How long does it take for your status to chance once you pay for an alliance membership? I paid several days ago, status hasn't changed. Sent a PM to Ryan and another mod, no response. Not completely familiar with how this works here, other boards the status change is usually within 12-24 hours. Also, how does whoever make the tags that go with know which SN to put on, I was never asked when filling out the forms. Thanks.
Ryan will get to it for sure. Not 100% sure but he may be out at the GNRS in California this week. Please be patient - he may fill the Alliance memberships once a week or so. This much I know - you will receive your Alliance stuff for sure. Thanks ! Cob Moderator
good question if I remember right, membership came instantaneously with a computer generated PM from Ryan within a few seconds...Send him a PM to check on your status as your name will look a hell of a lot better highlighted in RED
Thanks Corn, I'll hang tight and see what happens. Fred, paid for the membership and license topper Wed, got an E-mail showing a receipt for those items (no PM), and that was it. Sent Ryan a PM, no response as of yet. I agree, red would look better, and is my way of saying thanks for the overwhelming database of knowledge I can tap into on this site.
Go to "Manage your account" in the upper left then click on "Group Memberships" under the "Networking" tab on the left side of your screen and then click the Alliance Member tab: -------- You may choose to be identified as a member of the following groups User Group User Title Registered Users Old School HAMBer Identify me as a member of this group Alliance Member Member Identify me as a member of this group ------ Did the banner ad go away for you after you paid for the Alliance? Chris
I've been waiting for a couple of weeks now (1/26/2011), sent a couple of emails to Ryan & nada... One was even about how to become an Alliance Vendor, still nothing. Is there a magic phrase or something I need to know??
I got the automatic PM when I signed up, and another PM about a Paypal problem, but the payment was processed, I followed up by sending you the proof of payment by PM, then never heard anything again. Also emailed you about becoming an Alliance vendor from my office email - and no answer about that either.... Email was from [FONT="][/FONT]