well me and my dad (the youngest 2 of the Gosson Bros) will be up in seattle this weekend and were wondering if there was anything going on saturday night? any cruises? shows? etc. we were hoping to take in the seattle roadster show but beings as thats been cancelled we figured maybe there was something else going on in place of it. thanks guys
just looked in the NW Car club events calender and nothing else is going on. plus it's going to be raining pretty much all week/end. my friends sometimes go out for random runs in n.seattle most friday's, but nothing else i know of...sorry. side note: if you haven't been to the Flight Museum in Seattle (Georgetown), it's awesome and very worth checking out!
theres a lot of seattle guys on the NW HAMBers Group http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/group.php?groupid=110 Check with them
The biggest problem with Seattle is all the damn hippies. So make sure you have plenty of Slayer cd's to keep them at bay.