Anyone know if the hood hinges on the 49-51 Ford can be adjusted up and down and how? I cant see any room for adjustment.Thanks guys!
Up adjustment is easy. Down not so much. Most often the hood cross piece the hinge bolts go into needs to be loosened up and slid to help with Cowell gap and the Down part. Those are 1/4" fine thread screws and quite often brake off. If the hood fits the Cowell then shim the fender up to meet the hood side. The Wizzard
What year Shoebox do you have ?? The hinges are different on a '49 than a 50-51 . 49's have special eccentric bolts to help with alignment issues up/down , 50-51's do not . The 49 hinges suck to work with .
You must have the cowl lace on, which determines the height and also the rubber bumpers on the fenders. Otherwise the hood will not lay down properly.
Assuming you do have the cowl lace on, is it just the rear corners of the hood that seem low? You see alot of the '49-'51s like that and its because the cowls sagged and settled over time. It also causes problems with the doors. If you use a washer or two at the rear mounting point of the hinge it will bring the rear of the hood up.
Another issue is if the Cowell corners of the hood stand up I've often found the Core support pulled down to much causing the hood to go over center to get into the latch actually lifting the corners of the Hood. That remedy is to shim up the core support. I also always build a top support across the Core support just below the top Rad tank. Keeps it from spreading from fender weight and breaking loose the Rad side straps. The Wizzard