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Projects Progress on the Treit and Davenport liner

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by ChevyAsylum, Apr 11, 2010.

  1. ChevyAsylum
    Joined: Apr 23, 2004
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    I think ya nailed it. The complexity is mind boggling. I just can't comprehend all the different subsystems and how they interact.
  2. ChevyAsylum
    Joined: Apr 23, 2004
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    Due to technical difficulties, the regularly scheduled Friday post wasn't made until Saturday morning. But it's worth the wait. This is the update's title:
    Plumbing the oil system, oil pressure gauges for the
    instrument panel and starting stations. Yep. 2 sets of O/P gauges and some great flaring work.
  3. ChevyAsylum
    Joined: Apr 23, 2004
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    Target 550 mid-week update. As part of out "jolly olde elf" 2 updates per week thing, Doc Freud visited Granite Falls High School to check out the Manufacturing class and their projects. These are fuel economy things. The girls' team is shooting for 678 mpg! I wish things like this had existed when I was young.

    Here's a photo of teacher and mentor Michael Werner checking out one of Freud's calendars with an eye on the deadline for the 2011 competition

    Last edited: Dec 22, 2010
  4. That class doing the MPG thing is pretty cool. Glad your guys could talk with them!
  5. red baron
    Joined: Jun 2, 2007
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    red baron
    from o'side

    That looks like it will be fun!!!!
  6. ironpile
    Joined: Jul 3, 2005
    Posts: 915


    When it breaks the lsr I will be proud to say that I seen it during the build and talked with the main fabricator. Looking forward to it`s first attempt. Lots of luck. As well as it is being built, luck is only a small portion of the effort.
  7. ChevyAsylum
    Joined: Apr 23, 2004
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    Regularly scheduled Friday Target 500 update: The plumbing is almost done. There's work going on in the cockpit (kool!) and at the starting stations. The cockpit is starting to look like a real race car!

    Here's a photo that wasn't in the post but shows the cockpit instrument panel. I'm ready to put my firesuit on, get in and take it for a spin around the salt flats. :)

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2010
  8. Is it sick that I enjoy plumbing?!
  9. ChevyAsylum
    Joined: Apr 23, 2004
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    If ya enjoy plumbing, I have a coupla little projects around my house... :)

    The guys at the skunk works sure did an excellent job of bending, forming, fabricating and connecting all those frikkin lines. It'd have me completely nuts (straight-jacket time) in a day or so. They're two ways about it.
  10. You know what drives me nuts Ray? Engine turning aluminum! I got a 1/2 done dash that I cant make myself finish, even the little panel in the liner took hose guys a good chunk of a day to machine!
  11. ChevyAsylum
    Joined: Apr 23, 2004
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    I'm with ya, Tman. I wouldn't even wanna attempt to do that engine turning...nor benging all those lines nor the gorgeous bodywork that should be finished up in the not-too-distant future.

    In any case, those of us on the Target 550 team would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New year:

    Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.
  12. ChevyAsylum
    Joined: Apr 23, 2004
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    This is the last of our mid-week posts for December. The jolly olde elves are wore out! But I think you'll like this one. It reminds me of the song, "She Blinded Me With Science": "All my tubes and wires...she's tidied up and I cant FIND anything!" Well, he found a lotta stuff to photograph. It's pretty kool.
  13. I like the handmade hinge, even the square drive screws are aligned in an arc that matched the hinge. Detail.

    I too restored an old door for my shop, I think I would get along with Hume.
  14. Unkl Ian
    Joined: Mar 29, 2001
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    Unkl Ian

    Robertson screws, invented in Canada.
    Ford used them on some prewar stuff.
  15. Unkl Ian
    Joined: Mar 29, 2001
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    Unkl Ian

    The streamliner gets more amazing with every post.
  16. I actually knew that!:)

    I use em exclusively for decks. Or did at least, lots of options these days
  17. ChevyAsylum
    Joined: Apr 23, 2004
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    Robertson screws, huh? First I ever heard of 'em. Thanks for the info on that.

    Moving right along, Doc Freud and I talked things over and decided that since we got another batch of food stamps to rejuvenate ourselves, we'd try to do a post each day until New Year's Eve. So he busted his butt and got me some photos of the liner's first trip to the wind tunnel. Ossum stuff.

    He's off to the Skunk Works today to get more photos of current goings on. Stay tuned.
  18. As a technician/fabricator for Northrop building prototype aircraft for the past 21 years, I am absolutely blown away at the technology and build quality of this car. I can't even begin to comment on the work that has been done so far. I am speechless. I am going to subscribe to this thread because I am completely hooked.

    You have got an amazing bunch of folks attached to this project, each one a top-notch craftsman in their own right. I am a fabrication junkie, and if I ever made it to their shop they would have to kick me out at closing time.

    Plus, I love how you have gotten involved in the high school project. That is fantastic, and that will stay with those students for the rest of their lives.

  19. A lot to learn in those photos Ray. Do you know how the slurry gets on the car?
  20. ChevyAsylum
    Joined: Apr 23, 2004
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    @Flat-N-Low: thanks for the nice comment. I've passed it onto the rest of the team. I know they'll appreciate it.

    @ TMan: No, I don't have a clue about the slurry, but if I can find anything out about it, I'll letcha know.
  21. ChevyAsylum
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    I saw that ya asked on landracing, and Freud will prolly answer there. But just for giggles, he told me that it's a mixture of fine powder (substance unknown at this time) and kerosene or mineral spirits. It's applied with a 3/4" brush. Then the model is placed in the wind tunnel and where the liquid doesn't evaporate shows up as a dark spot and is considered to be an area that isn't part of the flow layer a low spot.

    I guess it takes a little experience to use it and know when to shut off the wind before it dries all of it. This is all new to me and I'm learning just like everybody else. I find it fascinating. I can't begin to list all the things I've learned by being part of this project.
  22. Yeah, covering my bases asking here and there! Thanks, I get it now. I think I can pull that off in my soon to be cheapo wind tunnell!
  23. ChevyAsylum
    Joined: Apr 23, 2004
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    Kool! Keep us posted on yer tunnel here and on LR.
  24. ChevyAsylum
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  25. ChevyAsylum
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    Happy New Year from Target 550. The last post of the year is a bit different from the others. There's a short letter from Freud and me offering some thoughts about the way the site has developed over the last year and wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

    Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy and safe 2011.
  26. Same to you guys! This car and others have truly inspired me to start mine. Keep the updates coming.
  27. derFREUD
    Joined: May 23, 2010
    Posts: 19


    When I walk, it's only around our block. I don't venture too far from home. New Years Eve: my first time ever to read this entire thread. It certainly gives an insight to the web site. Frequently I wonder if I stay too close to home with the posts but some repeat detail probably helps everyone understand slightly better. Most every part of the car is duplicated on "the other end." Sight differences exist but the end result will be the same. So I shoot similar shots and post them.
    I am amazed at the interest in this project. Flat an Low, your compliment is so appreciated. We understand the tolerances that you live with and for you to evaluate this build the way you did....Our compliments to you can not match your compliments to Hume, Jason and Dave. They know one standard and they always stay with it.
    I too enjoy the program and will ask Ray Therat to post the best I can produce.
    New Years just happened on the West Coast.
    I'll do the best I can for 2011.

  28. 38FLATTIE
    Joined: Oct 26, 2008
    Posts: 4,349

    from Colorado

    Wow! it took me a loooong time to get through this build-lots of links! Fabulous craftsmanship, cool technology, and a very well executed build
    thread-Kudos, guys!
  29. ChevyAsylum
    Joined: Apr 23, 2004
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    Micheal Werner, the teacher and mentor of the Granite Falls High School "manufacturing class" comprised of the young ladies (Shop Girls) and young men (UrbanAutos) are entering the Construction Challenge Rally.

    They'd like some support on Facebook. If you're a FB member, click on their page and then click "like" to let people know that there are folks out in the "cloud" who are behind their projects. We at Target 550 sure are.

    Here's the post where the guys at the Skunk Works hosted a BBQ for Micheal and his students:

    Thanks in advance for your support.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  30. ChevyAsylum
    Joined: Apr 23, 2004
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    Some photos of the oil line plumbing and the specially built hoses. The whole package with the anodized aluminum fittings is a knockout.

    This first post of the year has a little bit of a different look to it. Nuttin huge, but I like it better: bigger thumbnails, a centered single photo page with Prev and Next thumbnails to the sides and different section for each year.

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