Any final plans, Scotty? I'm going to try to ride in. May not make breakfast, but I'm shooting for some shoptime and lunch. Hey JeffyCakes, How many of you guys gonna make it up?
so the consensus seems to be breakfast around 8:30-9 until 10:30 ish. Still need to decide between the Comet and Ole' Time for breakfast. Then off to the shop for a while. Lunch afterwards at Ole' Time BBQ on 401.
Thanks Z! I've got to get my honey-do's done before Saturday morning! Time to get on the ball, 'er.........vacuum cleaner!
What is going on for this weekend? Anybody know? There is the Lake wheeler show hosted by MADD and then the Cary Breast cancer show on Sunday...
Newbie from Wadesboro here. Plan to make it for b-fast, even without a HAMB friendly car (I'll park down the street) Is it the Comet or Ol' Time?
Let's call it The Rocking Comet at 8:30. Then over to Rod-O-Rama by 11. Then BBQ for lunch a little later. How's that sound?
Sounds like a damn plan to me... Hope I'm not the only schmuck sittin in there alone How are we going to tell who is who... I have never met anyone before...
I hope this happens next month too. Was hoping to have the Comet buttened up by now but it looks like I'll be pulling a trans on Saturday.
Be there or be square, do not know Raleigh that well but if you have an adderss I can map quest it and be there......... please send address or directions.
Gonna try to ride the bike in! JoeNational, I'll be the dummy on the ol'black cafe' bike! (If I don't fffffreeeeezee!)
Great to see you guys! Thanks for the shop time, Scotty! If you need more help with the pegboard, just give me a shout!
Had a great time cool rides and cool shop. Great to meet you guys!!! I may need a hand with the front end adjustment... She aint movin for me. Thanks again Scott for putting this together!!!