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Event Coverage RWYB-Reynolds, GA Dec. 5, 2015

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by dirty old man, May 11, 2015.

  1. allwilly
    Joined: Mar 29, 2010
    Posts: 143


  2. Got a sick, slow small block in a light coupe... ;)
  3. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    Scot, have you ever weighed that coupe?
  4. Yes sir, 2600 #'s with my big arse in it :eek: :D
  5. 01mikep
    Joined: Jul 26, 2014
    Posts: 125

    from California

    I was there last year and wouldn't miss it this year. My wife and 4 kids enjoyed it as well. My car isn't ready this weekend and doubtfull this month at all. Dec 5th works for my family.

    captmullette and GAOldsman like this.
  6. stealthcruiser
    Joined: Dec 24, 2002
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    11-28 or 12-5........I'm out on both, as prior engagements committed to.
  7. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    You'll be missed ,that's for certain. And son Frank and DIL Mona are unable to come with me. My tentative alternate plans for getting both the '40 coupe and the notorious BGII down there went out the window with your absence, so now I've gotta figger something else out for that little detail.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
  8. 01mikep
    Joined: Jul 26, 2014
    Posts: 125

    from California

    I guess I missed it, is the date pushed or is tomorrow still a go?

    edit: just reread title and saw the 5 December update.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
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  9. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    The postponement till Dec. 5 also means the T shirt man will not be there, as he and his wife are leaving on a trip all out West that will last till May. They are leaving on 11/22/'15 in their motorhome, but taking the mobile Tshgirt trailer behind it, planning to stop anywhere they can sell T shirts along the way.
    So, I will be bringing a few samples, among them will be one with the RWYB poster on the back and a picture of my roadster, BGII on the front.You will be able to email him a pic of whatever you want on the Tshirt, front and back, or the logo on one side and your choice on the other.
    I will have a price list, method of payment, and email address with me, and all you will have to do isemail your pic(s), and payment, I'm guessing Pay Pal or similar, and he and Brenda will make up your Tshirt and mail it to you.
    About the only solution we could come up with.
    Olmikep, as you should see with this and other, previous posts, race is postponed till 12/5/15.
  10. allwilly
    Joined: Mar 29, 2010
    Posts: 143


    Made it to atl fer the weekend. .gonna hang w the boys...gonna try to make it back for the 5th
    GAOldsman likes this.
  11. BAD A
    Joined: Oct 17, 2006
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    BAD A

    Good thing I tested today. One of my brakes, is trying to lock up. I think it is on the driver rear. Need to check that out. I put on new pads, while I was changing gears. I must have something wrong, or maybe a bad caliper.
  12. Speedy I just ordered a few parts, you might want to bring Drag strip lunch box and thermos.jpg

    loudbang likes this.
  13. BAD A
    Joined: Oct 17, 2006
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    BAD A

    Scot you lost me with this one?????
  14. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    Speedy, I think Scot's telling you to bring your lunch, LOL!
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  15. BAD A
    Joined: Oct 17, 2006
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    BAD A

    Got it...:) Scot does that mean, I will have time to, let you take off ? Eat my lunch, and still blow by you?:D
    loudbang and GAOldsman like this.
  16. Something like that ;) :D :D :D

    Guess we are back to 23 days. Here's "Squirt" :eek: :D :cool:

  17. Rain date flyer

  18. captmullette
    Joined: Oct 15, 2009
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    the 11th annual run what you brung is less than a year away...........o_O
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  19. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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  20. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    OK, T shirts again, and a request for feedback.
    In the past, T shirts were ordered and printed ahead of time by a vendor that Jimmy "Redsled" Whitley knows. However Jimmy is at present quite busy with other things and so I found Julius Whitley and his wife Brenda. He is retired military, lives here in Griffin, GA and is a friend of my son, who told me about him.
    He has a mobile T shirt printer that he tows behind his motorhome, prints T shirts to order with whatever you can transmit to him via email or fax, or take pic on site,and his prices are comparable to the ones we were having to order ahead. He and Brenda were coming to RWYB on 11/07/15 with MH & printer trailer behind it and print on site to your order, including colors.
    However the rain delay date conflicts with a long ago planned and scheduled trip out West, and lasting till Spring. They are towing the printer trailer with them and will be able to print orders for shirts and ship to you. All you have to do is send them the order, providing a pic of anything you want on it and payment and they will print it up and ship to you.
    The feedback I want is on the date on the logo for RWYB. The one they have now is the original with Nov. 7 on it. That would be what would be on the shirts if they had been preordered the old way, because the shirts would have been printed way before the event got rain delayed.
    I suppose the date could be changed as shown in Scot's revised poster above, but do we really need to do this? And that is what I need feedback on, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
  21. stealthcruiser
    Joined: Dec 24, 2002
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    My input, make them with the date of the event.
    That said, what do you think the interest will be, by not actually being able to "eye f&*k " the actual product, prior to purchasing?

    That noted, why screw with the design, if ain't nobody gonna' order one?

    I realize, that in this digital age, it's but a few keystrokes away...........You know, D O M, kinda' like texting.............
  22. REJ
    Joined: Mar 4, 2004
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    from FLA

    I' m only gonna get one shirt, so the original date is fine with me.
  23. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    Chuck, in the past people who got shirts had to order them before thet ever saw them at all and I do have several with the 11/7/15 event date logo on them, one for each color shirt, for people to see. And to demonstrate what he can do with a pic, he took a pic I emailed him that was taken at either Union, SC or Calhoun, GA in the staging lanes of BGII and posted on HAMB, IIRC by seadog, and printed that pic on a shirt.
    This is far more "eye F*#k", as yyou called it, than was even done before when people ordered in advance.
    stealthcruiser likes this.
  24. stealthcruiser
    Joined: Dec 24, 2002
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    That's cool......In the past I asked Jimmy 'bout the quality and construction / weave of the shirts, and he vouched for them.
    I gathered, that you vouched for the quality / sharpness / layout of the logo, as I take it you knew them personally or in past business dealings with them, or through your Son solely.
    I was going to inquire of you of the quality aspect of them, but you alluded to it in some post that you "didn't wanna' get in the middle of T-shirt ordering", or something to that effect.

    I took that as let the interested party make the decision.

    Hence, my feedback, which you asked for. You have 'em, and I don't, so I don't know if you can see through them like some sheer panties or the like.

    Need more feedback?

    GAOldsman likes this.
  25. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    What I said was that I wasn't going to get into the middle of taking orders and collecting/transferring money. Jimmy Whitley always got screwed on the deal because he took it on himself to order some "extras" for those who decided they wanted a shirt only after they saw the ones other people ordered in advance.
    This time they'll have the chance to see, touch and feel a sample, then order. The ones I have seem to be nice Tshirts, and the artwork is good.
    Now you got anything else to bitch about you grizzly ol' bastard????????????
  26. I second the motion. :confused: :D Leave the date and the design, as is. :cool:
  27. Sounds like Chuck will hold some high political office in Ecuador in the near future being that he can fluently flatulate postulated peculiar proses and pontificate on possible and probable intricate outcomes in endlessly fascinating possibilities as they may present themselves even unto the ever changing and evolving hemi chambered hemispheres and some of them southern more than others previously pontificate here unto for.

    Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
    stealthcruiser and GAOldsman like this.
  28. captmullette
    Joined: Oct 15, 2009
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    need to run for a government position.....clear as mud
  29. BAD A
    Joined: Oct 17, 2006
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    BAD A

    You are right. He is using them tharr, $20 words on us southern, mountain boys. I would need a crocked lawyer, to tell me. If we, were just insulted.:)
  30. allwilly
    Joined: Mar 29, 2010
    Posts: 143


    A regular professional bullshit artist
    GAOldsman likes this.

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