Hey, I was looking at the holes thread, and was wondering if anyone had some insight on how doing this to round tubing would affect it's strength. I might go ahead and do this sort of thing to some frame parts on a motorcycle project I am working on. Drilling holes, and welding tubing in the holes... They are low stress areas, and I can't imagine any negative effects, but I want to get a second opinion on how safe it is anyways. Here are some pics to show you what I am talking about. Thanks
You will probably have to straighten the whole assembly after welding but what you show will be stronger. A similar design is used in some bridge beams.
Thanks Pete. Will it be stronger along both axis or just the axis perpendicular to the newly welded in tubing?
"Drilling holes, and welding tubing in the holes..." theoretically will increase the integrity of the drilled frame/tube. Theoretically is stated as the quality of the tube insert fitment and proper welding of the components are considerations. Based on the fact that thought to ask the Question and the pictures of work in your post, I think you are well on your way to understanding the when/where and how-to process. Admittedly I am a practical kind of guy. I wouldn't drill holes merely for aesthetic reasons. Well, ok, yes, sometimes I have... Dale K Cleveland
Thanks Dale, I'll admit it is purely aesthetic, but its something that will set the frame off from every other one in existence.