my car 'cause they wanted some
    vintage rods there. Saw a lot of unbelievable bikes there.
    Most of them came and left on trailers!
    The coolest stuff was actually mostly in the parking lot.
    I know the guys and girls in the parking lot were having lots more real fun!
    If you need it buy it.
    If you think you need it, haggle a little.
    Don't be pissed off if you didn't try to buy it and your good buddy
    got it when you didn't try because it "cost too much"
    Model T1 likes this.
  24. fuzzface
    Joined: Dec 7, 2006
    Posts: 1,812


    Jay and George don't have the same problem many have though. Do I buy this part or do I make house payment instead, hmmm? Last I knew Jay hasn't touch any of the money he made on the tonight show yet.
  25. thirtytwo
    Joined: Dec 19, 2003
    Posts: 2,637


    Whatever man... All in the comfort of your own home... I was referring to the laziness of buyers mostly ....

    I don't know how old you are but I'm fairly young and I been in this game -pre-Internet... Which meant arriving at a swap meet hours away from home sleeping in your truck till 5am then looking for parts with a flashlight with a glimmer of hope you may find what you are looking for and beat 10 other guys looking for the same part.... Or on the other side bringing stuff to sell, hoping you are priced right , hoping someone buys your junk or hoping you did your research and you didn't sell something ultra rare for pennies....

    Then come home dog tired Sunday eve to get up Monday for work....

    Now all you have to do is search google to find what you want... (I spent months calling contacts looking for stuff)

    Selling, now you have to take a picture list it and other people bid on your rusty junk and set a price, then you box it......seems a lot less work to me...

    Model T1 likes this.
  26. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,991


    Ever wonder what part you may be missing out on a few spaces up the isle because you spent time dickering over the price of something at the first stop? Need it, buy it, put in the cart and keep moving............keeps the I missed it stories to a limit. Bob
    Model T1 and 117harv like this.
  27. The problem is a lot of times they are parts I need, I if they are asking too much I do walk away.

    Don't get me wrong I do not mind someone making a profit off me, but it's when someone is trying to make a killing off me.

    For example- when someone tells me they got the part for $75.00 but they are going to ask $600.00 because that's what it is worth and will not come down.
    Model T1 likes this.
  28. phat rat
    Joined: Mar 18, 2001
    Posts: 4,995

    phat rat

    If a seller is telling you something like that he's a fool
    Ribbedroof likes this.
  29. Cowtown Speed Shop
    Joined: Sep 26, 2010
    Posts: 1,192

    Cowtown Speed Shop
    from KC

    What you are saying makes no sense, Does the seller owe you something? would you rather them lie to you and say they paid $550.00 for it? than just be a standup honest guy? Should he sell his parts under fair market Value just because you don't want to pay fair market value? I only ask this because it sounds to me like that is what you are saying....I wonder What do you do for a living? .....lets say you are a roofer and I need my roof fixed. You give me a Fair Bid of what the roof repair should be. And then I say to you "Nails, tar paper, and shingles only cost so much So you should not be able to make that much off of me"...LOL....I bet like most people you want to be paid well for what you do, And so does the guy who has put in the effort of chasing those hard to find parts that you need.
    Model T1, Saxman and Hnstray like this.
  30. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
    Posts: 24,025


    My pet peeve is hearing some old dude bragging that he's got 3-4 of a particular uncommon part, but is not using any of them, and won't sell any of them. Yes, that's his business, and he owes me nothing, but I know that those parts are going to go to a scrap yard, when the guy finally goes into a nursing home, or dies.

    I specifically know a guy who has 4 4-71 SBC manifolds. He won't let a single one go. He's 89.

    I have made him offers, but he's refused. Again, that's his business.

    It just burns me a bit that those are wanted, and will never be on a car, but more likely melted down, and sent to China.
    Model T1, slammed and shivasdad like this.

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