I was really really looking forward to the best four door post I'd ever seen on the HAMB... Sorry wrong thread.... I was looking for the 'Pre-War Taxi Cab' thread....
Cab is still joined to the rest of the pickup. 36 Chev. Apparently made out of car parts when new in NZ.
kelzweld, Lots of cars were converted into pickups during WWII- got a better ration card (more gas) for a pickup than you would for a car.
Don't cut it! '33-'34 Mopar stuff is hard to find. Salvage them both. I want one of those bad, but Canada is too far away. I have a back-burner '34 Plymouth roadster pickup project. Bought a cowl, had a Hell of a time finding doors. Before: After: I will build a new frame for it based on deuce rails.
I'm jealous. Mine can be seen in my thread below. I was really looking for a model A cab or cowl, but didn't find a good one in the time allowed. I changed direction a bit, but kept to the same chassis design in case I run across one later.
Yes, and thats what I originally thought had been done here. Have also been told by an old vintage car club guy that they did some in Thames at the factory out of car parts. I believe sometimes things were a little different in the colonies when it came to bodies. If someone did it themselves, they've done it well as the back panel (except the centre strip) is the same panel as the roof. It's just formed into the back. What I mean is theres no seam or join between roof and rear cab panel.
I can't post a pic worth a sh*t so email me & I send you back some pics & you can put em up.= 1,27 T RPU, 1,28, 1,29 Model A closed cabs, 1, 32 BB Stake truck. CK
Here is my next project. I have a few others to finish up before I jump on this one. I bought it on my birthday on a fluke (I just could not let it go to the scrap pile. It was just a bare cab, I hunted down a set of doors, a dash, the hood. Swapped some Jeep parts for a motor and trans. nothing fancy just a carbed 350 and a 4 speed hand shaker. I got a extra 2wd s-10 rear I think will end up under it. Wife wants to keep it un-chopped and fenderless. I think I will build a 6 1/2' bed for it. I have a front axle from a 32 Ford truck that I will use. Just plan on putting together a good little dependable truck to run to the parts store and swap meets. Keith
my summer project... almost ready to set the cab on the frame... just going to finish up the brakes first