I have a coleman quick change rear end and a stock 1936 Ford car banjo rear. Can I use the stock axle tubes on the quickchange. What all will this swap involve. And what axles will I use. Thanks
Not being familiar with the "Coleman" brand, I'm assuming it's a "V-8" style which means you need to use your '36 Axles, differential carrier, and tubes. That's what the original V-8 quickchanges were designed for-to use stock Ford rear end parts.
I think you should post some pictures. I am not familiar with a V8 style Coleman. This means that you will need to locate some adaptor side plates to use your 36 tubes and that's just the beginning. Brakes and axles have to be adapted to the tubes. Does your Coleman have a differential or a spool. It can all be done, but it can involve a lot of time and/or money. Show us what you've got and we can help you with the specifics.
Looking in my Coleman catalog, I only see a "champ" size offered, if so, you will need side plate adapters as Bruce mentioned. The units in the picture, show the difference between std champ housings and the conversion to V/8 housings. The conversion can be expensive ! BTW these are 11 bolt Halibrands.