Ok, I finished the restoration of the Car Craft Dream Rod back in 2009. Part of what I had to do was to reverse all of the body modifications when they changed the car to the Tiger shark. here is a picture of the Tiger shark Here is a picture of what it looked like when I got it And here are a few of the restored Dream Rod The rear of the car had been significantly changed and was longer than it was supposed to be so I cut the rear body panel off and started over. I kept that rear body panel and always had good intentions of doing something with it. Several times Hotwheels collectors tried to buy it from me as this was one of the original 16 hot wheels the Python. I put that part in my attic and time passed. I think ir was about 10 years ago when I got it out, trimmed the sheet metal where I had cut it off and framed the cut areas with 1/2” conduit and built a framework to allow it to hang on a wall. I then put it back in the attic. I believe it was 3-4 years ago I got it back out and did the body work and put it in epoxy primer and again I put it back in the attic
Finally just about a month ago I thought to myself that if I don’t work on it it will never get done so, I got it out one more time. 16 years after the car was finished. I made up some acrylic shelves for the opening to display a model and a hot wheel
Since it had been in my hot attic for years I figured the bodywork had finished shrinking. See how I justified my procrastination? I couldn’t remember what grit paper I left off with. So I blocked it with 180 , re primed and blocked it with 320. I then hit it with 600 on an interface pad on a DA and painted it. The paint is House of color Tangelo pearl that was leftover from when my pickup was flamed 20 years ago
I had the original Tiger shark tail light and wanted to make it work. The tail light can isn’t very deep and I thought incandescent might melt the lense. People who know me know how much it pained me to use LED lights but that is what I did. I originally made a panel full of strip led lights but when lit it looked way too modern and I hated it. I ended up putting the leds around the outside of the light can facing in so it was indirect light and it was way better
I then sanded and polished the clear, reassembled the tail light after I polished the lense. And put the shelves back in
Then finally I had one of my buddies come over and help me hang it on the wall behind the dream rod. I wonder what I can procrastinate about for the next 16 years???
Good thing you didn't rush right through that project. All your procrastination resulted in an awesome wall hanger!
Wow,,, You rescued and saved the CC Dream Rod, and You saved and repurposed the trash. Waste not Want not.
I have to admit, when you posted about this in the other thread, I did a double take when I read that you used LED’s. lol
I like that you taped off the blue stand to keep overspray off of it. A lot of engine stands are multi colored from painting engines on them. Kudos to you.
Now the Hot Wheels collectors will never leave you alone! Your ''reach out and grab it'' stand looks super useful. ^Cool wheels on the Tiger Shark!
I had a giant picture of the outlaw hanging there before. I moved it behind the outlaw where it belonged in the first place
That looks like a bicycle stand, which is a pretty clever thing to use for projects like this. More kudos.
Yup, Park mfg bike stand. My Dad was into restoring vintage bikes and my Mom gave me that stand after he passed a few years ago. works real good for many things like this, best part is that it comes apart and stores against the wall behind my milling machine...