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Technical Sign of the times I guess

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by olscrounger, May 11, 2021.

  1. clem
    Joined: Dec 20, 2006
    Posts: 4,442


    also to add to this, the loss of a loved one and the grief that goes with it causes all kinds of emotion. It’s different for everyone.
    It may simply be that they don’t want anyone else having ‘his’ stuff, or they don’t want the stuff around reminding them of what they once had, or something else that makes no sense to anyone but the immediate family.
    After all, - it is their personal decision to make.
  2. I have been downsizing myself. I have stuff that I think is cool, but won't ever do anything with in the future. Time to let it the end it's just stuff.

    Sent from my Pixel 5 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
    Deuces, Desoto291Hemi and Joe Travers like this.
  3. Haven't started downsizing yet but will help any youngster trying to work on an ol Flathead, thats why i still keep all this ol shit around.............
    Deuces, winduptoy, The 39 guy and 5 others like this.
  4. slim38
    Joined: Dec 27, 2015
    Posts: 643

    from Sudan TX
    1. H.A.M.B. Chapel

    Yep do it when your alive and sain or most family will give away or it'll be sold for nothing. My friend died of cancer years back and would never get rid of stuff. He was a genius at building engines, carbs, trannys, anything automotive. When he died his son who never had anything to do with him and never liked him went to his house and stole all his engines, trannys, everything but the parts cars. Law said nothing could be done. His widow gave his friends what was left. Sucks. Only thing he sold before he died was a hemi he built years ago for 21k.
    Deuces and Desoto291Hemi like this.
  5. lonejacklarry
    Joined: Sep 11, 2013
    Posts: 1,498


    I will be 74 shortly. As such I realize that there is way more behind me than in front of me. I've sold and given away all the "spare" parts except for what I need for the current project. I am working on my 3rd "last" project and, when finished, it will be 1 of 3 hobby cars/trucks. I've sold the motorcycles and the ATVs.

    It occurred to me that getting rid of 3 running vehicles would be lots easier on the missus than tons of parts/junk. The missus and the boys can argue over/sell/ give away the 3 vehicles and it will be done.
  6. Having both my Dad and Brother pass in the last 5 years opened my eye's to how daunting a task it is to clean up someone else's collection/ hoard/ mess. Think months of work, on top of all the financial stuff. I've made a concerted effort to down-size and consolidate while I'm still able and not dump on relatives when I go. Once was bad enough, twice was terrible. Sometimes it pays to plan ahead for everyone's sake.
    Stan Back, Deuces, rod1 and 7 others like this.
  7. In normal times I sell at a couple of fleamarkets a year at the same spot that hosts our local car shows. Half my inventory comes from a couple of estates where the family was going to chuck it all in the dumpster. The rest is from auction, yard and flea market finds. You can sell stuff pretty cheap if it was given to you. It makes my day when someone really finds something that makes their day for a good price. Also helps to support the venue for our car shows. Been wheeling and dealing since I was a kid on the farm, good to have some mad money available when that sought after car part comes up.
    Deuces, Algoma56 and Desoto291Hemi like this.
  8. warbird1
    Joined: Jan 3, 2015
    Posts: 1,203


    I'm 71 now and will have to start thinking about this one of these days; I don't have that large a stash of car parts but more than what I want my kids to have to deal with. Just hope I can get my roadster project done before then...
  9. When you read my obituary in the paper ,drive by the house ,everything will be at the curb !!!
  10. Hot Rods Ta Hell
    Joined: Apr 20, 2008
    Posts: 4,713

    Hot Rods Ta Hell

    We occasionally read about an entire estate hoard of parts (including new and boxed NOS parts) being unceremoniously dumpstered by the family. How come it's always the car guys?? I've never read where a family trashed an entire house full of valuable antique furniture worth 20k or a huge collection of jukeboxes, guns or record albums. No!! that stuff is valuable!! Car stuff? Must be junk. I'm mystified.
    Clem has an interesting thought that I quoted above, stating maybe the family doesn't want anyone to have "his" stuff. This could be an extension of Dad's attitude "I'll never sell any of this stuff". They might not want to see someone successfully complete a build and get joy out of it since Dad couldn't-so they trash it. Maybe they're afraid someone will make a terrific profit off the parts and they feel better trashing it.

    I think some Wives and kids downright despise the old car hobby because of the time it took Dad away from (activities with) them. Some guys overindulge in their hobbies (time wise and volume wise) and I think dumping all his "old shit" when he passes is a sick sort of retribution the family takes. A pissing on the grave of his beloved hobby that they forever resented. People are weird.

    I keep reading that people can barely give old car parts away. Not here! If it's decent stuff and goes up at auction or an estate sale there are dozens upon dozens of guys carrying a load of cash climbing all over each other to get at it.

    My Wife an kids have a fair idea what I have. I also have a couple of friends and Brother in Law's that could be relied upon to set prices. Like others have done, I've started marking some parts with a sharpie. A quick internet/ebay search of the parts would quickly get them a ballpark value.
    mrspeedyt, trollst, Tman and 3 others like this.
  11. If there is enough stuff, or a couple of guys go together you could have an auction sale, everything disappears in one day. Auctioneer takes at least 30%.
  12. Old junk is all the kids are getting. No cash. I’m spending it. The rusty mess left over parts, and wore out tools are all for them.

    Oh, and memories.
    mrspeedyt, BamaMav and hotrodjack33 like this.
  13. hemihotrod66
    Joined: May 5, 2019
    Posts: 968


    My wife passed last year from Cancer and that made me decide to get rid of what I had....The only thing I have now is my car...My son isn't a car person so that may go in the near future to...Time does move on whether we like to face it or not...
  14. drptop70ss
    Joined: May 31, 2010
    Posts: 1,211

    from NY

    I have too much stuff, but I am also constantly selling off stuff and buying other things because it makes me happy. Thing is it will not be long before a lot of this older stuff is actually worthless. How many kids are looking for a SB or BB chevy engine or anything related? They can get a 5.3 out of a silverado pickup with wiring for $700 and be on their way to much more power and reliability. When I was a teenager the BB chevy was my dream engine, now they sit under the bench collecting dust. The percentage of kids these days interested in anything 1940s era is about zero from what I see.
    Algoma56, golferforpar and mnjeff like this.
  15. My folks are in their 70s and great health but decided to downsize for the second time (2nd retirement for dad) and hit the road travelling also for the second time. Dad sold off his 56 Chevy and I ended up with what few parts were left over with a few things to sell (4x2 setup). Even without a large stash of parts my storage is now overflowing. Just the amount of little shit a guy has in a shop is amazing. I have two cases of aerosol cans alone that could not be put in storage. Watching this downsizing has me pruning my collection. I have sold off the vintage bike stuff. Except for the racecar I have two model As. The only parts that I am saving are destined for these 3 cars. at 51 that is plenty for now and saves room in case something really cool pops up. like that 5k 34 that was posted ;)
    Desoto291Hemi likes this.
  16. ramblin dan
    Joined: Apr 16, 2018
    Posts: 3,816

    ramblin dan

    Sounds like were all singing the same tune. You come to a point where you have more parts and projects than you have time left for.
    mrspeedyt likes this.
  17. X-cpe
    Joined: Mar 9, 2018
    Posts: 2,141


    Good, bad or indifferent, the reason people keep all their "stuff" is it either represents some past warm and fuzzy or a "someday". Without a hope for the future (reasonable or not) you wither and die. Those who are able to unload stuff can envision a future without it. Most of us are floating somewhere in between those two poles.
  18. trollst
    Joined: Jan 27, 2012
    Posts: 2,104


    Maybe....I grew up poor, very poor, reading about hiboy's in california was so far away it was an unattainable dream. Now at 66, I got all the "stuff" I read about, I'm one of those "guys" now, it took a lifetime of bartering, trading, working extra hours, making shit from scratch, santa bringing me tools I couldn't afford, more scrounging, so....yes, it is hard to part with.
    Stock Racer, Algoma56, X-cpe and 3 others like this.
  19. I recently sold off some of my sign collection. Took some of the money and put it into my recent 32 five window project. Lost a good friend recently and that hurt. He had quite a collection of early Ford parts. I would love to have something he owned, but can’t bring myself to ask his wife for the opportunity to buy something. He lived far from me and maybe it’s a good thing. Just his memory is going to be enough anyway. Enjoy each day and enjoy your stuff.

    Sent from my iPad using H.A.M.B.
  20. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 35,168


    Having had one of my best friends pass away in the past three years and the other one is now in a nursing home with dementia it has been an eye opener on at least culling out and selling off the stuff that you finally decide that you will never get to and no family member will want. I helped the family of the one in the nursing home sell off a lot of his stuff including a Studebaker Hawk that a Hamber bought. Sold a couple of things too cheap and made up for it with a couple of things she thought would go to scrap. His wife had sold the house and had to clear things out.

    The daughter of my buddy who passed away managed to the cars he had sold with the help of a couple of other friends along. He had been wanting to buy a car from me three days before he passed away from heart issues.

    One thing I have been working on is sorting out an separating parts I have for specific projects. For the 48 some of that stuff was accumulated over a 30 year period and some needs to go because of changed plans. I'd say that is one thing most older guys can do and some of the younger ones might do to free up a few build bucks. That "not traditional" set of valve covers and air cleaner that came with the engine for your ride can generate some money for something you need, That old shop vac that got shoved back in the corner when you got the new one needs to be culled and sold or donated.

    When swap meets start up again I plan to convert a number of things to cash or parts that I actually need.
    Algoma56 and Desoto291Hemi like this.
  21. Truckedup
    Joined: Jul 25, 2006
    Posts: 4,660


    I sold my running and licensed vintage modified pu trucks between 10- 15 years ago. Got back into bikes, they take a less space,lol. I'm pushing 74 and a terminal disease is slowly eating me up. I do still ride and build bikes. My wife says if she is alive after I am gone ,the three bike will be moved into the living room and she will not sell them...
  22. krylon32
    Joined: Jan 29, 2006
    Posts: 10,115

    from Nebraska
    1. Central Nebraska H.A.M.B.

    I'm still going strong at 76 but know the clock is ticking. Told my wife to sell my deuce grille shells to pay for the funeral, each kid gets a deuce whether they want them or not. Sell the 40 and all the tools for what they bring. Wife doesn't need the money she's good. I've got 2 storage buildings of left over treasure from 40+ years in business that will bring nothing, but what am I worrying about I'll be dead.
  23. nochop
    Joined: Nov 13, 2005
    Posts: 4,303

    from norcal

    Never have seen a uhaul on a hearse.
    mrspeedyt and j3harleys like this.
  24. hotrodjack33
    Joined: Aug 19, 2019
    Posts: 4,524


    Smart guy that I am, I decided to start downsizing 10-12 years ago. Over the years, I had accumulated over 20 grilles, '32s, '33s & '34s. I was amazed that I was getting $300-$500 a piece for them...and thought this has got to be the "top" of the market, and we'll never see prices THAT high again...oops:(
    Hamtown Al and lothiandon1940 like this.
  25. My dad began began building hot rod trucks late in life. He lived to be 78 so that gave him over 10 years to collect.
    I was the executor of the estate and took a leave of absence to go from Omaha to Oregon and deal with dad's "treasures". He had enough running cars so I and the other 2 brothers and my sister all got running cars. At least that was the plan. Turns out the model A pickup that has been our family since it was new in 1930 was stolen before I could get there..never to be found. modelA poster.jpg My sister stepped up and said..."I don't have a place to park the trans am and not enough $$ to keep it maintained so you take it".... I drove my new 78 trans am back to Omaha...thanks, sis!
    I spent a solid 2 weeks of sorting, burning "junk" and cleaning up the property. I tried to get a auction company to come out and auction the parts and projects but they all said there wasn't enough there. I bought a bull horn and put fliers up all over north central Oregon, advertising the auction date. I was my own auctioneer and when it was all said and done, each of us pocketed over 2 grand. It hurt to see all 4 of my dad's project cars go for junk weight.
    Last edited: May 14, 2021
  26. wicarnut
    Joined: Oct 29, 2009
    Posts: 9,170


    I'm in that same boat, ongoing/ downsizing for the last time. A Lifetime collection of car "stuff," only I'm having trouble letting go as I seem to get the buyers that are so obnoxious low balling me that I end up telling them to F**K Off. None of my children are interested in any of my various stuff/collections, it's become more of a problem than I thought it would be, maybe now that things are returning to normal whatever that's going to be, selling "stuff" will change. Before I sell my stuff to some cheapass asshat, I will take it to the dump. I'm thinking of having the conversion with the wife, she can have the auction after I'm gone then I won't have see it/deal with it. My garage/ ManCave makes me happy when I'm in it admiring/enjoying my memories, collections, cars, tools, memorabilia, etc. I got involved with another DIY home project, why ? I hit my head too many times racing. I'm definitely looking forward to car shows/cruises with friends this summer and maybe making a few new younger friends as our group is dwindling fast, another reminder the clock is running.
    Last edited: May 14, 2021
  27. Lol,,,,,listen to that logic .
    Before I sell it for less than I think it’s worth,,,I’ll just throw it away !
    Don’t worry,,,that’s what is gonna happen anyway,,,,you said your children don’t care about any of it .

    List some of it on the Hamb here,,,pay it forward,,,,,or list it for what you think it’s worth .
    All you can do is make some money,,,,,,that’s better than zero from the dump,,,right ?
    All these stashes that are being destroyed is what will kill this hobby .
    Because,,,,,someday there will not be anyone willing to reproduce some of this stuff .

    Anyway,,,,,,I would rather have some money,,,,than none at all .
    But,,,,like I seemed to gather from you post,,,,,,it is just hard to let go .

    I feel the same way,,,,,,it’s your stuff,,,,,do what makes you feel right .

    31Apickup likes this.
  28. exterminator
    Joined: Apr 21, 2006
    Posts: 1,695


    At 68,almost 69 next month, i decided to get rid of car parts and my other old car so when i depart this earth i won't leave to much for my wife to deal with. Sold some- gave some things away. Feel good about it. My 40 ford will go to one of my daughters who is a hot rodder in heart if she is not to old to enjoy it. LOL Don't tell her i said that! Shhhhhh
    PONTNAK123 and Desoto291Hemi like this.
  29. wicarnut
    Joined: Oct 29, 2009
    Posts: 9,170


    I'm a big believer in pay back/forward, have done it for years. I have had a lot of good fortune/luck in my lifetime and do not understand today's times/people at all. My comments on today's buyers is about respect/courtesy/common sense in general seems to be a rare commodity these days, IMO.
  30. I must admit I haven't read this thread yet. { Sorry } But here's my thoughts. A few of you may know that I'm somewhat of an organized hoarder. I'm not a collector of anything particular. I've just been a car nut since I was a little kid, and I just never grew up. I love flea markets, toy shows, swap meets, and junkyards. I've never bought anything on line like, Ebay, Craigslist, or even here on the HAMB. But I do love finding stuff, and a cool story about finding it. You can have stuff. But just never let your stuff have you! Now about leaving all this junk to my poor wife, and kids to have to deal with. I have the first sweet 16 Hot Wheels. I paid a $1.oo each at the store back in 1968. I bought an Halibrand Q.C. on a banjo rear chrome backing plate to plate for $100. My wife, kids, and grandkids Love my old Hot Rods. They've picked out, and know who will get each one when I'm gone. Yeah suff has a value ether Sentimental, and or monetary. What I'm trying to say is this. That for me, I'm gonna play with my junk for as long as I can. I let the kids play with 1930's pedal cars, and my old toys etc. That's what they were intended for. My 4 year old grandson said to me the other day. { Poppy when I grow up I want to have some old toys too. } I said Boo boo, some day these will be your toys. If my kids want to sell my old junk when I'm gone { COOL } That's perfectly okay. But I shouldn't feel bad that they have to take the time to do it.:rolleyes: The value is still only going ^^^UP ^^^^ :)

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