Reminds me of the factory jacks in some of our new VW's when I worked there... aluminum. The higher you went, the more it bent, until it ultimately collapsed.... more than a few pissed off customers demanding the original steel jacks we HAD been supplying with that series... And that is a pretty cool Chebby... for a Chebby. (LOL) Naw it's a nice car, I'd dang sure drive it.
Ha, I think your muddy frustration led to an awesome post! Everyone should be able to relate to that shit! Lol.
"Firestone coffee blows too…" I see what you did there. From Kustomrama: "1954 Chevrolet Bel Air customized by Dick's Body Shop for Glenn Springer. Glenn's car featured a 1956 Chrysler grille bar, frenched headlights and taillights, green and white two-toned enamel paint, doors and trunk were shaved and electrically operated and the trunk lid was decked. The body was slightly channeled over the frame for a lower stance." - Trend Book 143 Restyle Your Car's_1954_Chevrolet
Of course they did . Just like the first Goodyear Double Eagles did back in the early 60s . Wish I had $10 (inflation, no pun intended) for every new tire I had to replace when I was working at the station.
You mean the “ Widow makers “ absolute garbage . @Ryan surprised the new car you’re driving even came with a jack , when I left the trade most cars came with a small compressor and a bottle of goo to get you going . best part , the goo had an experation date of 4 years and was 400 bucks to replace !!!!! Had a crap ton of very pissed off customers .
That front end is clean. Just th oppo of what many do and ADD teeth. I like em both ways. I learned my lesson long ago, test out your jack before you need it! Had more than one that didn't work for shit. Usually travel with a small scissor jack just to be safe. @62rebel , wifes OT Jetta has a steel one, damn good jack. I was looking at hers to see how it could be used on a roadster, packs super small, lifts high
Sorry about your tire. I've told about my car before.While mine was a 53 hardtop I loved that car as it was my first in 1962. Lowered, nosed with bull nose, decked, disappearing antenna moved to the back fender, Fenton floor shift, dual carbs and exhaust. Chevy light beige body with dark brown metallic top and insert. I see the car everyday as I drive by the local salvage yard where it has sat since about 1970. To far gone to save. Yard owner hates me and refuses to sell to me, something about his daughter? Love the 54 in the picture. Thanks
Forgot. When traveling cross country in my Silverado HD I carry a floor jack in the back. Factory jack is worthless. Worse than that wife's new XT4 Cad has no jack or spare? after a lot of searching, it seems dvarchive owns the rights to this advert now, so you cant watch the whole thing, and its segmented.
Sancho gets the credit for recognizing the car. HRP 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air customized by Dick's Body Shop for Glenn Springer. Glenn's car featured a 1956 Chrysler grille bar, frenched headlights and taillights, green and white two-toned enamel paint, doors and trunk were shaved and electrically operated and the trunk lid was decked. The body was slightly channeled over the frame for a lower stance.
Hey @Ryan That Chevy is a very cool one indeed! I learned my lesson about jacks and lowered cars long ago. In my old 47 Dodge business coupe. After buying it back east, to drive it back to Seattle, at a motel, one of the tires went flat over night, we were close to a parts store, went and got a bottle jack, and then to a lumber store and got some scrap pieces of plywood and a few sections of cut up 4" X 4"s Money well spent indeed! At least in your case, you got your youngest to school safely, and you got a quick refresher course, to never drink the coffee, at any place that isn't a true coffee shop. In my dads old shop, there was a sign over the coffee pot that said " If the horseshoe isn't floating on top of the coffee, its not ready to drink yet " Your results may vary!
I was thinking about reporting this thread, but it sounds like @Ryan was having a bad enough morning already.
Well the high schooler stopped a good thing and at least he didn’t run into you on the side of the road while texting or watching TicToc which would have really ruined your day. A lot of kids today are so self centered they wouldn’t have even thought to stop. Hope you managed a smile and thank you which might have made his day.
Worked at Goodyear Stores in the 60's, early 70's while in high school and early college. Seems like I mounted about a million Double Eagles during that time. They were hard to mount and sometimes didn't work as advertised. We referred to them as "Double Buzzards"
It does seem square bodies are popular to fix up among the local yonguns here too. Not quite hamb material but at least they're into older stuff.
I’m right there with you this morning after I found this and need to have this motor up and running early next week...
It's not that we are getting old, it's the fact that times are changing . Once, you couldn't find the words "shit" or "shitty" in the dictionary. Now, they are in there just like all the words we were told never to say .