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Event Coverage RWYB at Silver Dollar Raceway, Reynolds ,GA Oct. 29, 2016

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by dirty old man, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. So Bobby got the hard pecker award?
    loudbang and allwilly like this.
  2. Yeah we used it as the quickest R/T for his eagerness to jump the light :D
    Dog_Patch and allwilly like this.
  3. Cool shots of Dan Ross's sedan. Brought back some memories of Dan and it is good to see it is in good hands!
  4. Thanks to Scott, Dom, Jimmy and all the folks at Silver Dollar Love getting to go hang out down there.
    Dog_Patch, Floater03 and GAOldsman like this.
  5. Merlin
    Joined: Apr 9, 2005
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    from Inman, SC

    Cool pics thanks for posting them. Gonna put this on the list for next year.
    Tudor, Dog_Patch and GAOldsman like this.
  6. is that a bull horn i see?
    allwilly and Tudor like this.
  7. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    Yeah, and guess who was using it? But at around 6:00 pm not 5:00am!
    PBRmeASAP likes this.
  8. what a bunch of pussys, someone should have stepped up
    Tudor, loudbang and allwilly like this.
  9. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    I could give a shit less if someone did use it @ 5:00am as I was @ the hoteL;)
  10. 48fordnut
    Joined: Nov 4, 2005
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    Not wanting to start a new thread, just trying to get an opinion. I would like to see a annual trophy for the fastest street car. Each year the winners name and time would be on an engraved piece to add to the trophy. That person would hold it for a year, and the next person that wins would be added on the list. Traded around from person to person, with the understanding that the trophy would be at the next event.
    What do you think? Lets hear from you.
  11. chopped
    Joined: Dec 9, 2004
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    Was there a winner a few years ago that never came back?
    GAOldsman likes this.
  12. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    There was a winner that left with the perpetual trophy, went home and hasn't been back, for whatever reason. He is still around, in the state of GA and AFAIK, still playing with hot rods:rolleyes:
    Scot started a new one at his own expense about 2-3 years ago, custom painted and pin striped bowling pin, to be awarded annually to the fastest street legal car, and signed and dated with a silver sharpie by each winner. IIRC, this year it was to be awarded to the turbo powered truck from TN but he and Bad A left before the awards. Hopefully someone with a better memory than I will step in and let us know who got it for sure, I'm thinking Scot has it recorded.
    Jim, you always disappear before everybody settles down and figgers out awards and passes them out, so perhaps you weren't aware of that trophy.
  13. 48fordnut
    Joined: Nov 4, 2005
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    I wasn't DOM. I had thought that might be a problem. Maybe you or Scot could keep it to be displayed at the event. I am willing to sponsor a trophy with room for several winners on it. Starting with this yr.
    GAOldsman likes this.
  14. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    I'm sure everybody involved would like the idea, so let's throw it up now and ask for comments. HEY YALL, T
    AKE A LOOK AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    48fordnut likes this.
  15. Floater03
    Joined: Aug 2, 2010
    Posts: 505

    from Byron Ga.

    That sounds like a pretty cool deal. Maybe keep the bowling pin going home with the winner, to be returned the next year and the "permanent" trophy on display as Jim suggested, giving the previous winner some incentive to come back and see his(or maybe her)name on permanent display.If I'm not mistaken, Shiff, last years winner sent the pin back because he was unable to make it this year, kudos to him!
    48fordnut likes this.
  16. 48fordnut
    Joined: Nov 4, 2005
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    03 that sounds like it's doable
    Floater03 likes this.
  17. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    Tried to call Scot awhile ago to get him on here, but no answer. Left message.
  18. Sounds like a great idea Jim. How about something similar to dog tags made each go round with name, R/T, E/T and mph. With those affixed to a big frame since a trophy would run out of room quickly. Just a suggestion since a plaque or frame takes up less room.

    The bowling pin was bought by Wayne Rodgers and he commissioned Hot Rod Walt of the Psycho DeVilles to pinstripe it. He had the primer red '39 Dodge like Tony's.
  19. 48fordnut
    Joined: Nov 4, 2005
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    What ever needs to be done. I was thinking a 4 sided trophy with 1'' x 3,or 4 tags name home town and mph. You can get too much on the tags. What ever you all want.
    Floater03 likes this.
  20. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    Both of you are putting forth good ideas, and I feel like if we can get a group of the participants, admirers,and wanna be's, to join in an honest effort to put down, either on a social group to be formed or one already available to us, or other wise, an agreed upon, outline for awards, trophies, etc. I suppose we could just continue this thread to discuss ideas, as most of us are somehow connected to RWYB if now, a week later, we're still yakking on this thread!
    And to bring this up NOW and get it started NOW and get something in a suggested format of an event of RWYB/SDR, ASAP. We have a good chance of a time before the first of the year of, thru current owner/seller, of being in a discussion with new owner/buyer, about how our event gained cars/ increased gate, etc. by having a concrete event date so far in advance, and keeping the thread up the pages.
    We gained a good bit of participation the last few years, but in all reality, we're nowhere near big enough in participation/attendance to be able to have a stand alone day.
    Ed seemed happy with us being there this year, to liven up the other 2 events run with us last week.
    And I don't think anybody in our group encontered a delay of any consequence, unless it was the result of some old fart in a black roadster that he couldn't keep running:eek:
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2016
  21. Floater03
    Joined: Aug 2, 2010
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    from Byron Ga.

    Jim's idea is for the fastest street car if I'm reading this right. I like his thought on a perpetual trophy, which I think he stated he was willing to sponsor. Keep the bowling pin as the take home, show up the following year to see your name and et/mph on display and defend your title! I won't ever be in contention, since mine(when its running)is not no where near fast enough, but, the idea sounds great to me. jmo
    loudbang likes this.
  22. 48fordnut
    Joined: Nov 4, 2005
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    That is right 03 about the fastest car.

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