Are there any HAMBERS that are goin out to La Mesa tomorrow night? Last Thursday was the opening night, and there was some fresh metal finally. I think El Cajon is starting up next Wednesday. Is anbody down to hook up???
i may cruise through. not sure if i am gonna walk around though. the younger crowd of people there kinda bug the crap out of me. look for the hoodless satin black and turquoise 56 chevy. thats me. el cajon car show is alot better than the la mesa one. cops are nicer. diego
Think I'm going to venture out tonight and check out La Mesa. I've been craving La Torta for a few days now. Diego, gotta' check out the rocker covers soon, they came out real good. I ended up using a cut off wheel. There on the car now. Mike, Julian, and David came by last Saturday and we started on the body. I hope to have it down to bare metal by the end of the weekend.
Oh man you had to mention La Torta . . . damn you , maybe next week I will have to make it out there .
gregg, did you grind the fins down or did you just cut them off? if you need a hand with any of the body, give me a holler. diego
Diego, I took a regular cut-off wheel and cut it down to fit inside of the fins and just wittled away. Cleaned it up with some different abrasive attachments, painted it red, and installed the breathers. As far as the body goes, I'm hollerin' Let me know when your free...