Landed a'49 & though I had one b4 it was MANY years ago! Thinking back, '77 Maverick 8" rear bolts in for width & mounting pads? What brakes fit w/o going to the pricey kits?
No need for "pricey kits". I'm sure the brakes on the Maverick rear end, properly rebuilt and maintained, should be fine. I have a '51 club coupe with a healthy Merc flathead, and when I did the stock brakes in '87, I did 'em right; Original Ford script shoes with quality riveted linings, drums turned within spec, new hard and soft lines, and and a sleeved rebuilt master cylinder. I can lock 'em up 5 times in a row if I have to. Sure you can go to front discs front discs and a dual chamber master cylinder if you have to, but why mess around with proportioning valves, etc.? Unless a dual master cylinder system is engineered properly (matching master and wheel cylinders, as well as proportioning and residual valves, along with the proper lines, etc.), you can make yourself a lot of problems. A dual chamber master is NOT a solution to poor brake system maintenance.
Ok, I found one with a 3.00 tag on a 3rd member bolt so think I'll buy it. There is a complete new brake set for a Bronco II on marketplace near here but are they the same?
I have a Maverick 8" with 3.00:1 gears in my roadster. Luv it! Maverick rears are 56-1/2" wide, WMS-WMS. Just go to the parts store and order up shoes/wheel cylinders and hardware for your year Maverick rear. Simple!