This is to go along with the other scarlett fever thread, I didn't want to hijack it. This is an east coast benefit for Scarlett held by the New Jersey chapter of the Road Lords CC. East Coast folks come on out or help us out any way you can. Thanks in advance!! Show info here
I'm gonna try and make it to this one. missed the last one due to work. Its for a great cause and there's an auction with a lot of cool crap and ya get to have a drink with some greasy, ugly friends ya havent seen in a while!
is the weather gonna be good? it's a 3 hours drive for me, any PA'ers thinkin bout this........ is it a all day/night thing?
I think it's great what all of you guy's and gal's are doing for this sweet beautiful girl. I'm doing what I can with the other thread but thought I would give you a pat on the back for keeping it up front.
art show/ auction starts about 6pm bands go on at about 8pm until the club closes. check out the website and myspace. if you can't make it maybe help us out with a donation of something for the auction or raffles, or a cash donation through paypal maybe. thanks oh, and sorry, couldn't tell you about the weather yet, it's a month and a half away, but last year at the same time, the weather was great it was a beautiful day probably in the low 50's.
Thanks, alex that would be real cool. Maybe one year you could come out here for the show that would be bitchin'. A few of us from jersey will be in san fran for scarlett 3 though, we'll see you then.