Started down the road to the LSRU yesterday - first leg was from Williamsburg to Shelby, NC and spent the night with seadog. It was a nice visit and his wife Faye made us a great meal- thank you! The reason to visit Tom is to hook up with another 4 cars to run together to the show. We are waiting to join them as I write this .... stay tuned ....
We are headin out for Austin in about ten min. In the snow should have left yesterday as planned . Oh well safe travels to all.
It's great that you're making your trip a key part of your adventure. I live roughly a 100 miles south of the Round Up so I'll be commuting each day. A good portion of my commute will be on the Texas tollway 130 which has the highest posted speed in the USA. So I'll be cruising along @ 90mph...... 95 if I want to fudge just a little. Look me up in the swap meet area. I'll be pretty much stuck there and won't be able to walk about. (All my sales intake from my vintage shift knobs and accessories goes to my car fund so it's work now, play later for me.)
Yup, without pics it never happened. Have fun. Brett and I will be suffering through the Auto Fair thinking of you. Lee
Hope you have a great trip. We did it last year and we really enjoyed the event. I recommend the bar-b-que on Thursday afternoon and the garage crawls on Friday morning.
With the I85 bridge out in Atlanta, we had to change our route. We went up to 40, then worked our way down to Birmingham, stopped at Goolsby's Customs, and ended up just outside of Jackson, MS. The day was not without some problems however .... Seadog's windshield of his roadster would not stay fixed and kept wanting to fold in on him. He stopped a couple times and when we first ally cought up to one another, he used his camera prop rod to keep the windshield in place ... Bad picture I know but you get the idea. Gabby has been riding with seadog now just in case the rid jars loose - you can't drive and battle that rod at the same time! One of the Alabama highway patrol stopped by to talk with us. Real nice guy looking for a deuce 3-window! With Seadog's troubles we got separated from the other 4 cars in our group. We finally caught up with them at Goolsby's Customs ... They had a lot going on at Goolsby's ... The final leg of today's journey found me pushing my roadster to new limits ... plain English, we were booking! A moment before this pic I was running 82+ and you can see the flattie loved it .... Had a blast today and looks ng forward to rolling into Austin tomorrow ....
Thanks for the pics Tom. Who did the donuts in Coolsby Customs parking lot ..I hope it wasn't you abusing that sweet little Flatty...LOL
As for the donuts in the parking lot, John, no one can claim them. They are doing blacktop paving nearby and the pieces of equipment doing the paving turn around in their parking lot - LOL!
Tell Seadog to just put a rag or towel under his windshield. That camera rod scares me, I can just see it coming dislodged and breaking the glass. Or am I misunderstanding the issue.
The windshield was physically swinging in and a towel was not going to stop it. Also, Gabby is riding with him just in case it dislodges .... Thanks for your concern .... it did hold at 80+ mph so that's also good ....
Thank you for the pictures. I had the windshield on my 32' pop over the cowl reveal while running well in excess of 80mph. The frame pinned my fingers against the steering wheel. I eventually improvised some small rubber bumpers with a screw the cent to function as stops. Enjoy your trip and please keep posting.
Tom, Your brother Rick was by last night and borrowed a few spare parts knowing that if he had them he wouldn't need them. He was planning to be on the road before first light this morning headed for LSRU. Keep an eye out for him and his sweet wife. Wish I was on my way too but not in the cards my boss is an ass hole. Watch out for those girls that leave their flashers on Tell Gabby HI I'll be following along..... Larry