I can understand your point on wheelie's and keeping the people safe. I believe everyone is on board with that.... I've lost friends too for stupid senseless reasons. But your last statement is a masterpeice of ignorance and stupidity. Because your daddy is a cop the Rumblers can't have a show next year??? Where are all the complaints coming from? Why would a permit be granted if there were so many complaints? Blame us for it getting out of control?? More than half of the problems not only this year but in years past were by people not even involved with the show. Start a new thread if you want to talk about car show safety in general. You obviously weren't there but decided you had an opinion.
that sucks so , does one stiff from the NYPD make all the rules when it comes to "getting a permit next year"?
Screw that give me a baseball bat or my gauge! Mike I think I summed up all this bullshit six days ago in post #53 but people all over the country that weren't there but have opinions have to add complete bullshit to a thread that has nothing to do with building or appreciating cars! I had a blast at the show if there is a show next year I'll be there again! This thread should be closed and people should go build something that is what the HAMB is supposed to be about. Dave Hitch FBBF
were you there? no? SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! how many of you self appointed "safety police" have ever talked on they're cell phone or texted while driving? your more of an asshole than the guy on the bike!
Ok, I got one.....So there are theses 2 guys, both who live far away from each other. They both go on the HAMB and grow internet balls. Then the first guy says to the second...(fill in with boring rant about whatever) This blows, Ryan please end this. Bruce, hows that pick em up coming along?
On a serious note. . . we'll have the show again next year, but it will have to be in a different, larger, and more suitable location for the size that the show has grown to. It's going to be tough, having a show in NYC in August the weather is terribly hot and humid. So the space under the BQE was ideal because it provided shade from the sun, and it blocked out any threat of rain (since it rains like every other day in The North East these days, which makes planning difficult). . . . but fret not, the show will go on, just in a new location that can hold more cars and more spectators safely. So if you didn't get to bring your car this year, get in the garage and get to work and we'll see you next year!
<HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e5e5e5; COLOR: #e5e5e5" SIZE=1> <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> On a serious note. . . we'll have the show again next year, but it will have to be in a different, larger, and more suitable location for the size that the show has grown to. It's going to be tough, having a show in NYC in August the weather is terribly hot and humid. So the space under the BQE was ideal because it provided shade from the sun, and it blocked out any threat of rain (since it rains like every other day in The North East these days, which makes planning difficult). . . . but fret not, the show will go on, just in a new location that can hold more cars and more spectators safely. So if you didn't get to bring your car this year, get in the garage and get to work and we'll see you next year! <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________ - brian case closed !
Ha i read this whole thing,It makes me want to go out in the hurricane and run with scissors.Thats how we do it in NY.