May your tires roll, carbs carburate, batteries batt, and pistons, well that’s another story Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas
Hope most are doing better. I'm still going very slow on replacing my 28A's engine, among other prob. Things could better,or not as good,it is what it is.Merry Christmas n Happy New Year. Best for all,God bless all in need.
....Dana, Please send some of that Miami warmth to me. Thanks and have a safe and happy holiday season.
Ashley told me that next year we are having a real Christmas tree, and she's bringing it home in her truck! Merry Christmas to all of you from us
Season's Greetings from the South Pole ( it sure feels like it), power went off last night and with the thermometer dipping down into the single digits we slept in the den close to the fireplace, power came back on about 20 minutes ago, soon the aroma's of Christmas dinner will be float in the air along with Brenda's traditional Southern Comfort cake. I wish you all a wonderful Holiday and a Healthy New Year. HRP
From me and mine to all Hambers.Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a healthy,happy safe and prosperous New Year. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo
-40 wind chill , 45 mph winds can't keep Santa's Blown Flathead out of the sky tonight. Merry Christmas all !
Thought I'd put on my Santa suit and give you good folks a real Holiday treat. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my fellow HAMBers.
Jack! You must have been practicing for years and years! Sure glad the power came back on, Danny! Blowy and snowy! BRRRRRRRRRR... That's okay. Woodshed is full. Merry Christmas, everybody!