This is a great save! How do you plan to connect all the panels since everything is just floating in mid air? I had a rough '32 Vicky body that I was told needed to have the firewall and rear fenders used as the base points for everything else.
The part about needing firewall and rear fenders is true. But as far as mating all the "floating" parts together, you need to invest in hardware store turnbuckles......... I'll see if I can find a pic........ back in a bit.
Sure, it's a tudor.... but you get the idea. Even better is to construct a "box" out of tubing/angle iron and place it dead centre in the body. Have the turnbuckles grow outward from it where needed, then measurements can be taken from the box to ensure the body remains the same side for side.
awesome thread- i am building a 5w from a 4 door front half as well... ill post some pics from my other computer when i get a chance. one caution is that the 4 door door posts are about 2 inches per side farther out than the 5w, so you will need to section the rockers if they are there and pull the door posts inward so you dont have a goofy peak at the back of the door. i found out the hard way.... best of luck!!! Matt
X77matt- your statement is correct, the 4 door is wider. Wider specifically at the top. The rockers are not well controlled from the Factory on either the 5 window or 4 doors. the outer rocker panel to frame measurment varies from 3/4 to 1 1/2. I plan to slice the roof , length wise and cut a pie shaped slice out of the roof. I fortunately have the original qtr to obtain the correct mesurement. I'll show pic's as we go along.
I made a pattern for the qtr window out of plywood. the holes will allow me to use small clamps to hold the piecies of the window together.
I have also made a paper pattern of the outer window reveal. this is probably as critical as the window opening itself.
The subrails on the Fordor are good only for pattern. Really rusty! The cross rails are very solid and will be able to use them. I have ordered a set of brookville subrail cutoff's. They are the left overs from the pickup roadster's.
I built a stand to hold the Qtr panel from flopping around in the wind. With the door posts tacked in place I have something to get some perspective on the project. I riveted the front of the qtr panel to the door post and overlapped the 4dr roof and qtr and help in place with a vise grip.
some of you may have noticed the left qtr panel sitting on the floor. This came witht the rt qtr I purchased. It's very badly damaged from laying on the ground. It resembles swiss cheese, and is paper thin. The rear Qtr came out of TX origanally. story goes it was found in a pasture. Owner before me bought it and hauled home to Louisiana. No idea where the door and cowl came from, not part of the qtr orignally.
Ok, on vacation today though I would post some progress. I have trimmed the rusted pieces from the left qtr window. mocked up the wood pattern. I have also welded in a piece from a fordor sedan roof to replace the rusted upper roof area. I have also cut out the drip rail moulding and replaced this with a section from the sedan as well.
This is a great thread. I have a Model A coupe that is pretty F'd and this is pretty motivational! Subscribed!
I spoke with WI DMV yesterday abouta title. I would like some input, they will title this as a replica. The Title will have a state issued vin and be called a 1932 Ford coupe replica. I guess this is due to the aftermarket frame. It was the only choise as I have no vin number. Thoughts? worried about the value.
I swear no more complaints about my 32 5 window she off the terminal list ! keep welding how much Lincon stock do you own maybe some Miller man you are giving it hell ! awsome this is sure fun !
Value? Well you are taking photos and if the finished body looks as good as the repair work it should be equal to another Henry Ford '32. Fiberglass is a replica IMO.
I have a 32 5W drivers door post if interested. Little rust pitted but very usable. Let me know if needed.
I would try to pursue a title that does not say replica since it is not. Maybe with some digging you can find a car guy in your states DMV who can guide you along. Good luck. Brian