I got a ? And need some advice I picked up a banjo steering wheel out of a 41 Buick ... But the grip part of the wheel is gone all that's left is a thin metal ring Does anyone rebuild or refurbish steering wheels ...or can one make The grip out of wood and have it covered in leather ........or do I chop it up And weld a chain to it........hopefully that's not the option.but an idea
Here's how a fellow club member restored an early Bristol steering wheel: Cut some garden hose of the right ID to a length to go around the steering wheel. Slit open the side on the inside of the hose's curl. Put the hose over the steering wheel ring and wrap with masking tape, making sure the longitudinal slit closes up cleanly. I assume there were spacers of some sort to keep the ring centred in the hose, but I don't remember any reference being made to any: I'd use bits of plastic of suitable density. Make a few holes in the hose, and pour in polyester resin through one of them. Leave to harden. After the resin has hardened, strip off the hose. Then, carve the finger indentations, etc. carefully by hand. I suppose an example or photographs would help here. Then sand, prep, and paint. When I saw the wheel I could barely believe it was done that way. As you're considering modifications already you can size the rim and arrange any indentations the way you want.
There is a thread on the HAMB where a guy made his own banjo wheel including casting his own grip. It was a while ago so it might take some searching to find it but it will be worth it. I've repaired a few banjo's but never attempted to recast the whole grip. That's a big job for a hobbyist. Good luck and if you attempt it take plenty of pictures to share with us when it's done.
Find someone with a big wood lathe.Build a plywood form, two pieces that encompass the wheel rim. Bolt it together on the wheel and fill it with epoxy through holes drilled in the top half. Don't forget to coat the plywood with a release agent! This will result in a wheel with no finger bumps, but you can carve them later if you make the form oversize on the back half.
Ok look looks like epoch is choice of most........humm I wonder if I could add metal flake to a clear or tinted color......to look kinda like the old-fashioned seats in a dinner