can you take a pic of the belt drive compressor set up? curious to see how it was done. when you get the chance
The fly'n wang is safe and sound in my quarter, lol. Dante that EDC set up is the way to go hands down. After peep'n and play'n with Rogers set up I wouldn't have it any other way. Plus the Empire dudes did a bang up job. Roger's 54 is going to be titties!!!! Out of the little pages for sure cause that's how Mike rolls. You gotta do your homework first!
I like you creativity, and work. Don't which 54 you talking about, for me from saints 51 on just different versions. And I don't know who was the first with 55 lights, lost my leader. Roger
As someone who is just starting to learn metal work after working on Mechanical side of cars all my life,I would like to know what tools you used to do the metal work on this car. I am just getting started on a couple of projects of my own and the right tools can make all the difference in the world. Great work and thanks for the pics-please keep them coming.
The hood is gonna get peaked, and that's about it on big stuff. This thing should be done real soon, so a few surprises will keep it interesting. Shrinker / stretcher, brake, beadroller, engrish wheel. That should be enough to make you dangerous. I'll be back home in 5 days, and I'll get a scan of that 54. Roger, you might know the car (and thanks man! ). And Dante, I'll get some close up pics of that EDC for you. Thanks for the kind words! I'm dying to get back on this car. It sounds like if Roger is doing better, he'll be down at the shop helping close this deal up. Should be good.
REALLY NICE work Mike. I like your style and I'm sure this won't dissapoint. Looking foward to some pics of that EDC too. I'm torn on it though... Does it distort the "look" of the Hopped-Up 6 banger with a modern twist? Does look more "inplace" inperson? I gotta imagine that, hands down, it's WAY better than an electic jobber. I've always wanted to run one of those. I heard Volvos had decent ones that were somewhat universal? Nice work man again.
Car looks great...Roger and Agnostic Front rock! I listen to A.F. and Madball in the garage all the time
Dallas, As far as performance an EDC over electric compressors is apples and oranges. I've got 2 Viars in my Buick and they work well, but nothing compared to an edc. Plus the "hum" of electric ones can get old quick. I'm pretty sure this one is a York. I don't know about the volvo units your talking about, but these Yorks are pretty much the unit to go with IMO. As far as "looking the part" I guess that depends on how close you wanna split hairs, and what your "Build Date," or era your shooting for. These guys where used for A/C in the late 50's / early 60's so, to me they are not that out of place, plus you could "dumb down" the set up to look less modern. Nads, your not so bad yourself, you big lug. Haven't been on the cpu in awhile I NEED to go check out your elco!
Dallas, Im totally sold on the EDC set up. It is a little bulky in the engine compartment but my god it blows electric compressors away. Also like Mike said the "hum" is annoying. Barney will be getting the same treatment in the near future.
Not to hijack the thread, but for you guys interested in engine driven compressors, the Sanden 508 compressors can be converted to blow air. They are alot smaller then the Yorks, and don't rob you of as much HP. The only down side to them(as apposed to the Yorks, is they are not self oiled, so you have to add an oiler on the inlet side). Here is a great thread with alot of info on setting up a Sanden:
Squirm from the Rumblers has had 55 Chevy headlights on his 50 Ford for years, looks good too, they suit the 53-54 Chevys well because of the fender crease.