For those of you in states that don't require safety inspections, you can go back to reading the comix through your cracked windshield, but if you're in a state that puts a 71-year-old car through the same Safety Inspection ringer as a 2008 model, rejoice with me -- my '37 Plymouth PASSED its state safety inspection today! (Now, if I can just figure out what's causing it to not shift into high, and to puke anti-freeze all over the driveway) -- but, what the hell, I'm grinning ear-to-ear!
"reading your comix through your cracked windshield"--it's like he's known me all my life. But did you know I was smoking a corncob pipe and drinking corn likker? Through the pipe? Uh, anyway, congratulations on passing your inspection. Out here in California, we don't have those things--but we do have legislators who try to sneak bill riders through at the last minute, to get us off the road. We hate 'em! Have fun with your car.
Believe it or not, when I was a kid growing up (yes I'm over 50), cars in Pennsylvania had to be inspected EVERY SIX MONTHS! I honestly believe the primary purpose for this was for the inspection station to keep track of the rust, as it progressed from the rockers, to the fenders, to the frame.............
GothboY, Thanks, I've been putting some miles on the Plymouth, so if you see this scene approaching fast in your rear view, please move over, kuz i'm probably frantically stompin' on the brake, the gas, or something else moving around on the floor .........
Sweet. I know how tough it is in PA -- I've had trouble getting '90s cars to pass -- apparently you can't pass inspection without a tiny little bracket in Ford headlights that holds them steady. Or with glass chalk on the quarters. Or with a rear wiper that doesn't work anymore. It sucks.
zacanger, Yes, it can be quite bizarre, like my friend, who's car was kept in the Pa service station for three days, just because it had one broken lug nut, and they claimed a replacement was not availble .........
zacanger, If you score that '39, let me know, and i may have some spare time available to help you get it going. PM me if it works out. Jerry
Great, Congrat's. Lot's of states have safety inspections and many are tough. It has to feel good to have finished. Everyone should take their cars for an auto club or local safety inspection occasionally. Everybody complains, but these old cars that we have, build and tinker with aren't what the new stuff on the road is.
Cal Cowboy, yer right, (and your avitar is among my favorites). I am planning on a NSRA inspection, just to make sure everything is safe.