Ok working on hooking up a heater on my hot rod. It has a small block chevy motor. Question is which way does the water flow. I'm thinking it goes from the water pump through the heater core and back into the intake manifold, but now I'm second guessing myself and thinking water pump pulls the water from the heater core. I'm plumbing in a shut off valve and want to make sure I get it in the line that feeds the heater core and not the return line.
The hottest water in the engine should be right under the thermostat so the heater gets its water from there in theory the heater removes heat from the water so the water wants to drop in the core so hot in the top return to water pump out the bottom.
Thanks guys. At first I just figured the pump pushed water, but after looking at it and the direction the pump turns I got thinking that couldn't be right. So that is why I asked.