Is it possible to reverse the rotation of a supercharger ? I e putting a supercharger on a reverse rotation engine and having the blower blow down instead of up.
Detroit Diesels are available in both right and left hand rotation. As Squirrel said, just matter of drive location.
Yes it can be done, but will have to send it out to someone like Don Hampton, you have to rotate the front blower cover 180* and swap the gears because of the holes used to attach the drive. What you need him to do is line everything back up and drill oversize dowel pins
Yes you can. I had an extra credit design project last time I was in school and that was the challenge. You can't do it with one belt. Remember all boxes have a way out, it is the same way you got into it.
A long time friend of mine owns/operates heavy equipment. One day I was visiting his shop and he had a 6-71 GMC in for repairs. In talking about those engines, he happened to mention that if you want to use it in reverse rotation application you simply take everything off each end of the block and swap it to the opposite end. I didn't ask, but I would surmise that also applies to all the 71 Series engines. GM Engineering of all kinds was among the best in the world for many decades. Ray
great info. I know that they had a 4.3 supercharged engine ( typhoon maybe ) that used a whipple type possibly a screw typed blower even though the roots style looks cooler in my opinion could this be done on the whipple ?
I would think any Blower / supercharger Company that makes there own parts for 71 series would be able to cut a set of reverse rotor gears with no problems. Setting up a Virgin blower is not that difficult , but do need access to lathe / mill . Clarence is no less than about .010 Rotors to rotor ,case & end plates street use Loose is better than tight , to loose is like blow bye
That Typhoon and cyclone was a 4.3 Turbo. One of the “auto shows back then did a review on them. “The most impractical vehicles on the planet unless your name is Batman” was the ending opinion. They out performed every single thing available at the time. And who needs to go the grocery store or get the kids to soccer practice that fast anyways. 3.8 turbo for G body and 3.8 transverse roots super charged for FWD. later the Cadillac with LS motor had supercharger then the others followed.
. Its 2 gears meshed together under the cover- How can you "machine" a reverse set of gears??? 1 Rotor turns clockwise and the other turns counter clockwise. Most engines run clockwise so thats the driven rotor, if by some means the motor is run counter clockwise then its the opposite rotor that must be driven
Actually I have reversed the rotation on a 671 detroit blower. thirty some years ago. These sawmillers had a left hand 6-71 Power unit. The blower went bad and all we could find is a used right hand blower. I had to take it apart and swap the ends to make it fit on the diesel block and the drive be at the correct location. In a custom application it might be possible it simply move the drive like Squirrel suggested????
Not quite that easy. You gotta swap the live cam and the dead cam and turn the head around. You need a different starter. You dont mess with the flywheel or front pulley. The flywheel will only fit on the rear of the crank. I messed with detroit 2 cycle engines since I was a little kid.
All Series 71 engines could be made to run left or right, twin engine boats have left and right hand rotation engines. For the blowers as stated above it's all in how they are assembled, almost every piece on a 2 stroke Detroit can turned around and mounted the other way.