I'm not sure how period correct Dimples around the lightening holes would be, but they sure make the panel more rigid. The pics of your inner trunk lid reminded me of this: About half way through I was really questioning my sanity for starting the project lol
My wife bought me Yates book a few years ago for Christmas and like you I've had hidden desires to create something along the line of what your doing. Only difference is your DOING IT!!!! I built all of the roll cages for Howe Racing Enterprises here in Michigan for about 15 years and building a road race/oval track hot rod has always been a "back of my mind" project. The Yates book just gave the idea a shove and now your project is trying to push me off the cliff. I'll keep watching your progress and see where it goes. Frank
Jeeeeeeeeeeeesus.Another mad scientist from the HAMB ranks strikes again.Looking GOOD. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo
HA! no a tweaker would have used a 1/8 drill bit, drilled 25 holes in a circle and broken it out with pliers or a screw driver.
WOW how cool is this thing, love every bit of it, the lightin holes, the cage. The dog.keep up the great work aso subscribed
Hell yeah!!! Where has this thread been hiding and why haven't I seen it before?? Definitely subscribed and looking forward to more postings from you Seret. Cheers.
Just Start! after you pull the trigger its easy, you just keep building. Dont think about it or second guess yourself. Next thing you know you have a car.
thanks, the wood buck is my other build http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=548356&highlight=seret+speed