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Projects Project Mattitude: the Beginning

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by TexasSpeed, May 31, 2011.

  1. Hemi Bucket
    Joined: Sep 27, 2009
    Posts: 17

    Hemi Bucket

    Just read through the whole thread today, some excellent work going on here, subscribed.
  2. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    Thanks fellas!

    I've got a list of schoolwork that needs to be done before the semester's over. The good news? I've been checking them off one by one lately..

    The bad news? I'm still not done. :)
  3. Flat-Foot
    Joined: Jul 1, 2010
    Posts: 1,710

    from Locust NC

    did you sell all your extra sheet metal?
  4. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    Yeah. I only have a few parts left. All the subrails are gone except for the front "feet" which goes behind the cowl. I kept the driver's side quarter to repair mine. I still have the lower panel below the trunk from the quarters but it's in rough shape. I'd have to look around.. I can't remember what else I have off the top of my head.

    Why? What do you need?

    iPhone - TJJ app
  5. Flat-Foot
    Joined: Jul 1, 2010
    Posts: 1,710

    from Locust NC

    I need both doors, a decklid and most of a passenger side quarter. I also need a bag of money and some mechanical abillity.:D
  6. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    I've sold the passenger side.. Well, most of it. The purchaser asked me to cut the back part off as a patch panel so I have the front part that nails to the B-post. I don't suppose that's exactly what you need? :rolleyes:

    I hear you on the money. You probably have more mechanical abilities than I do however.. Sheet metal work and frame fabrication is all I've been doing and this is my first ground-up build too.:eek:
  7. thunderbirdesq
    Joined: Feb 15, 2006
    Posts: 7,091


    nice work man, looks great!!
  8. Flat-Foot
    Joined: Jul 1, 2010
    Posts: 1,710

    from Locust NC

    Do you have the B post from the pass side quarter? If so I will take it.
  9. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    Thanks! I think this pales in comparison to yours however. :)
  10. yetiskustoms
    Joined: May 22, 2009
    Posts: 1,932


    Exciting build, looks good!
  11. Kona Cruisers
    Joined: Feb 4, 2007
    Posts: 1,094

    Kona Cruisers

    as good as booby bleed and brain bass.... not yet, but your well on your way!! well further along skill wise then myself. What you do have is the eye for small subtle design improvments that few do! The "eye" isnt something you can learn, and your's is right on!! great job!
  12. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    Bobby and Brian are far ahead of me. It'll be decades before I'm as good as those guys but thanks. :) I've got a ton of sheet metal work to do before I can even get it under paint although I have most of it but there's a lot more changes to come.

    I did some work tonight.. I don't have any pictures since it was minor work. I got a lot more schoolwork done than I had expected to so I took the time to spend some quality time in the garage. I got one fishplate partially welded on behind one of the pie cuts in the upsweep. I still need to clean up the metal on the other side and get the other 'plate on it then fully weld both those suckers up and I'll take the frame off the jig.

    The plan for the summer is to get the frame on their axles with wood blocks for now so I can roll it in and out with some A wire wheels. I'll jack the frame up to the height it should be at with the tires I want and mock the motor and trans on it to get the mounts for the motor burned in. I'll put a brace under the transmission until I find a K-member or make my own with some 2x4. Once I have the motor/trans in, I'll fiddle with the rear suspension and front suspension once I send the front axle off to get dropped. Tires should be mounted by mid-July at the latest then on the frame. I'm not going to set a goal as whenever I do that, something comes up so I'm not going to jinx myself this time. My brother can't afford another truck. :D

    I'm "hoping" to have the suspension and motor/trans mounts finished by the end of summer. Then I can do whatever else is needed to the frame and have the frame totally done by the end of the year. Not exactly quick but I'm learning as I go. :)
  13. Very nice work. I love your flame design, and look forward to seein it done if you go with it.
  14. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    Thanks KiwiJeff! I'm leaning towards going with it.. It fits the style very well.

    I finally finished welding in the fishplates behind the upsweep on the frame so I could cut the frame off the jig. I still need to cut off the portions of tube steel off the sides from the jig but otherwise, I'm ready to start mocking stuff up on it. I measured the frame from all kinds of angles to make sure it's all straight and square, cut it off the frame, checked again.. I'm good to go in that area. :cool:

    I'm starting to think I'll just go with making my own K-member as I still have some tube steel left. I found an early Ford transmission cradle from a '35, I believe, and I'm thinking that I could use the existing Model A center crossmember to sit the transmission on with the cradle piece. Theoretically, with the upsweep, the motor will sit a little higher along with the transmission which is what I wanted.. It' will fill out the space between the top of the engine and the top of the cowl. That part has always bothered me at car shows. So I'll attach some homemade front legs to the center crossmember, strengthen it, and box the frame. It might be a little overkill for an early 283/'39 combo but I'm fairly sure that I won't leave that motor stock for the rest of its life. :)

    (ignore the puddle of ATF.. it's from my POS C10 :D)

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2012
  15. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    I forgot to include what's left to do to the frame..

    -Cut off tube steel (sides)
    -Fishplate the front of the Z
    -Cap the bottom (where necessary)
    -After dialing in crossmember angles with the tires and drivetrain on, fully weld in the rear crossmember
    -Cap the tube steel in the back after tweaking the design
    -Cut off rear brace
    -Pie cut the front (if necessary)
    -Figure out K-member situation
    -Get the front split 'bones figured out, steering, shocks, etc..
    -Box frame.. (last thing, of course)

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
  16. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,760


    Lookin' good Bro! This would be a perfect frame to retain the center cross member and put a K section to it, (Wait! Where have I seen that done?), and boxing from the crossmember back. Super stiff and real Henry too!

    Keep weldin'. Summer's here.
  17. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    Thanks Koz!

    Yup.. The homemade K-member route is looking mighty fine at this point. I may box a little into the engine compartment to hide those ugly fishplates and my semi-amateurish welding. :eek:

    I made a bunch of shackles out of some scrap so I can bolt the rear axle to the frame, get the torque tube bolted back on and put it under the center crossmember so the axle doesn't try to roll back then I'll sit the frame on the front axle for now so I can at least roll it in and out of the garage on some A wires (which by the way, are all rusted out). I've got a lot of cleaning to do in there. I've also been looking online to figure out what I need to buy soon.. Thank God parts are cheaper than I was expecting them to be. :)
  18. Flat-Foot
    Joined: Jul 1, 2010
    Posts: 1,710

    from Locust NC

    You may have already said it but what are you doing for an axle?
  19. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    Which axle? :D

    The front axle will be the stock A axle but dropped 3 inches or so. I still need to separate the wishbone from it and get the spindles off so I can send it off to 296V8. I haven't done that because I don't know how to use a torch yet although I have one. :eek:

    The back is going to be a late '40's banjo. I have a Ford axle (the orange one) and a Mercury (so I've been told) to choose from.. I still have no idea of the conditions of the internals of the Mercury so I'll be diving into that this summer which is still two weeks away. Dead day is in two days then Finals is next week.

    I only have a few projects to finish and turn in then I can actually start working full days as opposed to one or two hours at a time.

  20. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 18,703

    from KCMO

    glad to see you making progress, summer is so close!
  21. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    Forgot to add.. I think that the "Mercury" may just be a F1 axle as it has two spring pads.

    Someone help a fella out here? Numbers on the bottom "rib" say this has 4.11 gears.
  22. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    Today, I didn't get much done other than snap some pictures of the car outside at the stance I'm wanting it to be at. Yes, the frame is only sitting on the front axle without a spring. I also drilled out some scrap steel to make some temporary shackles for the rear so I could mount the rear axle then I bolted on some old wire wheels..

    I have to say, I'm pretty happy with the stance this will have. Now I'm starting to think I shouldn't channel the body because it looks pretty good on there as is. Most of my friends think I don't need to and I'm starting to agree with them. I bought a bunch of parts to help get started on the suspension and ordered the rear tires. I still need to find one more 16x4.5 so I can mount the 7.50's on them and bolt them up to the car.


    As soon as the frame is done, I'll be back onto the body, getting everything done. Hopefully I'll be done with the frame for good by the end of the year.

    Starting to look more and more like a car! :D:D
  23. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 18,703

    from KCMO

    wow! seeing it all thrown together and in the driveway is so much different then in pieces in the shop, the proportions are looking great. id have to lean towards the non channeled camp myself, but get the chassis done and roll it out again for another look before you go one way or another. im sure rubber will make a difference.

    looks amazing either way, im sure id be standing in the garage at 3 am staring at it :)
  24. Black Primer
    Joined: Oct 1, 2007
    Posts: 965

    Black Primer

    Lookin' good Matt! Hey thanks for that panel, with a little work it looks great.
  25. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    Yeah, I think get those tires and see what everything is really at. Or get the dimensions and cut some "wheels" out of 1/2" plywood until you can get the money. The good thing about channeling it is that you'll be able to achieve that same stance but with more suspension travel because you'll be able to load that axle with a decent spring and such.

    However, a good ol' drop axle will keep you where want to be I think. Love the tire size, that's what I've got on my '35 with 3.5" wheels up front and 4" out back.

    planning on running a hood? That'll get a little tricky if you channel it but it's doable. On my '32 I think I'm gonna run just the hood sides but it'll be channeled too so I have to figure out a few things before that can be done.....actually I have to figure out a LOT of things before that can be done.

    Ya know, that damn 28-29 grille would look killer painted with some drawer pulls in it for that circa '59 show car look.

    What color are you thinking? I think it should be something with pearl in it. :D
  26. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    Thanks, Tim!

    Good to hear, Black Primer!

    I'll be running 4" wheels up front and 4.5" out back. Just need to find one more nice 4.5" wheel.

    The colors will be a light metallic green with cream white flames and firewall. Gold wheels, motor, etc. I may chrome a few pieces here and there if the funds allow it. I had an idea for the interior but now I'm not so sure if it'll match the '50's vibe I'm going for with this thing. It was going to be a simple bench seat with a leather outer half and a dark plaid material for the inner halves. Not too sure about that now. :confused:

    I'll be running just the hood sides. No top. Just like that killer black A sedan on here with the wide fives. The hood sides will need some work anyways as I upswept the frame so it doesn't align with the frame rails anymore. I'll have to notch the bottom of the grille shell to fit better as well. The drawer pulls.. Eeh.. :) That might be a tad bit much for me.
  27. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    I liked the hood sides only look after seeing Weesner do a few of his paintings with them like that. I love that color combo!!! Flames need to be used more on hot rods especially big chunky flames. I'm excited for you dude, get on it!!!

    Let me know if you need a chromer. I might know a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that does it for methamphetamines :D
  28. MrModelT
    Joined: Nov 11, 2008
    Posts: 2,745


    I gotta say I really like that super low stance and I LOVE the 19" wires! That really makes a killer and unique look with either a level stance or a slight rake.

    With the 19" wires, a full hood, a good 40's color and chopped windshield....Hot as HELL! :D
  29. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    Oh yeah. The Sylvia T roadster with the Ardun is what made me think about running the flames in that style. That flame style needs to be revived in a big way.

    Haha! I was half-expecting that. It's only a matter of time before he becomes the official chrome guy of the HAMB.

    Sadly, those wheels are rusted out and a few have broken spokes. :( One of these days.. I'll have an angry-sounding pre-war styled hot rod. :D
  30. MrModelT
    Joined: Nov 11, 2008
    Posts: 2,745


    ..Those aren't the ONLY set of 19" wires on the planet ya know...;)

    I know and I can't wait to see you take on a pre-war car :D

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