Rest at last for a man that worked his entire life. Worked, not talked. Worked not huckstered. Worked & inspired guy's to do likewise. A sticky would be very respectful for a man that endured so much of life's ups and downs.
RIP Bill, you will be missed by all, but never all that ever had the chance to meet you. Salina leadsled show will never be the same from now on.
R.I.P Mr. Hines! He's probably up there Kustomizing the pearly gates cigar and lead paddles and all! Joe
Ninety-four years, spending most of them creating metal masterpieces. His talents were admired both by his peers and all of us who love Kustoms. We should all be so lucky. Rest in peace Bill.
Terrible news learning of Bill's passing. Outstanding hard working gentleman right up to the end. Today was the day all his projects were done. Godspeed to you Bill.
Wow......sad day in the Kustom world..he lead a long life and did what he loved. He will always be a legend around these parts...Downriver Legend...well my old buddy Gator has his friend up there now with him to talk candy paint and fins...Bill gave this to Gator on one of his trips back to Michigan and Gators family gave it to's one of my prized possessions....knew the day would come...nobody lives forever....but still not easy to accept. Rest In Piece Downriver Kustom Legend Bill Hines
Many of these legends have been inspiring generations with their creativity before some of us were even born. As kids we read about their builds and perhaps copied some of their ideas when we built our own model cars and trucks. Certainly as adults we may have been influenced by these Legendary Builders. Ironically tonight before I read about Bill's passing another Legendary Builder Gene Winfield was in our town and attended our Friday Cruise Night. I was honored that Gene signed the dash on my 56 Custom ElCamino. RIP Bill and thank you Gene for continuing to share your knowledge and creativity.
Condolences to the Hines family and friends on the passing of their Bill. A true artist/craftsman in the field close to our hearts. It was his life. Its great when you do what you love to do. Mild to wild he did it all. Rest in peace. We celebrate your life and accomplishments. Regards, Stogy
My condolences to the Hines family. Man what a craftsman. Tough dude; lived until 94 working with lead all his life and smoking cigars. I love it.
I met Bill through his nephew Teddy Z many years ago,.... A very talented and unassuming man,... A "Motor City" Hero..... You will be missed, But never forgotten "Shorty" .... So long,... you were a much bigger man than you could ever have imagined. RIP
It's very sad when you think of all of our hot rod heros who are no longer with us. These were the guys most of us grew up idolizing and reading about in the little books.......they lived the lives we regular guys could only dream about. Bill was one tough Son of a gun, he kept doing what he loved all his life.........all of his long life. He did it without fanfare and with quiet confidence. I really love guys like him. Don