.201 = wake up .128 + not bad .102 + not bad I only did the 10 times I wonder what you got to get to atta boy....lol
.1 .09 .08 .211 .075 and a couple DNQ's I think I could do better with my foot. How is that for a 60 year old?
I can't beet that .075 but i did get a couple of .08's and a .09 on that round. By the way I'm on dial-up it's got to be slower.......j/k..lol
My best was an .004, but I find that the closer I got the more I red light. My best score was 5500 - I can't get that with redlights though.
My best on that round was from .018,.069,.032,.05,.064,.218 and the rest red lights. I've got to stop...lol
Not too shabby. 1: 0.257 2: 0.134 3: 0.065 4: 0.06 5: 0.07 6: 0.085 7: 0.117 8: 0.031 9: 0.105 10: 0.038
Best time .006 - several .04 & .06 & more DNQ than I care to admit! It is addictive though! Try this one: http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sleep/sheep/reaction_version5.swf Harder because there's no "yellow lights" to give you a heads up!
Ok yesss I am addicted!!!!! and yess I have been drinking...but I did manage to pull off a .013...YEAH!!!!!...and alot of scores...well that just didn't count..lololol.ol Blake
OK so i think i got a short lived record......003!!! and a WOW coment..SWEET!!!! and I have been drinking...i chalk it up to dumb luck and playing more times that ummmm. Blake
Well I may not win any races but atleast I did not red light. GM 1=.27 2=.311 3=.086 4=.078 5=.178 6=.088 7=.149 8=.095 9=.103 10=.088 second time doing it.
My best was .0 perfect light! and it says HOLESHOOT! I did it twice along with 2 dnq's for a total score of 5100 but what the hell should't it say Holeshot? who the hell says Holeshoot?