You are not hijacking my thread at all - thank you for finding the info. I should have known it started life as a car .... regardless, it is really something ....
So, we are in Roanoke, VA tonight. Each day we traveled right around 640 miles and other than the minor repair yesterday and adjusting the fan belt tensioning, the car is running like clockwork. I am only, at the most, 5 hours from home. We could not have asked or even planned better weather for this trip. Gorgeous yesterday, today, and tomorrow appears that it will be the same ... Going to visit a good friend of mine here in Roanoke in the am and he has a private collection of vehicles that, should he allow me to post pics, I will do so. Otherwise, it never happened!
............Thanks again for taking us along on the trip vicariously. Look forward to the pics from your pals' collection there in Roanoke. Hope he's on the HAMB. If not, spread the gospel!
Another great adventure Tom, I feel like I was right there with you as I followed your post.. Only thing missing is the wind in my face and the sound of that sweet little flathead purring on down the highway. You inspire so many of us to get out there and enjoy a road trip somewhere in the USA. You have put so many miles on that car all across America that it's amazing. Who could say a Flathead isn't road worthy when you have put thousands of long haul miles on yours. That's one tough Flatty for sure. Stay safe and I will see you when you get home.
Glad you had a safe trip home Tom, as I arrived home today myself. Great trip all but the wind and today as I crossed into Nebraska the temps dropped & the wind picked up speed. 39 when I arrived home...about froze my tail off the last hour on the road. Good to see you bud...
Thanks John and Dennis - 39 Dennis? Geesh - that's pretty cold! Oh well - that's hot rodding! Hey, John - if you would like I could bring what you did not sell at Charlotte to Spring Carlisle and see if I can peddle it. I will be bringing the intake and carbs and some stuff I have. Let me know and I can swing by and pick it up - we leave Tuesday night .....
Well, we're home - 3:30 to be exact. Everything went as planned and even better. Here are some pics off of Rt 24 between Roanoke and Dinwiddie county ... And these were from historic Rt 5 where my subdivision enters/exits from ... Thanks for riding along and I really appreciate all the kind words. See y'all down the road ....
Glad to see you guys made it home. You need to clean that windshield. Remember, "If the windshield's clean; the car's clean." (My favorie saying)
Thanks, Tom - it was a great trip, great weather, great company. Btw, as fast as we cleaned the windshield, it was dirty again! If you think my windshield was bad, should have seen my radiator grille! Lol!
Great story and great pics Tom. I especially like those all deuce group shots. It was great seeing you again. Glad you made it down.
Great seeing you, Dan and thank you - I enjoy covering the trip and all the little things that happen although Gabby was very disappointed we were not flashed in this trip!
Tom, I just went back and reread this thread when it popped up at the bottom of the one about the fake brakes. I sure had fun on that trip, let's do it again!