So this monday im leaving for Chicago Il. to start my Naval Basic training. Im going into the service as a Construction Mechanic "CM" Im gonna be in the great lakes for 2 months then start my A school im stoked to be stationed at Port Hueneme, CA for 3 months. I dont know how many guys on here did the mechanics program threw the military? but dang im gonna miss this Hamb board. So dang cant wait to get back with all that knowledge and finaly start a most excellent build. See ya in 5 months HAmbers!
Yeah good luck man. I'll be leaving July 17 for my basic training. Maybe our paths will cross. Im going in for Quarter Master (QM). I get to drive them big ol' boats!
Thanks guys for the luck and Mr. Hotrod surfer for blessing me with the Force. Hey, Acey good luck but why wait till july?! haha dont you wanna be in the great lakes durring winter!!! "MOST EXCELLENT" a buddy and i were bill and ted for halloween, its still in my system!
Good luck I loved the navy...back in the out for those ..."short arm" inspections, thanks for serving our country!
Good luck I loved the navy...back in the out for those ..."short arm" inspections, thanks for serving our country!
The Navy was the best experience for me too. Good luck...keep your head on straight and strive to be the best. Take care!!!
My dad graduated from Great Lakes (Navy) as did my brother Jerry (RIP) (Navy then Marines) in 1942...they both went on to kick some serious Axis ass.... You're in good hands...make all those sailors and jarheads that preceded you proud...
best to you , and remember - boot camp is NOT how the military is for the rest of your enlistment . and make sure you pass A school , if you dont they'll throw you any where they want doing the shittiest job available . hope i didnt scare ya , after training , the navy is a blast !!! i spent 3 years on the flight deck of a carrier and had a helluva good time
Cool, good luck mate. Another 'Squid' in the works, have fun swabin' decks, sitting in the barrel and finding the 'Golden Rivet'. We real service guys will keep you safe.............. hehehe....... Doc.
Have fun at the Great Lakes Naval Station! My fatherin law was there back in the 50's & ended up liking the Cubs and the Bears!
good luck, my pop was in the Navy durning WW2 & our son has been in the Marines for a year doing AAV repair. &&&&& thanks for doing what ur doing...joe
Shut up and do as you are told and you will be fine. Like someone said boot camp isn't the real navy and you will laugh about it later. I did five years, don't be afraid of sea duty it's where the most fun is at. I went to boot camp at Great Mistakes too.
Good luck man, the military was good for me. Boot camp will kick your ass, but will make a man out a boy in a hurry. Take advantage of all the school they offer too. Have fun
28+ years in the Navy (Electronics Tech) and now living just north of Gulfport, MS. Have a feeling you're going to end up here if you don't stay at Port Hueneme - Seabees always end up here. Keep in touch thru the HAMB and I'll have you over for dinner some weekend. Damnfingers
Hey man good luck and don't worry, after boot camp you'll have plenty of time to check out the HAMB. Even at A school. Thanks for surving...even if it is as a Squid..haha
I've got nothing but admiration for everyone who joins the military. I've got two brothers who have been in the Army for 10 years and I went off to boot camp in Great Lakes 20 years ago this January. Damn I'm getting old. Good luck and be safe. Nik