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rusty car owners please stand up

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by tankwilson, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. maddog
    Joined: Sep 3, 2006
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    from So Cal

    UUUUMMMM - Fries. I'm gonna fly off and get some fries too.
  2. 3wLarry
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
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    from Owasso, Ok

    Has anyone noticed that the dumb-ass author of this thread hasn't answered anyone for the last 24 hours?...ya'll are a bunch of idgets...
    kidcampbell71 likes this.
  3. seymour
    Joined: Jan 22, 2004
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    from PNW

    watch out larry... he might drive in front of you! :D
  4. 3wLarry
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
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    from Owasso, Ok

    ...touche' Seymour...
    kidcampbell71 likes this.
  5. Good Wood
    Joined: Apr 17, 2006
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    Good Wood
    from pa

    I too was there, though not in New Zealand. We had plenty of whole cars in primer, (black, grey, red oxide, and any color that light grey could be tinted), on the east coast USA. There were lots of cars with primer spots, but a fully primered car sure beats a shiny one in some horrible color. Hopefully the primer was only temporary until a paint job could be afforded. Unfortunately primer usually became permanent until the ride was sold, traded, or wrecked beyond repair. We usually ran the piss out of them, and east coast rust is relentless.
  6. maddog
    Joined: Sep 3, 2006
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    from So Cal

    Whats an idget?
  7. skipstitch
    Joined: Oct 7, 2001
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    A bothersome person who might be considered of little consequence but will simply add to a fucked up day... sorta like a didget only less than countable where meaning counts.

    The word can be considered a mispronounced form of idiot.

    Who the fuck did he think he was...what an idget!

    From the urban online dictionary.........:)
  8. Anderson
    Joined: Jan 27, 2003
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    Found a baby picture

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  9. Joe T Creep
    Joined: Jan 1, 2003
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    Joe T Creep
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    I think we need to bring back the Red X post.....
  10. maddog
    Joined: Sep 3, 2006
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    from So Cal

    I forgot what they looked like, do you have any pictures of them?
  11. The_Monster
    Joined: Sep 8, 2003
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    I love tall top T's, and thank God thats just paint. Im sure that painter puts down some good stripes, but he sure aint no letterin man. That 'fuck off' looks stupid as hell. not only is it just plain retarded to be on a car where anyone can read it, but the lettering looks like shit, hahaha!!!

    And whats up with all the guys with the 'fuck off' and 'fuck 'em' on thier rods and tattoos? and why write it in such a pussy scrolling script font. it seems like its the fad. Ive seen this more and more in mags. painted on cars and tattoos, 'fuck off' in some cinderella font. why not make it look like vomit or look like you cut the words into your flesh. why be such a pussy about it? its like, "i want to be offensive, but not go over the top" hahahahah!!!

    I guess thats the next baddest thing to do. instead of being racist and singling out ONE minority, tell the whole WORLD to fuck off.

    "oh, you think my cars cool? well FUCK OFF! I dont want to tell you about all the cool things I did to it. I like to sit alone with my loser friends and watch the shock on peoples faces when they read it cause we like to pretend were still in middle school. I think its great to look in my rear view mirror at stop lights and see people look at me like Im an asshole, instead of give me a thumbs-up for my cool ride. do I back into a spot at the criuse-ins? hell no! I pull straight in, that way everyone at the show can enjoy my stupidity."

    I think these guys are trying so hard to be different and do something no one has ever done before. They got the full body tattoos. that shock value wore off cause everyone they hang with has them too. they got a hotrod, but all their buddies have them too now.

    its just like the ricers putting TV's in their headlights and stupid shit, just to one-up the next guy. its a phase, pretty soon itll be over once the shock value has wore off.

    anyways, nice car.. GAY lettering... heres a suggestion, take the letters off the back and put them on the dash instead. that way the whole world wont find out how insecure you are and then you can read the phrase to yourself the whole time youre driving!?!?! hahaha
  12. TP
    Joined: Dec 13, 2001
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    from conroe tx

    When you paste Fuck off all over your car what do you expect to get in return?

    In Texas you'd be ticketed . I saw a young fella get his ass handed to him in Walmart last year because he had a shirt on that read the same thing. The guy that handed him his ass was in late 40's early 50"s. The older guy politely asked him to turn his shirt inside out so his wife wouldn't have to read it. The punk returned with ;you guessed it "fuck off".The young guy was in his late 20"s. It offends some people especially when family can read it. I like the car itself. I'm building one similar now. It will be in primer until I can afford to paint it..
  13. I totally agree with "the Monster" a couple of posts up. The owner of this cool, old car has turned it into an object of ridicule, and bad taste. That, in my opinion, is worse than being a rat rod.
  14. I can't believe this crap is still going on...oh, yes I can. Seems lately there are more people who know how to gripe than how to build cars.

    I agree with Tingler, I work in the 4th largest city in the country and don't see many old cars even from the 70s and 80s. Used to be when you saw a guy on a custom Harley, he was likely to be in an outlaw club. Now, thanks to T.V. and yuppies, he's more likely a lawyer or stockbroker, and not likely to be hassled by "The Man". The same thing may be true of "Street Rods", or "Rat Rods", or whatever label they wear.

    Still kind of tacky to put "Fuck Off" on your car, or skin...Oh, well, to each his own. I tend to dismiss such people without even giving them a chance and getting to know them, I guess I'm guilty of the old "judging a book by it's cover" thing. Probably because, as a youth, my dress code and behaviour was not the norm, and I have since learned the hard way. It's really a shame because I have met some people who's appearance leaves a lot to be desired, but are really very sharp and talented.
  15. boozoo
    Joined: Jul 3, 2006
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    Here's on for fun...

  16. xderelict
    Joined: Jul 30, 2006
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    Out of 75 replies to ''Rusty car owners please stand up''Only 2 have anything to do with the original post.Just a rusted observation.

  17. Pretty damn rusty, for now.
  18. hotrod54chevy
    Joined: Nov 7, 2003
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    from Ohio

    ...who gives a shit what anyone other than you thinks of your car?
  19. Cyclone Kevin
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    Rust or Rat Rod?
    This post turned out to be a little more than what the actual title was about. A year or so ago I attended a club meeting regarding what our run did. One of our members tried to pin me to a pole because I drove my purple roadster on the run as patrol.(painted & glass) The other patrol car was a BMW suv & the accuser drove a Jeep Wagoneer out to their ck point=go figure, It's a roadster run! The accuser was trying to tell me how some of our participants said something about a member having a glass car in a all traditional roadster club(nothing newer than 53 mechanically).
    Wellagain this was patrol duty & traditional styled roadsters of any material were accepted as participants, so no harm & no foul being in a patrol motivated by later power as long as it too was traditional
    (it runs my other traditonal clubs plaque anyhow).
    I said no sweat- I'll bring my 27 T-ster for our next run (May 07).
    That is my actual club car. I had taken it out to an earlier club function and one of the other members kinda had a sh*t, because it wasn't a painted, plated pro-built rod.(this car is an early styled Muroc racer- powered by banger and looks just like a pic out of any of the Montgomery,Smith & Drake books on Hot Rodding-Gow Jobs)
    This car wears both flaked paint & rust as its colors,denim interior to cover the seat springs.It is not a rat rod but an early hot rod.(Artist Tom Fritz actually did a painting of it.)
    The accuser wasn't in the club @ this point as well as a cronie that we had let in that brought in the accuser as his business's customer 1st and now a member. Both of these guys cars are not what today what we consider bad,but one was actually built from a very rough body that most people would have left for dead. Maybe nearly $50k later and the body is repaired to resemble a patina'd old roadster when in reality it is a brand new deal-that never existed that way. I have no idea what is into the whole car, but he never turned a wrench on it.(Isn't that part of Hot Rodding?) I never have seen any of these cars at Muroc,El Mirage or Bonneville, Mine have all been there.
    Where is this going? Moral=You can never please everyone-Rust or paint,but I don't recommend painting your own opinion on the upper rear panel either. In your own mind you know that they don't have a clue.
    Coindentally,my purple car got 6 pages of shots from behind in the event coverage by a photographer covering the event (The accuser stated that I must have paid him to put my car in the best coverage-our event ever has seen,Maybe he has the money & lack of intregrity to do that but I don't lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  20. I disagree, they ALL have to do with the original post. They are called responses, and come from the original post and then the posts in response.
    When someone paints "F__k off" on the back of his car, then thinks that someone calls it a rat rod because of the rust, is looking for a reason to be hostile. You can't expect forum members not to point out the obvious or not to have opinions. That is a neat old car, and now, with a few strokes of paint, it is a joke. It insults the hobby and it certainly isn't traditional in any way.
  21. OLLIN
    Joined: Aug 25, 2006
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    I have been thinking about this too, In the 40's the tough guys wore zuit suits, in the 50's, rebellious kids wore faded jeans and motorcycle boots and might have had a few tatoos and drove jalopies or rode bikes and listened to rock and roll. in the 60's and 70's guys would run swastikas on their bikes and have long hair, beards and dress all ratty just to piss people off (which always amazes me considering how close to WWII that generation was). Same thing for the punk rockers in the 70's and 80's-90's, trying to live outside of the system (really just being parasites most of the time). I guess every generation has that element, and each generation has to out-do the last. this one might be remembered for being completely covered in stupid tatoos and driving ratty rusty cars.
  22. hilbillyjim1948
    Joined: Jul 2, 2006
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    from australia

    I reckon all these guys with fuck off on their rides should tatoo it across their foreheads,just underneath where it says DICK HEAD ,i mean really if i go to a show and see this i dont think ooooooh im scared of that guy i just think "dick head!!!!" why is it now that rodding has become a fashion statement ,dress up like a James Dean type jailbird with tatts ,hang with your bros and tatoo'd hoes,"REBELS WITHOUT A CLUE" I think image is more important than the cars for these guys ,I never played dressups as a kid that was what girls did!!!,i played in the dirt driving my hotwheels,dreamin of when i could build one myself ,im sure ill get threats and what not for writing this but guess what,I dont care!,we are lucky over here we dont have very many Jimmy Deans over here and i like it that way!over here its all about the cars!
  23. Johnny Black
    Joined: Jun 27, 2005
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    Johnny Black

    I think the car (and rusty chitboxes like it) are lame.

    I also think that all the negative tattoo comments are lame. I have tattoo's, my father had tattoo's, even his father had tattoo's so it is a tradition of sorts with us. But it in no way has anything to do with traditional hot rods.

    And Lastly I think this thread is lame.:D
  24. zman
    Joined: Apr 2, 2001
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    from Garner, NC

    I'm glad none of my tattoos are stupid and I know how to spell zoot. :D:D:D
  25. hilbillyjim1948
    Joined: Jul 2, 2006
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    from australia

    i too am tattood but i dont strut around with em showing its a personal taste thing but if some one doesnt like tattoos i think they are entitled to dislike em ,but please all these retro blue birds and clay smith decals ,oh please get a bit creative peolple ,if you cant hack negative tatt comments dont walk around covered in them !ive got plenty but do not feel the need to show em off ,i think people that do are just trying to show off ,i call tatts like this tuff stickers,a bit like the fuck off signage i think it is a poor attemp at intimidation ,no room for it in my life or my hobby,leave the full sleeves and neck jobs to the bikers they are the only ones it suits,anyone else just look like crack whores and junkies but bikers wear em well !
  26. terrarodder
    Joined: Sep 9, 2005
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    from EASTERN PA

    This is what it looked like when I bought it in 82, started working on it again, if it ever hits the road at least it will have a rattle can primer job.It will never look good enough to spend for a good paint job.

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  27. Johnny1290
    Joined: Apr 20, 2006
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    God, TankWilson is desperate for attention. After reading all this talk about the damn pinstriping, I had to look for myself. Uh, I expected decent work for some reason. Boy was I wrong. Not only is that Fuck Off childish and gay, its the worst looking lettering I've ever seen. You shoulda gotten a 13 yr old tagger to write it better. Hideous.
  28. 55chevy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2006
    Posts: 290


    Very well said, I'm lookin at the lettering, not the intent, hmmm must be the objective engineer in me.

    Just when did this rusty, desirable "patina" exterior begin? Had to be in California? All the hot fads start there, eh? I thought my 68 truck was cool for a while with rusty patina, but it has rattle can paint now, I guess I'm not really a fan of rust.
  29. I had to pay Boyd Trepannier big bux to get this faux patina look. Does it need more rust.

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  30. seymour
    Joined: Jan 22, 2004
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    from PNW

    according to that other asshat, the more rust, the lighter/faster your car would be! :D

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