for those of you that didn't see my post in the for sale forum i have been having a very tough time the last month or so. i have been out of work for 3 weeks due to a back injury and last thursday my dad/best freind died. i just wanted to post this news story that was in the local paper. the reporter came over yesturday and really did a nice job on saying what we would like to but just cant bring ourself to due yet. sorry if i am rambling but i am still in shock and dibelief that this is real. i have received pm's from some of you and i really appreiciate the kind words. my mother read the pm's and posts and we both were really touched. my mother would like to say a speical thank to jose. she enjoyed meting you last saturday at the mooneyes bbq and was really touched by your help in our hard time. she cried when i showed her your offer to donate half of what you sell your stude for. thank you all and please think of us the next couple of days. all of your kind words really helped my mother,brother and i. here is the artical. __________________
Sorry for your loss, I lost my dad 20+ years ago and still miss him. I do have a few 56 parts around that I can help with if you need them. What does it still need? Maybe we can all get it going for your mom. Useless
wow- our thoughts go out to you dude. I know I across the country, but if you wanna talk or need anything just give a yell.
Really sorry to hear about your dad.I lost mine last year.Think about him and my mom everyday.Take care.
MAN BRO SORRY TO HERE THAT,BRO I lost my dad tragicly three years ago it sucks!! wish i had some majic secret to tell ya! but it does get a little better, remember he's allways going to be around in your heart.
i found my dad on june11th in his house. weve lived 100 feet apart or less for 35 years....i know what your goin through...hard to beleive its even with family and hold on gets better [ a little] everyday..have faith and god bless to you and yours......todd
I live in Orange. I am very sorry to hear about your loss. If I can help you finish one of those cars just pm me.
I can't even imagine what you must be going through. I do think you should take comfort in the fact that he was doing something he loved. My condolences.