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Sick, Lame, and Lazy list

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by noboD, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. noboD
    Joined: Jan 29, 2004
    Posts: 8,578


    With so many HAMBers being on the DL, maybe we should start a list. Maybe we could keep up on progress? I wish them all well.
  2. Put me on the lazy list, or maybe HBA (hampered by age)
  3. Dirty2
    Joined: Jun 13, 2004
    Posts: 8,902


    I'll get it done tomorrow . :D
  4. Broken rib here. On the mend and finally able to cough without wanting to die. I'll always be lazy.

    Ammendment #1: Having read through post #59, I realize that a broken rib ain't no big deal, especially when it's the first broken bone I've had in 63 years (not counting numerous fingers when I played volleyball on a regular basis). To all those with serious health issues, I hope you get healing and comfort soon. To those without serious health issues, practice good safety habits and take care of that body.
  5. butch27
    Joined: Dec 10, 2004
    Posts: 2,846


    4 ruptured discs. Do I win ?
  6. add me to lazy list.. and a lame alternate..
  7. Really hungover this morning...does that count?
  8. I`m in good health. Just add me to the top of the lazy list.
  9. good mornin sunshine! hey man i know its not traditional and kinda O/T but do a couple of midols that shit works great!!:D
  10. Yo Baby
    Joined: Jul 11, 2004
    Posts: 2,811

    Yo Baby

    Me too.LOL
    My fuckin' race car tripped me in the dark.
    Thank god for pain management meds.
  11. I was cold sober when a broken sidewalk in New Orleans sent me tumbling.
  12. HA HA HA , dont women take that for menstral cramps
  13. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Hmmm, I could be in with a chance. Parachute accident while serving a few years ago................
    Broken Tibia and Fibula right leg,
    Broken Fibula left leg,
    Shattered right knee (8 operations on it so far)
    Fractured hip,
    Burst fracture L4 & L5, with associated disc damage above and below,
    Wedge fracture T12,
    6 fractured ribs on right side,
    Fractured skull, and
    Some internal injuries.

    Sort of Ok now though....
  14. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    I got more from other 'accidents' too,
    Shrapnel wound lower back,
    Re-attachment of left 3rd &4th fingers from last knuckle up.
    Earlier fracture of Left ankle,
    Left shoulder ligament tear, still waiting to see if I need that fixed.

    Who said soldiering is a safe job?
  15. Cold sober in New Orleans? wow...:eek: Sorry to hear it!
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
    Posts: 10,365


    Is it lame if you have no time for your own because of other peoples stuff?
  17. nexxussian
    Joined: Mar 14, 2007
    Posts: 3,240


    Does it count as sick if you have to go to the Chiropractor for the first time ever? Okay, if it's a contest, Doc's got me beat, by miles.
  18. GizmoJoe
    Joined: Jul 18, 2007
    Posts: 1,299


    After reading about Doc (I knew a guy who's chute didn't open...landed on a barn... messed up but lived) and Butch27 I'm one of the friggin healthy ones!
    Only one blown disk (had surgey 2 years ago... working good), 3 or 4 broken ribs all healed up. Heart, lungs, spleen and kidneys working again after a near-death illness. 7 surgeries for other things that are odd and weird.
    I feel great, just tried/lazy.
    Lots of folks here struggle more than some of us can imagine.
    I think a list would be a full-time job.
    I wish everyone well.
    This morning I spent a couple hours on my truck box and was going to veg for a little while this afternoon. After thinking about it.. I'm going back to play while I still can.
    Cheers, folks.
  19. Doc's in the lead.

    For myself:

    Sprained MCL right knee.

    Torn rotator cuff muscles right shoulder.

    Small fracture and bigger sprain in left wrist.

    Torn tendon left ankle.

    Couple of compressed dics and misaligned vertebrae.

    Overuse and/or injuries. Some old, some new.

    As Marty Feldmann said in Young Frankenstein, "What hump?"

    Thank God for cortisone, and for other good stuff. :)
  20. 47bob
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 625


  21. kustombuilder
    Joined: Sep 18, 2002
    Posts: 7,750

    from Novi, MI

    i'm a bit sore from flipping a snowmobile about 8 times on a frozen lake last weekend but i have'nt let it slow me down much. my girl got the worst of it but was lucky not to have broken any bones. hit a friggin 10" high "step" in the ice (from a stress crack) at about 70mph in the dark!
  22. Bort62
    Joined: Jan 11, 2007
    Posts: 594


    You need another column - broke.
  23. Well, pals, this is the first day out of the hospital for me after heart surgery. While I feel about 1000% better than yesyerday, I still feel like I've been eaten by a coyote and shit off of a cliff.
  24. Boyd Who
    Joined: Nov 9, 2001
    Posts: 2,196

    Boyd Who

    Does a bad cold count??
    Arthritis in my hands and knees is the worst I can come up with.
    Lazy is just a way of life. :)
  26. fiat128
    Joined: Jun 26, 2006
    Posts: 1,426

    from El Paso TX

    I'm pretty lazy, broke and have a short attention span, which is how all these half fixed cars ended up here.

    PS: Get well soon Chili (posting on the HAMB is making progress though)
  27. GizmoJoe
    Joined: Jul 18, 2007
    Posts: 1,299


    Really glad to hear you are "on the mend"!
    May there be no more coyote or cliffs...
  28. Splinter
    Joined: May 14, 2005
    Posts: 1,112


    Does it count as lazy if I just work REAL SLOW because of the 4 rugrats I have?
  29. elcornus
    Joined: Apr 8, 2005
    Posts: 652


    I guess I qualify.

    Feb. 24th, 1968; I was born ;)

    Nov. 21st, 2001; Low back injury:=compressed and bulging L4-L5 and L5-S1 discs, with tear in L5-S1, dianosed with degenerative disk disease, spinal stenosis, slighly osteoporotic vertabrae, and severe facet joint wear.

    Started treatment with a chiro, mostly for massage therapy and traction.
    Started out on T-3 for the pain, was up to Vicodin/norco within 3 months.

    Sent to pain managment specialist, who managed to keep the pain under control for a few years thru continious increases in strength and dosage of meds like morphine, Methadone, and now I'm on 180mg of roxicodone a day.

    I've had well over 5 different types of Injections like cortizone, tried 2 epidurals with no results, and spent the next 3 years riding it out on heavy duty meds.
    Spent a little over a year in such excruciating pain that I was bed ridden.

    Spring, 2006; Saw a GOOD neurosurgeon, who suggested I try doing a series of Facet rhyzotomys, which I did in July and Aug., and all the pain dissapeard (was taking 190mg of Methadone at the time) , started to de-tox off the Methadone and thats when the fun began (it really is as bad as coming off heroin)

    July/Aug. 2007; had another round of Facet Rhyz. done, with less success than before.

    Dec.2007/Jan. 2008; had it done again, this time with no results to speak of.

    Feb. 7th, 2008; saw doctor for follow up, he did an in depth physical assesment and thinks I've got a fractured or crumbling facet joint on my lowest vertabre.

    I'll be having an MRI done on the 10th, and will prob end up having major vertabral reconstructive surgery, including the replacement of 2 vertabre and 3 disks.
    I'll be layed up in a body cast for as long as 6 months, maybe less.
    then comes the physical rehab.

    Looks like I'm not gonna make it to Paso-Maria in the hot rod I've been trying to build for the last 3 years. I've had it since my 37th B-day, just haven't been well enough to get-er done.

    Here's some pics;

    the motor;

    Ok this is getting me depressed, so I'm done
  30. JamesG
    Joined: Nov 5, 2003
    Posts: 5,249


    I have four kids, I never have time to get anything done!

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