HOLY SMOKES !.........The paint....the details....I love it !....I'm really diggin' the alternator idea....You've got the big skills, and I like the style....fabulous !
What cam are you running? Have you checked the piston to valve clearance ? Just curious I am also building a 394 and I see you are running flat top pistons with no valve reliefs. Beautiful car outstandig craftsmenship.
Go to the top of the class Rob Not many people know what it is, I use it for making my coil lead look a little more interesting.
Thanks Geoff, I just try and help and encourage to promote rodding in the UK, hopefully it will grow larger and larger.
What a frikkin' artist!!!! One thing you have impressed me on is that the devil really is in the details. The real work comes in final assembly, not so much in initial fabrication. Now I have to rethink how much time to allow for final assembly. Thanks, Mike
Yo, the car is right down the right alley thats for sure. Good choice in Street Rodder covers in the background. I shot the yellow '36 in front of the gas station. Two Brit street rodders just left here, (Portland, Oregon). They came over for the Portland Roadster Show. Mick Rolf, and Barry Flood, we had a great time. Again your roadster is perfect. Da Flash
oh man, when they say its in the details, they aren't kidding. Killer car..can't wait to see more Blokie